Where the Internet Meets my Driveway

I was writing at my desk when Cole came into the house from outside. It was an unusually balmy December day and he was taking advantage of the warm air.

"Dad, there is a lady in the driveway that wants to talk to you"

Cole didn't recognize the woman and either did I as I walked toward her. She extended her hand and within a few words I began to understand why she was here. She fumbled a bit with her words, seeming uncomfortable that she had just shown up at my house without notice.

"I have a friend... she told me about this guy on your street... he has a daughter with type I, are you him?"

Then she gestured to her car, "my daughter was just diagnosed and I live around the corner from here".

We talked for a half of an hour about varying diabetes questions, I tried my best to give her some information, the stuff that I wish I had knowledge of during our first month. We exchanged numbers and promised to let the girls meet soon. I was so proud of her for reaching out in the way that she did, I found myself wishing that I had that courage when Arden was first diagnosed.

I told her about all of you and asked her what she knew of social media. It was interesting to hear her first month concerns in person, I could imagine myself asking the same questions so many years ago. I expressed to her daughter that even though this "all sucks" now it will get much better far sooner then she can imagine.

This random moment helped to reinforce why I write about diabetes CareGiving. I could see myself in this mother's face. I knew everything that she was feeling, I understood all of her fears. We are the same person now, our only difference is that I have the comfort of time and experience and the perspective that comes with those gifts. I hope that something I said or the relaxed feeling about type I that I tried to convey, helped to relieve her fear and anxiety.

The DOC in real life was just as amazing as it is online!

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Diabetes is Always with You


Stop saying "Cure" at Diagnosis