Arden's Day of Diabetes: #DayofDiabetes

Around a year ago the JDRF did this cool thing where people could sign up for text alerts that were meant to simulate having diabetes - so people could understand better the relentless nature of living with type I. I loved that idea, but how could I not? That's exactly how I started Arden's Day. 

Six months ago some wonderful folks did it again on Twitter using the hashtag, #DayofDiabetes and I loved the idea even more (Twitter is perfect for this) and participated in the event. Those same people brought up doing it again today - I'm in.

I'll be tweeting, Facebooking and refreshing this blog post all day whenever diabetes requires interaction. I wonder what kind of day with diabetes this Day of Diabetes will be?


Midnight: My day with diabetes began around midnight when a late evening bolus just would stop. Managed temp basal rates to get Arden's BG to 110.

4 AM: Up again to set more decreased temp basals. Finally gave up around 5 AM and gave Arden some juice (1/4 of a box) . Ended up staying awake because the juice wasn't working. Of course, the juice I added at 6 AM ended up being too much - figures.

7 AM: Up for school and now blousing to stop the BG rise from the second juice sips. CGM now 160, arrow straight up. Juice sips worked too well!

7:50 AM: Replaced juice box in Arden's bag (Used it last night for a low during softball pitching practice), set a timer for 45 minutes on her phone. Going to try and eliminate high BG (190 CGM) before school snack at 9:30 am.

8:28 AM: Blogged about diabetes

9:07 AM: Just texted with Arden, need her to test her BG. She told me to "wait five minutes" apparently they are in the middle of a contest. #DayofDiabetes

9:30 AM: Arden and I texted for her school snack. BG was 190, stubborn this morning. We boluses for 30 carbs. I asked her to test, she wanted to bolus from CGM. She said, "Fine I will but if they match I will poop on you" - I hope she meant the emoticon. They matched BTW.

11:00 AM: Lunch time text.

1:48 PM: Post Gym #CGMnow is 97. Temp basal off for 30 min and a few carbs should hold it there. We’ll see. #DayofDiabetes

2:30 PM: Arden will be home soon. Time to pack a bag with supplies so we can go watch her brother play baseball for the school team. I don't remember what it feels like to run out the door with just my wallet and keys. #DayofDiabetes 

3:16 PM: So the one day I try to outsmart an after school drop in BG... diabetes does the opposite. 185 and creeping up. Damn

5:07 PM: Some mini muffins will stop the bg fall. Only bolusing for half. #DayOfDiabetes

6:30 PM: Made a wild guess about dinner carbs on the way to a restaurant. Needed the pre-bolus time to work on a slightly elevated BG. I won't know hoe well I guessed for about 90 minutes.

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Daddy's Blog, School Blog Scott Benner Daddy's Blog, School Blog Scott Benner

The Blood Won't Come Out: Day of Diabetes Deeper Look

This post is an indepth look at a 20-30 minute window from our #DayOfDiabetes.

Last night Arden's DexCom transmitter sent a message that it needed to be replaced (That is expected as it is over a year old).

Today, during a moment that I thought would be calm, I called DexCom to order a new one. DexCom told me that I needed to call EdgePark Medical Supply.

I called Edgepark. Long explanation. Was transferred.

Arden texts that her CGM is ready for calibration - I tell her to test and put number in.

Someone picks up at Edgepark. Long explanation. Was transferred again.

Arden texts, "The blood won't come out, I did it like 12 times".

So now I'm talking to Edgepark and texting with Arden because for the first time in over seven years of having type I diabetes. She can't get a blood drop no matter how hard she tries.

Edgepark is explaining my insurance, the guy is nice and making small talk but I need him to shut up because I can sense that Arden is getting upset. 

"Still not working, not going to the nurse" - Arden's Text

I tell her to try different fingers, different sides, to squeeze her arm toward her hand and then her finger toward the tip. Nothing is working.

"221" - "I got it dad but I had to do the middle finger and it hurts" - Arden's Text

I tell her that I'm proud of her by text while confirming our address with the Edgepark CSR and while that is all happening, no shit, Arden's timer for lunch goes off.

Cell phone in my left hand, telephone in my right, credit card on the counter, lump in my throat because Arden is upset yet unwilling to quit and the alarm goes off. I laughed... "At least we don't have to test", I text...

That's a #DayOfDiabetes all packed into 20 minutes.

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Daddy's Blog Scott Benner Daddy's Blog Scott Benner

Day Of Diabetes: World Diabetes Day Edition


Six years ago I began this blog with the intention of sharing every diabetes related moment that happen to us over a twenty-four hour period. I planned to share our day with diabetes with my friends and family but didn't have one idea about what I was going to do after that day ended. I had never read a blog, didn't know another family who lived with type I diabetes and only ever saw two message boards in the Internet. I had no idea what my sharing would introduce me to or what meeting all of you would one day mean to me. So many diabetes related events happened in the first few hours of August 16, 2007, that I had to stop before the day was over - but that was on my first day.

Today, I think I can make it for twenty-four straight hours... One full day of sharing to help bring awareness to the the world of type I diabetes. Every moment of our World Diabetes Day that is touched by type I diabetes, I will share as an update here on Arden's Day and other social media portals that lend themselves to the moment. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr

If you want to follow along or share the posts, I'll be hashtaging them with #DayOfDiabetes - Many other DOC members will be doing something similar today, please support them as much as you can. Here we go!

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