Book Review and Giveaway: Dealing with Diabetes Burnout

Dealing with Diabetes Burnout: How to Recharge and Get Back on Track When You Feel Frustrated and Overwhelmed Living with Diabetes - A new book from Ginger Vieira

Ginger Vieira's latest book is geared mostly toward adults living with diabetes, but I found it to be a wonderful resource just the same. As the parent of a child living with type I diabetes, I often find myself wondering what it feels like to live with the disease. I do my best to imagine what Arden is thinking, feeling and experiencing, but I know that I'll never be able to fully comprehend. I'm happy to tell you that after reading 'Dealing with Diabetes Burnout' I'm closer to understanding than ever before.

The book is very well written and presented, Ginger's voice, humor and wisdom is apparent throughout. There's a wonderful section that offers advice to D-parents that I found helpful and tons of contributors from all over the diabetes community. 

We can work, hope and pray that our children don't go through bouts of burnout, but lets face it, they probably will. Ginger's book helps to prepare you for those moments and gives sound advice on how to combat and live well through them.

You can enter below to win a copy from Arden's Day or if you can't wait... pick one up today in stores or online.

Winner of the book will be chosen at random. Book will be shipped directly from Ginger's publisher, DemosHEALTH. There are many ways to enter, just login to the Raffelcopter app for details (It's super easy). -- Buying through my link will help to support Arden's Day.

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