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Beach blog bingo

I'm taking a sunbathing break to praise Arden's insulin pump. Today is a great example of just one of the reasons that we love the OmniPod... there is no need to disconnect.

A day at the beach is no, well, day at the beach when you are trying to managing type I diabetes. Arden has been playing in the surf, boogie boarding and snacking for the last few hours. Aside from the fact that she isn't eating very well; two cookies, a banana and a waffle. The activity and the heat are both trying to mess with her BGs. So far I've been able to combat those variables with a well placed temp basal.

Between there being no need to disconnect and the ability to bolus without injections for each snack, I can't think of a better tool to help keep your BGnow where you need it to be.

Okay, back to the beach...
