Ways to be involved with Diabetes Awareness Month

The internet is teaming with ways to spread awareness for Diabetes Awareness Month. Take a moment to check them out and if you know of something that I missed please leave a comment with the information/link.


The JDRF had it's first annual T1Day on 11.1.11 and they are asking for your help in spreading awareness.

Did you know that 14 minutes of exercise can decrease blood glucose levels by 15 to 20 percent? Check out the Big Blue Test for more information on how you can spread awareness and lower your BGs.

November 14th is World Diabetes Day.

Show your support for diabetes by adding a Blue Twibbon to your avatar on social media sites.

Wear something blue on Blue Fridays in November to help bring awareness.

If you are a diabetes blogger why not change your site colors to blue like we did here on Arden's Day. I used the World Diabetes Day twibbon color, color code 608EC5.

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November is Diabetes Awareness Month


When diabetes throws you a curve... just go with it