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Day One: 11:33 am... Cole wanted a snack

Arden and Cole

Well 19 minutes later and an issue has come up.  It’s something we all take for granted... Cole got hungry and wanted a snack.  Now Arden is eating again.  This means my dream of a BG around 160 in an hour is shot.  I now have to watch how many tortilla chips Arden eats so I can factor them into her next shot.  

I can’t give her insulin now to cover them for a few reasons. 1. I don’t like to give insulin on top of insulin if I can help it. 2. She could change her mind and stop eating the chips.  3. She’s about to get a bath and as odd as it sounds her BG always goes down when she gets a bath. 

So Cole wanting a snack is a giant obstacle in my day.  It’s also why I eat standing at the counter in the kitchen with my back to Arden (I usually pretend to be cleaning).  

Fun Fact:  Complex carbohydrates bring Arden’s BG up slower but farther then a simple Carb does.  Also sometimes a simple carbohydrate drives her BG up quickly but then plummets again.  You only need to over correct for one simple carb high to learn that lesson.