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Six Thousand Hits

Today Arden's Day reached 6,000 hits on the splash page -  www.ardensday.com!  Some of you may remember that our hit counter was wiped out over a year ago by a technical glitch (re: I messed something up), the glitch zeroed out the main and splash pages of the site and we had to start over  When that happened the site had well over 5,000 hits.  


I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every person on our mailing list, 120 of you receive our periodic updates.  Of the 6,000 people that have landed on our main page at ardensday.com 5,500 of them continued on into the site... I like that number a lot!  You are to be commended for your dedication and support.


In honor of our 6,000 hit I sent a milestone email to site supporters, you can read it here.  To be added to our email list just click this link.