I was Just Talking to Chris

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I spoke with Christopher Snider, host of Just Talking Podcast last night for over an hour. We talked about movies, blogging, diabetes, being a type I CareGiver and my new book

Chris is a fantastic host and his questions felt very organic, like I was chatting with a someone that I've known all my life. There were moments of real honesty, I cried a little bit when I was explaining why I blog about diabetes though I'm not sure if you'll be able to tell... I covered my mouth.

I'm so interested to listen to the episode because I've been having difficulty explaining my book, a difficulty that I find very frustrating. I spoke previously about experiencing awkwardness when I try to give a quick synopsis of Life Is Short. I'm finding that when I have time to speak at length about it I make out just fine, but when I'm asked to be brief, I can't seem to find the words. I struggle to find a way to condense how I feel into a sentence or two. I think that you'll hear that when you listen to Just Talking. 

I continue to be unable to identify what my mental block is. Some days I feel like I don't want to short-change the book by saying something like, "it's stories from my life", because it's much more than that. I can't tell you how confusing it is to have written a book that I'm so proud of and not be able to say what it's about or understand why I'm blocked from being able to do so. Maybe the text is just so personal that I don't feel comfortable defining it. I'll figure it out, and if for some reason I can't, I'll be happy to let your reactions to the text speak for me.

I guess that I won't be too quick to make fun of an actor the next time I hear them say, in an interview, that they can't describe their movie because it's too personal. I think that I actually understand what they mean by that... Perhaps it's a universal feeling. Maybe when you create something and put it into the world for consumption it ceases being yours to define. Maybe now that I've finished writing Life Is Short it belongs to you?

My weird issues about writing aside, most of today's episode with Chris is centered on diabetes, blogging and being Arden's dad. I hope that you enjoy it. If you have time, please leave a comment and let me know your feelings on the interview. Obviously I have no idea how it went. :)

Episode 173 - 1:06:28

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