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GiveAway: Lauren's Hope


It's time for the last giveaway of anniversary week, but first...

I wish that I could find enough meaningful words to express what the last six years of writing Arden's Day has meant to me. The truth is, so many of the tough times are made easier because I know that you are out there. I'm grateful that you find my blog useful and I want you to know how much I appreciate it when you visit. Thank you!

Now go get some free stuff!

Lauren's Hope is giving two winners their choice of either the bracelet that Arden wears or the caregiver necklace that I wear. Each winner will also receive a signed copy of my book, 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal'.


The ability to comment in this post has been disabled because entries must be left here on the Lauren's Hope blog. Good luck, I hope that you win!

Don't forget to enter the other giveaways currently running on Arden's Day:

Win $50 for your JDRF Walk

Signed Copies of my book

10 copies of the Disney/Lilly book, Coco's First Sleepover (giveaway closed)