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Thankfully, it is not difficult for me to answer the question, "What are you thankful for?". A great many of us will answer that question today with words like 'good health', 'family' and 'a roof over our heads', but what of those who struggle to make even these meager claims? In my heart I know that today is for those souls, the ones who are not be able to answer such a question with warmth, joy and hope in their voices. Today, I'll think of them as I count my many good fortunes.


I am grateful for insulin and the people who continue to work on ways to make it better

A family that buys me a silly hat to wear when I make them special meals

My wife's strength and patients

My son's heart, my daughter's spirit

A warm home

My mother, brothers and extended family

Health, happiness and the staggeringly amazing diabetes community

I am thankful that the people who make up Spry Publishing let me write books... their kindness rescued my love for thinking

I'm thankful for all of you and I wonder if you understand how much helping you... helps me


Of all the things that I listed and all of the things that I didn't but could have, if you made me choose just one. If I had to tell you that I was thankful for one thing and that my gratitude meant that the rest of it would magically disappear, I'd choose insulin. None of these things would exist in my life if there were no insulin. 

Without insulin, I'd be too sad to think, love, find friends or care about the world around me. Insulin is everything, it's what I am grateful and thankful for. In it's absences, I would be the one of the people who struggle today to find a warm word of thanks. 

Think of those people today. May you share this day, and each that follows with your family, in a way that brings honor to those who weren't lucky enough to live in a time when their "insulin" existed.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

