Join The Strip Safely Tweet-In, August 21st at 8pm EST

Strip Safely is headed by my friend and DOC legend, Bennet Dunlap. In my opinion, when Bennet says something is important for me to pay attention to... it's important. I hope you can send some tweets tonight! - Best, Scott


Taken from


On Wednesday, August 21st beginning at 8pm Eastern, we are staging a StripSafely Tweet-In, asking Congress to send aides to the upcoming Diabetes Technology Meeting on September 9th. 

Please join us and add your voice. 

We’ve made it easy. Simply go to the Let’s Tweet page of, find your state and click the link listed next to your senators and congressmen. We’ve already created the message – you just need to tweet it out. (Don’t forget the leadership at the top of the page – we can all tweet to them!)

Then, please, get creative and send additional positive messages to help the diabetes community build friends in Congress. Include the hash tag #StripSafely. Feel free to use this link to our letter in your tweets.

Diabetes isn’t partisan about whose life it impacts. We shouldn’t be partisan in seeking support for our health.


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