Daddy's Blog, DexCom Blog, GiveAway Scott Benner Daddy's Blog, DexCom Blog, GiveAway Scott Benner

Weekend Roundup

Happy Blue Friday, I hope you enjoy the weekend and a few of these initiatives, stories and a giveaway.

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You take the quiz and a diabetes charity that we all love gets money - nice!


When you take this two minute quiz Novo Nordisk will make a donation to the Diabetes Hands Foundation.

Help Strip Safely to effect real change in the FDA's meter rules.


from strip safely: "FDA has two draft guidance documents about blood glucose meters that are open for comment until April 7, 2014. A “draft guidance” is basically a preview of what standards the FDA is considering requiring in order for blood glucose meters to be cleared — the law requires that FDA open its draft guidance documents up for comment before publishing a final version. FDA welcomes comments from the public, and so we highly encourage everyone affected by diabetes to submit their considered thoughts." - I did it last night, it's easy and important. Go take a look.

This week on Arden's Day


We are giving away a pair of diabetes circles shoelaces - easy to enter

This simple pancake recipe is easy on Arden's BGs

Does your DexCom make you sing?

I wrote a piece for Disney about spousal engagement and your child's diabetes management 

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