#1399 Glucagon Story: Different Sarah

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Sarah shares her low BG stories. 

  • Seizures, blood sugar chaos, and life-saving moments.

  • How Sarah took control after years of fear and confusion.

  • Why experimenting with diabetes management made her stronger.


DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome back to another episode of The Juicebox Podcast.

Sarah is here today to tell her glucagon stories, and she has more than one. This is only the sixth glucagon story episode, and somehow I have a repeat name, so that's why this one's called glucagon story different. Sarah, sorry, I didn't know what else to do. The other Sarah is at Episode 1029 please don't forget that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan or becoming bold with insulin. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy earth.com. All you have to do is use the offer code Juicebox at checkout. That's Juicebox at checkout to save 40% at cozy earth.com. I know that Facebook has a bad reputation, but please give the private Facebook group for the Juicebox Podcast, a healthy once over Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes. The group now has 47,000 members in it. It gets 150 new members a day. It is completely free, and at the very least, you can watch other people talk about diabetes. And everybody is welcome, type one, type two, gestational loved ones. Everyone is welcome. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by touched by type one. This is my favorite diabetes organization, and I'm just asking you to check them out at touch by type one.org, on Facebook and Instagram. The episode you're listening to is sponsored by us Med, usmed.com/juice, box, or call 888-721-1514, you can get your diabetes testing supplies the same way we do from us. Med,

Sarah 2:04
Hi, my name is Sarah. I'm 31 years old, and I believe I'm here to talk about glucagon today. Sarah,

Scott Benner 2:11
the last recording I did was with a 31 year old. Any chance you were diagnosed when you were 29 because then I don't

Sarah 2:16
have to erase this. No, no chance. I am sorry. How old were you? I was 14. I'll give you a minute to do the math. I

Scott Benner 2:24
don't really need a minute because, like, 10 more is 24 and then six gets you to 30. So it's 17 years ago. Good work, Scott. See we got Do you think other people like count like an idiot? Like I do. Yeah. It makes me feel better, actually. Okay, so tell me a bit about your diagnosis.

Sarah 2:44
Oh, man, how much time do you have? I was 14 freshman year of high school and running cross country, so probably the first time in my life where I was running that many miles that consistently, and I was losing weight. And, you know, being a 14 year old girl in the early 2000 you're like, cool, losing weight. But then I got super tired. I started drinking a lot of water, peeing every half an hour. It got to the point where I was drinking probably 1632 ounce n, l gene, bottles of water every single day. Wow. So it's crazy gallons. That's gallons of water. And I didn't think anything of it. You

Scott Benner 3:31
just thought, Wow, I'm running a lot, I'm losing weight, I'm doing all the right things. This is what my body needs.

Sarah 3:36
And it was a really hot September for up here, so I was like, Well, you know, dehydrated, drink a lot of water. It's fine,

Scott Benner 3:45
okay, all right, sick, wait a minute. 32 times 16. A second, 1218, 19, to carry the 1420,

my God, you think you

were drinking five over 500 ounces of water a day.

Sarah 4:03
It was like, four gallons daily. Wow,

Scott Benner 4:08
no one said anything. Your parents weren't like, hey, nothing

Sarah 4:12
got I have six siblings. Oh, okay,

Scott Benner 4:16
you weren't committing a crime. So they were okay with whatever was happening, and I'm in the middle of them. So you think they forgot about you years ago, years before that? Well, the

Sarah 4:25
thing is, I was kind of like the perfectionist child that really didn't need a whole lot of attention, and, you know, very easy to entertain myself, take care of myself, and they didn't worry about Sarah. So

Scott Benner 4:39
I'm gonna go down a weird road with you. Does that bother you? No, no, because I've heard from people who are like, look, I was like, the one that was good at math or I was good at homeworks, but nobody ever helped me with my homework. And there were times I sat there while other people were being helped and thought I'd like some attention from my family too, but that you didn't have that. Feeling,

Sarah 5:00
no, not really, okay. And, I mean, I feel like my parents in general were a little bit inept at parenting,

Scott Benner 5:08
okay, um, they were good at the other part.

Sarah 5:11
Oh, yeah, excellent at fairing.

Scott Benner 5:15
So you're, I'm looking at you today. You're fair skin. You seem to have a reddish hair. Are you Irish? I am 100% Finn Finn. Okay, all right. And six kids, was it like their job to make kids? Is that a religious thing?

Sarah 5:32
Well, we grew up apostolic Lutheran, which I don't know that they like, straight up, don't believe in birth control, but, like, they're very family oriented. Gotcha.

Scott Benner 5:43
So, you know, so make a lot of kids, why a family of seven is small? What do you I mean, if you don't want to talk about this, we can just keep going. But why would you say your parents weren't great at

Sarah 5:54
parenting? They're not good at communicating at all. And, you know, my dad worked swings, so eight hour shifts of days and then nights, and then afternoons and days and nights and afternoons and so he was just wrecked all the time. I gotcha. So he was a little, I would say, impaired, being able to very well communicate and orientate with his family. Being exhausted. Yeah, exhausted. Okay. And honestly, it seems like a lot of bins in general just aren't good at communication. And so if you don't want to get a little bit personal or have those deep, close conversations with anybody, you're not having them with your kids either. Gotcha?

Scott Benner 6:42
Are you? Do you have any children? Not yet? No, we're hoping you're thinking, you're you're working towards that. Okay, how was your communication?

Sarah 6:51
I made intentional efforts to work on it, and so I feel that I'm a very good communicator. And you know, my husband, I always said when I was younger that I would never marry a Finn, just because of the communication issues I saw growing up. And my husband's like 75% Finn as well. And fortunately, he's a good communicator too.

Scott Benner 7:14
You guys live in a logging community somewhere in the northeast, pretty close. Yeah, my goodness, okay. I used to hate ordering my daughter's diabetes supplies. I never had a good experience, and it was frustrating. But it hasn't been that way for a while, actually, for about three years now, because that's how long we've been using us Med, US med.com/juice, box, or call, 888721151, 887211514, us. Med is the number one distributor for FreeStyle Libre systems nationwide. They are the number one specialty distributor for Omnipod, the number one fastest growing tandem distributor nationwide, the number one rated distributor in Dexcom customer satisfaction surveys, they have served over 1 million people with diabetes since 1996 and they always provide 90 days worth of supplies and fast and free shipping us med carries everything from insulin pumps and diabetes testing supplies to the latest CGM like The libre three and Dexcom g7 they accept Medicare nationwide, and over 800 private insurers find out why us med has an A plus rating with a better business bureau at US med.com/juice, box, or just call them at 888-721-1514, get started right now, and you'll be getting your supplies the same way we do. 14 years old, six siblings, dads working. Your mom's got six kids. Was she involved at all? Or was it just like, Sarah do the thing and you did it?

Sarah 8:55
Yes and no. So we all kind of did our own thing. We didn't have a lot of oversight from our parents, like when we tell stories to our parents about things we did as we were kids, they had no idea, right? And, you know, they tried, certainly, but trying to keep up with seven children, and, you know, pay attention closely to each of them, and if one's a little more of a troublemaker than the other ones, then they're more likely to be the focus, which for me was fine around

Scott Benner 9:27
diabetes specifically, though, did your mom like? Well, what was your care like? I guess. What do you remember having to do when you were first diagnosed? When

Sarah 9:35
I was initially diagnosed, I was hospitalized for five days, and then they put me on Atlantis and Humalog, and probably started with a sliding scale, but then they pretty quickly connected me with a traveling endocrinologist, because we don't have endocrinology where we. Live. Okay? So a guy from eight hours away would come up here every three months and check in with the kids and say, Okay, we'll change this. We'll change this, and send you on your way. Yeah, so it was human log in Lantis, MDI for a good year. And you know, that went okay, but I really didn't have very good guidance or teaching, so we didn't really know what we were doing. And my parents, you know, their extent was, what's your blood sugar? Take your insulin, right? That was it. But, yeah, not super involved. And I've actually found out in retrospect, in the recent years how freaked out they were about it, because things weren't working well for me, I'd be high, I'd be low, I'd be high, I'd be low, and like, now I know why, yeah, back then, now, but my parents, yeah, they were just freaked out. I actually work as a diabetes educator now, and I had a patient telling me who used to work with my dad. He's like, Oh, you're the daughter with diabetes. He was telling me about you, and he thought you were gonna die, really, yeah, wait,

Scott Benner 11:16
16 years ago, like in 2000 and wait, when was like 2000 8007, yeah, okay. Your dad thought you were, you were a goner. The

Sarah 11:30
reason I'm here to talk about glucagon is I have a few stories. Oh,

Scott Benner 11:33
okay, all right, but, but his idea of this was that it was unmanageable and would shorten your life.

Sarah 11:41
Well, my endocrinologist told my parents that I was a brittle diabetic, and that's just the way it's gonna be.

Scott Benner 11:47
Ah, got it? My

Sarah 11:50
mom, she got so stressed about it she saw this book for on a magazine cover or something, the diabetes detour diet, obviously aimed towards type two diabetes, but she's like, maybe it'll help. Maybe it'll help. Let's do this. And so we did the diabetes detour diet didn't help at all, I would imagine.

Scott Benner 12:11
I mean,

Sarah 12:12
she lost like 30 pounds. It was fantastic. It was

Scott Benner 12:15
for it. Hey, Sarah is still gonna die, but I'm gonna look great at the funeral, like, I feel good. Okay,

Sarah 12:22
so, yeah, I was just in rough shape. And honestly, through my teenage years, I myself, did not expect to see 30. No kidding, because they face, they

Scott Benner 12:32
mimicked it back to you, or because you were getting low so often, you just thought, I'm not. One of these is going to get me.

Sarah 12:37
Yeah, I figured, you know, with the severe highs and the severe lows and close calls, I figured I'm not gonna make it. And honestly, because of how horrible I felt, I was okay with that, because I didn't want to live past 30 feeling the way that I did, like crap

Scott Benner 12:54
all the time. Do you know, like, my rough math just now told me that, like, 1% of the finished population has type one diabetes. Like, that's a big number. Like, how would you not know more about it? You know what I mean? Also, I have to say the podcast is shockingly not listened to in that part of the world, which freaks me out, because they're English speaking, and you would think they'd be able to, like, listen and it's, I mean, of all the countries that it's listened in, some of those kind of, I guess Nordic countries that, like, are like, have high populations of type ones. They don't seem to listen to the podcast there as much. I'm fascinated by that, too. Yeah, has been for a while. Okay, all right, so your mom's not that involved. Everyone just thinks, like, Sarah's like, a ticking time bomb. You start thinking that you don't feel good to begin with. When's the first time you have a seizure?

Sarah 13:47
Probably when I was 15, maybe a year and a half after diagnosis. How

Scott Benner 13:52
many do you think you've had over the years?

Sarah 13:55
At least eight, at least eight, and probably more that I'm not aware of. Like while you

Scott Benner 14:01
were sleeping, you think, yeah, okay. And how about low blood sugars, where you needed help? But, oh, countless, countless, dozens more more. No kidding, you were bouncing constantly. Okay? So No, CGM, obviously, no. When? When did you get one eventually?

Sarah 14:23
So a year after I was diagnosed, my endocrinology office told me, Hey, you can go on a pump now. And they gave me the different pump options. They showed me what I think was probably an animus pump, the Medtronic pump, probably a mini med back then, and the Omnipod. And because I was a swimmer at the time, I'm like, Oh, I either want this pump that's, you know, big and clunky but it's waterproof, or I want that Omnipod. And in hindsight, I think my endocrinology. This must have been contracted with Medtronic, because they told me, Oh yeah. I mean, you might not like them as much, and your insurance probably won't cover it. Either of those. They'll probably cover the Medtronic, though. And for where we live, we have, I had, the best insurance you could get. So, like, I know they would have covered that omnipot, and I really wanted it, but they hardcore pushed me to a Medtronic pump. And then eventually it got, like, that really old, just terrible sensor that connected with it, yeah, and was a horrible experience, but I got on that pump. I'm

Scott Benner 15:40
just gonna say this is crazy, but you, you grew up somewhere around Minnesota, right? Yeah, close, yeah, because that's where, that's the area that Medtronic is. The major part of the company is located there. And I've you just always see that people in that part of the world, part of the country, seem to get told Medtronic, Medtronic, Medtronic, a lot in old stories. It's really interesting. I want to say it Medtronic is currently an advertiser on the podcast for their Medtronic community. It is what it is. They probably had great sales people. You know what? I mean. I'm sure they did. Yeah. So, wow. Okay, so you get put on a pump. I got put

Sarah 16:18
on this pump. Yeah, that is not waterproof, and so me, being a swimmer, I swam multiple hours every day after school, and I, of course, had to take my pump off, and I didn't have anything about having to take a little bit of insulin here and there during practice. So every day after practice, blood sugar over 400 right, every single day, correct? Brings it probably way too far down overnight. And then, you know, waking up in the middle of the night treat the low sweating like the whole thing, right? Just a constant roller coaster. So then what I suspect happened the first time I had a seizure was maybe after like, a swim meet, which is longer than typical swimming practice, and my blood sugar is probably extremely high from being disconnected from my insulin pump, also the adrenaline, the cortisol going on while you're swimming and competing, and so being extremely high after practice, And you know, or after this meet, take my insulin to correct, take my insulin for whatever food I was having, and I probably didn't need most of that correction insulin. So then, in the middle of the night, I'm sleeping, and because I have six siblings, we shared a room, and my sister probably, luckily, she had the bunk beneath me, so we had bunk beds, and she said she could hear me just kind of like, thrashing around, making kind of weird noises, and then, like, really, just flipping out. So she she's like, Sarah, Sarah, and she looks up at me, and I'm convulsing. I'm foaming blood out of my mouth. You bite your tongue, maybe, yeah, get my tongue, get my cheek. So between the foaming spit the blood, it just looks traumatizing for my poor little sister. She screeches, run on, runs out of the room to get my mom. And of course, my dad's on midnight shift this night. He's

Scott Benner 18:24
not home. Your sister's yelling about the Lutheran devil is in her room.

Sarah 18:30
And so she goes to get my mom. My mom comes running in. She flips out. She doesn't handle stress well in general, and it's just chaos. And you know, another sister shows up, probably some of my brothers too. I think it's my older sister who figured out how to give me my glucagon, okay, and then, you know, call EMS, and they hauled me off to the emergency room to get me stabilized. And that was that you're about 15, I went to school

Scott Benner 19:00
the next day. Yeah? And that glucagon would have been the red box, right? Yes, yeah, you have the red Lily kit. Yeah. So, okay, so they somebody, did your sister give you the shot? Because the big, it was a big needle on that glucagon thing. It is gnarly, yeah? So your mom not helpful. You're dead. If it's just you and your mom in that situation, she calls 911, if you make it to the ambulance, that God bless but she ain't gonna be able to

Sarah 19:25
help you. Wow, there was another time. Okay, go ahead. There's been a few times. So that happened at least twice while I was in high school, probably from the swimming situation. Okay? Years later, years later, I had gone to school for engineering, I moved out to Washington, and I kind of wandered around for a while, and then eventually I'm like, You know what? I kind of want to go home, repair my relationship with my parents, spend time with them. And so I was living at home, and I think two of my brothers were also living at home, two. Two. I was in this phase where I would work out at night and similar sort of thing. The stress, the cortisol, doing heavy weight lifting, adrenaline, blood sugar gets super high. And I was trying to figure, I was trying to figure out diabetes at this point in time, yeah, thinking, you know, I think I'm going to make it to 30. I might as well. As well figure it out. So

Scott Benner 20:23
how about how old are you at that point?

Sarah 20:27
Oh, gosh, let's see this would have been. I'm gonna go home and talk to my 17, 2017,

Scott Benner 20:34
Oh, Jesus, not long ago, really. No, not that long ago. Okay, so you're like, in your mid 20s, mid 20s, and you've now had diabetes for a decade or more, and you're starting to think maybe I should figure out how this works. Yeah, okay, all right, I got it,

Sarah 20:51
yeah. So late night workout. Do my thing. Blood sugar's high. No surprise. Take some correction insulin. Have a shower, go to bed, didn't think anything of it. My bedroom and my brother's bedroom were right next to each other, and our beds were against the shared wall, right? He said that he was laying in bed, and two o'clock in the morning he's just getting super frustrated because he cannot sleep, and then he hears this death moan from my bedroom. Just well, what it is is when you start a seizure, your diaphragm contracts and all the air from your lungs is pushed out, and you let out this, yeah, so he hears that, and it freaked him out enough that he came running into my room, except I sleep naked until I had my door locked. And so he's trying to get into the room. He finds the key to unlock it, and he walks in, and he sees me just completely naked, seizing all over the bed, freaking out, but he's a little bit more level minded, and so he his first thought is, turn her on her side. Okay, so he comes to turn me on my side, and I start fighting him, right? And my eyes are open, and he said, the look in my eyes was just terror, and he couldn't tell, like, if I was with it, or if I was, like, trying to tell him something, but couldn't speak. But I'm just fighting him. He runs and gets my mom, and again, my dad is working midnight. Yeah, sure, of course, not there to help. Why not? So he runs and get my gets my mom, and they didn't know where my glucagon kit was, and honestly, it was probably expired. Anyways, still would work, but

Scott Benner 22:38
yeah, so

Sarah 22:40
what they decided to do was they got corn syrup and poured it in my mouth. Oh, and then called EMS, and they're like, we'll let them do the glucagon if they have it. So I kind of come out of that the

Scott Benner 22:59
corn syrup got you What's that? The corn syrup brought you out of it. I don't

Sarah 23:04
know if EMS showed up and gave me glucam automatically, or if they let the corn syrup

Scott Benner 23:10
because we don't want you choking to death before the seizure can kill you, right? But, but I get their I get their thought, like, what are we gonna do? Right? Like, we need to do something. Okay, all right, go ahead. I'm sorry.

Sarah 23:22
So I kind of come to and first thing I notice is there's a towel over my shoulder. I'm sitting in my bed naked with a wet towel on my shoulder, and I am sticky. Yeah, I'm like, What the heck? And I see strangers in my room, my older brother, my little brother, my mom, standing around, what? And I tried to speak, and I could not speak. And my first thought was, oh, my gosh, I had a seizure, and now I have brain damage.

Scott Benner 23:56
Oh, you had that thought. I was

Sarah 23:59
terrified, and it's, yeah, that post ictal phase, you're cloudy, yeah. I immediately thought, I must have brain damage. I can't speak. But then I realized my tongue, my cheeks, were just ground meat by that point, right? Wow, they're telling me what's what happened, and I like motion for a sticky note and a pen, and I write down my blood sugar was over 400 before bed, and that was the last thing I had remembered. And they're like, Well, yeah, that makes sense. And they gave me the option of going to the ER or not. I'm like, why? At this point, this

Scott Benner 24:42
is old hat. Now I'm good. Why don't I just take a shower instead? Since, yeah, two weeks

Sarah 24:47
afterwards, though, I that post Ital phase lasted and I was just cloudy. Couldn't concentrate. I genuinely thought I had brain damage for a good two weeks after. Words, okay, did

Scott Benner 25:00
you tell anybody? Oh, yeah, yeah. You're like, I definitely have brain damage. So when you look back at it now, are these all avoidable? Like, if you knew how to use insulin better, yeah, yeah, absolutely, they just probably don't happen, right?

Sarah 25:17
Yeah? Like, looking back at all of the episodes that I've had, I can understand why they've all happened, except for one, okay, there's one time where I'm just like, don't know where that came from, don't know why. Seems

Scott Benner 25:33
crazy that that one happened. Yeah, okay. You carry glucagon now. Oh, yeah, yeah. You do Which one do you carry? The nasal or the Chivo.

Sarah 25:41
My insurance company covers Dexcom. Me the nasal, so you have

Scott Benner 25:45
the nasal, the powder, okay, yeah, everyone knows how to use it. In your life. You're married, right? I am married. Does the boy know how to use it? Oh, he knows how to use it, yeah, okay. Has he ever had to Oh, yeah. Okay. So how long have you been married? We've been married five years. Okay, you've had a seizure in the last five years. When's the last one you had? Though,

Sarah 26:06
I've had a seizure in the last two weeks have you really? Yeah,

Scott Benner 26:10
tell me how the one that happened two weeks ago happened. So

Sarah 26:14
this was actually Easter Sunday, okay? And I use, well, I was using IPS at that point, and my build had just expired, so I had to build the new one, and I messed up the build, so it actually ended up being the one that we're not supposed to be using the 3.4 point zero instead of the 2.33 right? So I don't know if you, if you're aware of what's going on with the Iaps. I know

Scott Benner 26:44
a little bit, yeah, I know a little bit with drama going

Sarah 26:47
on there. Yeah. So I built the 3.4 point, oh, which is buggy, and crashes a lot. And so it was that day, I believe it was that I started using it and like, Well, we'll see how it goes for this pod, and I'll probably switch over to loop until I'm able to build the 2.33 but instead,

Scott Benner 27:12
but so this one was at least not you Right? Like, well,

Sarah 27:16
it wasn't, it wasn't. If I paid a little bit more closer attention, I would have realized that going to bed, you know how when you're having a blood sugar rise with IPS, it's aggressive, and then it backs off. So I've had some really noisy dexcoms lately, and so it'll be like 80 190

Scott Benner 27:40
110 100 so you got a bad reading. It Bolus, and then the reading went back again.

Sarah 27:46
Well, I got a bad reading of 131 with a straight arrow up as I'm going to bed. And so I just clicked on the little Bolus button to see what it was recommending. And it was recommending 3.5 units, which for me is a ton. I'm like, I'm not gonna do that. I'll do like, 1.7 not realizing that, while I'm deciding about this, it initiated its own micro Bolus of point eight, and

Scott Benner 28:10
then you gave it 1.7 and

Sarah 28:12
then I gave 1.7 and not even an hour later, I had a seizure. Unfortunately, my husband was home, which he's not always, because He works nights. Okay, like we knew right away that my blood sugar was starting to drop. I'm like, Ah, cute. It over Bolus. So I drank a juice box, ate a roll of Smarties, and I'm like, that should cover it. And I just laid down and went to sleep, and then all of a sudden, my next awareness is, I'm holding my phone and like trying to do something on it, but I can't figure out what I'm trying to do, and it's not working whatever I'm trying to do. So I just lay my phone down and my husband's looking at me like, What are you doing now? And I'm like, I'm fidgeting with something, and I feel like I might do something that I'm not supposed to because I'm not completely aware right now, so I'm just not going to do anything. He goes, okay, yeah, well, you had a seizure.

Scott Benner 29:21
He's like, I know you're just getting back in the game, but here's what's been going on here while you were gone, right? Oh, wow. He took a video

Sarah 29:27
for me this time at least, so I could see, like, what was going on, right? And he said, as he was giving me another juice box, I had the seizure. And he's like, Well, let's see what the juice box does, maybe that'll be it. And you know, I'm starting to come back up again, and then half an hour later, I start crashing again, and it's another juice box. And now you start coming back up, and then I'm crashing again. And at this point, you know, my iob, according to Iaps, was. Was negative. And he's like, Why do you keep crashing? You shouldn't be continuing to crash if you don't have any insulin on board. We can't figure out why, but I was so nauseous and just sick feeling. I'm like, I cannot drink any more juice. And he's like, you have to you keep dropping. And I'm like, why don't you just give me some Dexcom me.

Scott Benner 30:21
And then we went for that, and that helped. Yeah, we

Sarah 30:25
had a conversation about, he's like, Are you sure you really want this? I'm like, I'm pretty sure if I drink more juice, I'm gonna throw up, and then we're gonna I ended up throwing up anyways, yeah? So I'm like, yeah, just give me the back semi and juice

Scott Benner 30:38
sick is a real thing that overly sweet, like stomach that it could give you, it's not good, yeah. How come you didn't just eat something at some point?

Sarah 30:47
I don't think I was aware enough to think of that. How about him?

Scott Benner 30:50
Where was he with? Here's a piece of bread like nothing. We don't even keep bread in the house. Would you like a cracker? Look like nothing, like that. So you've just been at this for so long, you did the things you thought were gonna work, and they just didn't work that time, like with the first the juice box of Smarties, that kind of a thing like, that'll be okay, and it just wasn't. But is it reasonable for two units of insulin to make you that low when

Sarah 31:16
I was on ozempic? Yes, okay. I have since stopped ozempic. And honestly, just like the month and a half has been a struggle out of kind of nowhere. I think we were all sick. We probably had the flu, we probably had COVID, so I wasn't as active as I normally am. So in general, I'm pretty doggone in sensitive to insulin. But just this last month and a half, it's been a struggle to have a consistent insulin sensitivity. I guess.

Scott Benner 31:47
What did someone give you ozempic for? Because you sound like you're not in you sound insulin sensitive already. I

Sarah 31:54
am okay, and I'm very fit. I'm healthy, yeah, PC, OS, no, no. I approached my provider and said, Look, I am starving constantly. I can't stop thinking about eating. I eat a full meal, and half an hour later I'm looking for something else, yeah, and this is maddening. And I told her, Look, it's because I don't make Amylin. So, yeah, I could take an Amylin replacement. I could take sim line, but that's a three times a day injection at least. Or I could take a once a week injection of ozempic and have the exact same effect. How much were you injecting? I was at one milligram when I stopped. Did you need

Scott Benner 32:37
it? Could you have not gotten away with less? I probably

Sarah 32:39
could have, but I liked how I felt at one milligram. Okay, so

Scott Benner 32:43
you had found, but So why'd you stop taking it then? Because we want to have babies soon. Oh, they're doing, listen, I am certainly not a researcher. I want to say that up front, but they're starting to do studies on pregnant women on glps, and I think they're going well. So

Sarah 33:00
yeah, I really want to see the research on of course, I really miss the ozempic. But you know, reading the insert is specifically says, If you're planning on getting pregnant, yeah, stop this medication at least once in advance. I

Scott Benner 33:13
think what the insert says is, we haven't tested on pregnant people yet, so, yeah, yeah, which is a shame, but yeah, but hopefully they'll get to it. They are. I don't know who they is, but I've seen some GLP studies with pregnancy happening and they they're going positively. I feel the best I've ever felt my life. And I'm using zepbound. I just got my blood work back today. My blood work is fantastic. You guys know, if you listen like I'm always have forever having to get, like, iron infusions a couple times a year, because my ferritin crashes. My Fert is 180 I haven't had an iron infusion over a year, yeah, just from, like, my digestion, working, like properly, actually absorbing the nutrients that I'm taking in, right? What about the GLP made you feel good? Do you think because you're not taking it for weight. You're insulin sensitive already. This was just about hunger for you. So,

Sarah 34:04
yeah, it was maddening to just constant hunger, constant food noise in my mind. When can I eat? What am I going to eat? And so taking that away gave me so much more mental space. Honestly,

Scott Benner 34:18
did it happen for you? The way my wife describes it. She says she would open her eyes in the morning, and the first thing she would think is, I wonder what I'm gonna have for breakfast. And then she would think about it, and she's like and by the time I finished breakfast, I started wondering about what I was gonna have for lunch, and she's like, that all went away on a GLP, I guess

Sarah 34:36
I wouldn't say that I was instantly thinking about food right when I would wake up. But when I was a kid, my dad called me a bottomless pit. I could eat and eat and eat and I would eat just about anybody, and always have room for more. This

Scott Benner 34:54
is since, since your diagnosis, not prior to it, right? Yeah, I know that people don't. I. Understand that a lot of type ones have that insatiable feeling, and I know people just think it's, I don't even think they think twice about it, that it could possibly be connected to diabetes. But turns out it is. Well, knock this baby out, and then we'll get back on ozone book. How come your insurance is covering that?

Sarah 35:19
So I've had really, really good insurances, right? And I specifically became a nurse so that I would continue to have really good insurance after I got off my dad's

Scott Benner 35:31
insurance. You thought about that a lot when you were younger. Oh yeah, for the very first time last week, Arden talked to us about it. So in one of her college classes, they're talking about, like, health health care. And she called, like, not in a panic, but she was like, Hey, I have to get a job with good health care because I'm going to get kicked off your insurance when I'm 26 and like, she's going on and on, and I'm like, first of all, we've already told this to her, like, I don't know why she wasn't paying attention the first time, she took it super seriously all of a sudden. And she's like, this stuff's expensive that I use. And I'm like, Yeah, I know I'm paying for it. Like, I know people probably think, like, I get everything for free, but that's not how that works. I don't get any of this. Like, our insurance pays for all of our supplies. And, you know, the companies actually can't give me, it's not legal for them to give me that stuff, and so it's not available. It's never been offered, like I we pay for everything. But she suddenly was, like, thinking about it. So it's interesting that you thought about it too. You became a nurse, partly so that you'd have good health care,

Sarah 36:34
I would say mostly so I would have good health care. Wow, that's interesting. When I was a teenager, I didn't really know what I wanted to do, and I am a really good massage therapist, okay, that's what I'm passionate about. I love doing it, but you don't get insurance doing that. So I went to school for biomedical engineering out of high school, okay, but I hated the whole sitting behind a computer, not interacting with humans, sort of thing. So I'm like, you know, I'm just gonna massage and milk out this time that I'm on my dad's insurance until I'm 26 and then I realized Cobra would allow me to keep it for another three years. So I paid an exorbitant amount of money for three years to keep my dad's insurance benefits and get that really good coverage. It's

Scott Benner 37:25
a lot. It's a hey, do you side hustle massage now? Do you nurse? Yeah, gonna say that's what I would do. Did people come to you or do you go to them?

Sarah 37:35
Depends on the situation. Okay, interesting. It's a

Scott Benner 37:38
cost to get a nice rub down for an hour.

Sarah 37:42
Depends on where you are, okay, and it's certainly changed in the last few years. I worked for a chiropractor for good five years, and because it was usually covered by insurance plans, they could only charge like $1 a minute, which is what the insurance Yeah, that's pretty cheap now compared to what people are wanting when I massaged, when I lived out in Seattle, it was like 90 to $100 an hour, if, depending on where you're working. I worked in a hotel spa that charged, I think, it was 165 an for a 50 minute massage, which I thought was insane. It's

Scott Benner 38:25
interesting. But prior to me losing weight, I was one of those people. I would watch a YouTube video of like, a chiropractor, and I would have like, actual, like, daydreams about going there and having that done for me, like I'd be I used to say I just wish a car could just drive over me, flat me out, and then I could come back to life like a Bugs Bunny cartoon. I think that's what I need, and I don't think about it anymore. Now that I've lost weight,

Sarah 38:50
it's interesting nation probably, well, yeah,

Scott Benner 38:53
I think so. I just I'm not creaky and achy and everything like I used to be. I don't crack my neck anymore. I do still, if I work too much, I do still lean, like, lean over a counter and stretch my back kind of that way. But it's not the way it used to be, like, I used to be all beat up. I felt all beat up all the time. I've had, like, conscious thoughts where I'm like, I'm gonna drive to South Carolina where that guy puts that thing around your neck and yanks your head up. I definitely feel like I need that. Meanwhile, I don't think that's a good idea at all, probably, but nevertheless, scariest seizure you ever had. And why was it scary? Which one pops in your head? Were they amalgam? Probably the scariest

Sarah 39:32
one I had was again, living at my parents, and at that point, I was living in the attic, okay, because more people were living at their house at that point in time, and the attic was the only place that was open. So I made myself a little room up there. And this was really like at the start of when I consciously decided i. Going to start to figure this out. And so it just involved a lot of experimenting, which very often didn't go well. But so what happened is, I think in the middle, in the early, early morning hours, my Omnipod emptied out, and I was not with it enough to address that. So I'm like, Well, okay, I'll just, uh, take a small injection of insulin until I get up and address this. Okay, that small injection of insulin, I don't think was actually that small of an injection of insulin. And so I I you know, go to sleep, and then I wake up, and I'm just delirious and soaking wet, and my body's trembling. I feel like I'm gonna throw up, and I know that I'm three floors away from everybody else, right in the attic, yeah, and so everything inside of me, I'm just willing myself get out of bed, get downstairs, get help, and I'm just very gingerly but weekly, because after you have a seizure, your muscles take a little bit of time to figure out how to function again. It's like your legs will give out from under you. So I'm like holding on to the handrails as I'm trying to go down the stairs, and I'm looking down at this very narrow stairway. It's steep, and I'm looking at my legs and my feet, and I see them, and they look mangled to me. It looks like my legs are on backwards as I'm going down the stairs, and it's just a disturbing image in my mind of my body is messed up, which obviously my legs were on straight.

Scott Benner 41:48
Oh, they weren't backwards. No, I'm just kidding, shockingly, but I was hoping that was your interpretation of it. Yeah, yeah,

Sarah 41:55
I'm hallucinating as I'm trying to get downstairs. And so I go down these stairs, I get to the second floor, and then it's a long hallway to the other end where the next set of stairs are, and I'm just hanging on to the walls as I'm working my way down the hallway. And I get to the top of the next set of stairs, and I sit down, and I just start sliding myself down those stairs. And then when I get halfway down the stairs, I'm just help, help. Just weak voice. Don't really have much in me, and I'm just trying to call out for help. And I know my I can hear that my parents are in the kitchen on the bottom floor on the other side of the house, and I'm just calling out. And eventually my dad heard me, and he comes in to see me, and he's like, what's going on? What's going on? I'm like, I need sugar. I need sugar. I need sugar. I think I had a seizure. And he basically carries me into the kitchen, and my mom starts freaking out, what do you need? And you're naked,

Scott Benner 42:55
by the way, right? Not at this Oh, look at you, because I remember how I had clothes. Okay? Because I'm like, you sleep, by the way, the worst part when you said I woke up soaking wet, I was like, Ooh, naked. Suck to the sheets. That's what I actually thought like. But so you okay? So your your mom freaks out, your dad helps you,

Sarah 43:12
and they give me some orange juice and and set me down at the table and just give me a little bit of time, and they're asking me questions. And I'm like, I don't know. I don't know. I can't have a conversation right now. I don't know what's going on. Do

Scott Benner 43:26
you ever have the feeling Arden described to me that it felt like she was jumping, and when she clarified it, what she meant was there was another person in the room. When this happened, and when she could see them, they were 20 feet away, and then the next time she was conscious, they were 10 feet away. And then the next time she was conscious, they were in front of her. And she described it as feeling like she was jumping through time. But really she was like, seeing, not seeing, seeing, not seeing. Has that happened to you? Yeah, yeah. Is that is that strikingly like frightening or,

Sarah 44:01
Oh, definitely the first few times it happens. But I'm unusually able to be objective about what's going on with my body. And like, if get your way through freaking out, I'm focused, right? So, like, emotion gets brushed aside. I just focus on what's the problem? Let's fix it. Almost

Scott Benner 44:24
feel like you're trapped in a, in a, in a body that can't move talk, but you feel like you know everything is happening around you. Do have that, that experience? Yeah, yeah. That's how Arden described it, too. Okay, so now I have to, like it's an incumbent upon me to ask you this, you're a nurse. What kind of NURSE Are you?

Sarah 44:47
I am an RN, and I did a very brief stint on the cardiac unit, and then, by a weird chain of events, I was approached by a. Diabetes educator who wanted to retire, and she said, Please take my job so I can retire.

Scott Benner 45:06
So you're a CD CES. Now

Sarah 45:08
I'm not eligible to test for my CD ces until the fall, because you have to be licensed and working hours.

Scott Benner 45:16
Okay, so you're that close to that. So I'm going to ask you a question. I don't mean this harshly. Why can't you figure this out?

Sarah 45:23
Well, Scott, I do feel like I have figured it okay. I just have a lot of crap situation.

Scott Benner 45:30
But you know that, like, I'm just the mouthpiece for the people listening. Everyone's wondering, like everyone's listening and going, I don't get it, like she said at the beginning. She's like, you know, like, because I'm worried that what they're thinking is, oh, Sarah, can't figure it out. How the hell am I supposed to figure it out? Because you're not, listen, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make a statement. I'm gonna ask you a question. Do you think you're a brittle diabetic? No, there's

Sarah 45:52
no such thing as a brittle diabetic. It just means you don't know what the heck you're doing, right? And that

Scott Benner 45:56
was gonna be my next question. Do we even think that's a real thing? You're pretty sensitive to the insulin. What's your insulin

Sarah 46:02
sensitivity in your pump right now, it's at 105

Scott Benner 46:06
that's pretty. That's pretty. Are you stature wise? How tall are you by five? By five you and you said you're fit. So five, five would be like 135 pounds.

Sarah 46:19
I'm at 150 but I'm very muscular. Okay, all

Scott Benner 46:22
right, so then you're a muscular 551, 50. Your sensitivity is, you're right, that's 105 is crazy. So what's your insulin to carb ratio? One to 20?

Sarah 46:33
Like one to 22 and of course, it changes based on time of the month, right?

Scott Benner 46:39
And your basal is what like point four an hour.

Sarah 46:44
When I was on ozempic, it was point four to point five. Okay, and now it's more. I think I've got it up to like point 6.7 Yeah.

Scott Benner 46:53
So what is it? Do you do you pre bullish your meals? I do okay. And what's the spike for you when you eat? How much? What's the number where you're like, Oh, I spiked

Sarah 47:07
while I was on ozempic and doing my usual, usual care. A spike, I would be upset being above 140 okay? You know, waking up in the 70s and 80s, very typical for me, right? Very minimal variation. Very comfortable in the 60s. Very rarely would I be hit in two hundreds, except for this last month and a half being sick and who knows what going on. But it seems like in the last couple of days, it settled down quite a bit. So

Scott Benner 47:38
on ozempic, was your A, 1c, like, like, 5657,

Sarah 47:44
no. Typical was less than 5.5 5.5

Scott Benner 47:46
okay, all right, how long did you do ozempic for three years? How many seizures did you have in those three years?

Sarah 47:54
One, okay, hey,

Scott Benner 47:58
do you want to know why Scott do but that's great, but why?

Sarah 48:02
So it was my first day working as a brand new nurse on the cardiac unit. And, you know, 12 hour shifts, you know, going through the orientation, all the new stuff, which, sure, it's stressful. And I was looping at that point, my blood sugar is just creeping up, creeping up all day long. I'm like, it's, it's the stress, it's the cortisol, adrenaline, yeah. So I set an override, and I want to say it was probably like a 50% override, and once I set that, the remainder of the day, blood sugar, beautiful. Back down below 100 nice and steady, minimal variation. I'm like, Okay, fine. So I went home from work, and I am fried.

Scott Benner 48:49
Long day, lot happened. Long

Sarah 48:51
day we had a dead body. I'm just like, I want to go to bed because I have to work again tomorrow morning, right? I got home, my husband had made dinner for me, you know, just wants to get the pre run down. How did everything go? And then so I ate and took my insulin like had my shower, go to bed. I forgot to cancel the override. Oh, and I am far more sensitive to insulin when I sleep. Yeah,

Scott Benner 49:21
how much was the override 50% Oh, you were getting one and a half times the insulin you needed. And then you and you were exhausted and you fell asleep, yeah,

Sarah 49:29
I was just crashed, yeah, way too much insulin. And so probably

Scott Benner 49:37
was the override arm when you Bolus, yeah, oh, so not just your basal and your Yeah,

Sarah 49:43
also that Bolus. And it's all within a short amount of time that I did that and then go to sleep. Yeah. Fortunately, my husband was home. He again, works nights, and so he was going to be up for a while, and he's out in the other room, and he hears the. Death moan, right? And comes running in and finds me seizing, and straight away gives me, I don't think it was back semi then it must have been that the lily box, the lily kit, yeah, so he gives that to me, and it's taken a really long time for me to come out of it. And so he found another one and gave that to me, which that one definitely was expired, but whatever. Yeah, he calls EMS, and he actually is a registered nurse at the local emergency department, so he's got a pretty good relationship with the EMS workers. And so they come in and they're they're just watching me, seeing how things are going. And they said it was probably an hour of me sitting there in bed, and just like not with it at all, they're staring at me, trying to assess my mental faculties. What year is it? And I'm like, it's 2016 who's the President Trump,

Scott Benner 51:01
Milford Fillmore,

Sarah 51:05
they asked me, Do you know where you are? I'm like, Oh yeah, I'm at the hospital in Marquette, and obviously I'm not my husband asked me, Do you know who I am? I'm like, You're my nurse. And he goes, No, Sarah, I'm your husband. And I just go, No way.

Scott Benner 51:23
I got married to a boy and he's hot. I did it. I told you, you start talking to voices. I told you we'd get a guy. My god, that's crazy. That went on for an hour,

Sarah 51:37
yeah. So after about an hour of just me not coming around, they're like, yeah, maybe you should bring her in, right? And you know, being EMS workers that my husband knows, they're like, you're probably fine to just driver, we'll save you on the ambulance bill, right? And he gets me in the car, and he keeps, he keeps telling me, you had a seizure. We're going to the ER, I gave you glucagon. You're okay. We're just going to get you checked out. I'm like, Yeah, okay. And he keeps telling me I'm your husband. I'm like, You're my husband. Okay, you're my husband. Yeah, you're my husband.

Scott Benner 52:17
You didn't know somebody was related to you and you were being told you were wouldn't you be scared or, or, you know what I mean, or I guess you don't. You're not. You don't have the wherewithal to be scared.

Sarah 52:28
I'm pretty docile. Honestly, pretty docile.

Scott Benner 52:32
You could kidnap me, easy, Scott. I just want to say, I'll go along. Oh, you're my mom's friend. Sure. Let's go. But

Sarah 52:41
if you give me problems, we're gonna fight, yeah,

Scott Benner 52:43
but I will smack the out of you if you come for me with that glucose, that's for sure. Oh, my God. Seriously

Sarah 52:49
though he got me to the ER, and they put me in a bed, and he's telling his co workers what happened and what he's wanting, yeah. And so they hook me up to dextrose, and they get a sandwich. And of course, the plan is, pump me full of dextrose, get that blood sugar up. Even though at that point, my blood sugar already was up, my brain just wasn't catching up to it. Yeah, and he tells the nurse who's assigned to me, he goes, she's not gonna like it if you start pumping that dextrose in her, she's probably going to get mad, actually,

Scott Benner 53:24
because her blood sugar doesn't look like it needs it. So yeah, and

Sarah 53:28
yeah, dextrose would be unnecessary.

Scott Benner 53:31
Sarah, have you ever seen a I don't know what the word is I'm looking for. Why can I come up with the word I want? Have you ever had your brain scan to make sure you're okay after all these seizures. No, no. Do you think about that ever?

Sarah 53:45
No, because I can still do calculus pretty comfortably. Because,

Scott Benner 53:48
you know what a quadrilogical Something triangle is like? I don't know it obviously I think

Speaker 1 53:54
critical thinking skills. I'm still very logical. I can think through problems, and, you know, I don't feel like I have any

Scott Benner 54:02
actual deficit, but the light hearted conversation aside that we're having, I you don't want to be having these seizures, obviously, so and one in three years after having so many to the algorithm. You think is, had you not, I didn't mean to say screwed up, but had you not screwed it up? Yeah, had you not screwed up the override? You wouldn't have had one except for this weird one you had recently that you can't figure out what happened, right? The more recent one, oh, no. The more recent one was when you put on the wrong DIY app.

Speaker 1 54:34
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one that I can't figure out happened was actually a year after the year after, I don't know. You

Scott Benner 54:44
can't say you don't know right after you said, cognitively, I'm okay. There's so many. Scott, no, I know you're just trying to keep them all straight as all. What would you say to people about, like, being safe? Like, you know, like, obviously you're. A different story, and most people are not going to have nearly as many as you did. But I mean, is it? Just have glucagon on hand. Make sure people know how to use it. Try not to be alone. Like, what do you do if you're alone? You know what? I mean,

Speaker 1 55:14
I'm a lot more conservative. I guess I would say I do a lot of experimenting, honestly, yeah, sometimes it doesn't work

Scott Benner 55:22
out. Well, what are you experimenting for? Like, what is it you're trying to get to?

Speaker 1 55:27
I just like to understand how things work. And, you know, see how different things make me feel. Like, I experimented with a Fresa. Sometimes I use it here and there, yeah, you know, experimenting with the ozempic. Now I'm experimenting with SIM line, Metformin, yeah, the different insulins, the different algorithms. I just want to find what works well, and to be able to tell people, This is my experience with this medication or this algorithm or this system. Yeah, this is what you could feasibly expect. Don't mess it up.

Scott Benner 56:01
Is the sim line helping you with the hunger problem? Or no,

Speaker 1 56:06
it does, but it's very tricky. With figuring out Bolus timing, it's literally

Scott Benner 56:12
three times a day you have to shoot it. Yeah, that's tough. I have to be honest that. GLP, I haven't thought about food in forever, like I actually got busy last weekend, and I had that feeling at like, four o'clock in the afternoon. I was like, What's wrong with me? And I was like, something's wrong. And then I was like, Oh, I haven't eaten today. Like, I got up, I got involved with the dogs. Then a thing happened. Then this project I wanted to get to I started, and then before I knew it, I was like, what is wrong? And then I was like, Oh, I haven't eaten today. And I was not hungry, like, not hungry at all. It's wonderful stuff. I have to, I have to say that Arden's using a half of ozempic right now. She started at a quarter. She's at a half now, her insulin sensitivity went from one, I I've said it like 42 or 43 but in that range to like one to like 93 now, and her basal is down. Her insulin to carb ratio is weaker, like, just everything. Like, she's using a lot less insulin. It did impact her eating. And I haven't, you know, I'd have to get her on here to have her really talk about it. And she's, there's times where she's like, I can't eat, and there's times where she's like, I can eat fine. Like, you know, I just not as I don't eat as much. But her decrease in insulin isn't just because she lost a little weight, but a tiny like, on her, it probably looks like a lot, but it's probably 10 pounds, you know what I mean. But her insulin usage is not directly related to the food. It's it's something about that, the GLP and how it slows down your digestion. It's just fantastic. So I think at some point it'll be offered to every type one, if I hope so. Yeah, once insurance comes around on it, you know, I think it's more about the they got to figure out how to make enough of it first. Like, I actually think, like, 10 years from now, like the whole society might overall look differently because of it. It's really impactful. So you're shaking your head, yes, you know, because you've used it. So I probably just sound like, I'm, I'm being paid by a GLP company, which I'm not.

Unknown Speaker 58:23
I prescribe it all the time. Yeah, do

Scott Benner 58:25
you good? Yeah, I I am not being paid. But I want to be clear, I would accept money because I genuinely have had such an insane experience with it, like my wife and I, both our lives are like completely different artists too, just, you know, and so because we found a doctor who was willing to, like, kind of deal with things the way you were talking about, this is very nice of you and brave of you to do because you because somebody's gonna judge you over this, just so you know, like, Oh, I'm sure I get crap online once in a while, because I've shared, like, Arden came on here and talked about having a seizure after her senior prom. And you know, if you dig around in the right corners of the internet, you'll hear some horrible people like say, see his daughter eats carbs, and look what happened to her. So I've actually seen that if those people are listening, I hope you fall on a sharp stick. I don't care like and she doesn't care either. That's what happened to her. She had a very similar experience. She had a big day. She was very active. Her blood sugars were fantastic. All day long, nothing. I was watching it like, you know, remotely she was paying attention to there was nothing that you would have thought like nothing you would have thought that was strange. And then she had, like, they had some weird meal at like, three or four o'clock in the morning, and she didn't even Bolus for all of it. It's like she knew, and she still Bolus less, and still, you know, an hour and a half later, you know, she's having a seizure, and her friends are helping her out of it. And so I talk about it because I. Don't want people to be scared, but I don't think you should be ignorant of the fact that it can happen, because you do need to be ready for it, you know what? I mean? Yeah,

Speaker 1 1:00:07
so, and it's frustrating how infrequently glucagon is prescribed, yeah, even to type one diabetics, yeah, they

Scott Benner 1:00:18
should have it. Arden has one with her constantly. There's one in her bedside. There's one in the bag she carries around. I have them in my house, like they're everywhere. Do you want the injectable? Or are you happy with the like, if you had your druthers, would you pick chief oak? Or do you are you happy with the vaccine?

Speaker 1 1:00:34
I probably would pick G, VO, just because, you know, this last time that I had the vaccine he administered. I was actually conscious and aware for that, and it hurt so bad. Not

Scott Benner 1:00:47
fun. It was horrible. Yeah, squirting a powder up your nose wasn't pleasurable. Getting

Speaker 1 1:00:52
punched in the face right through your back to the end of your occipital bone felt

Scott Benner 1:00:57
like it went right through your brain. Yeah, you were just like, whoo. Here we go, like that burned, right? Yeah, yeah. So I glucagon burns in general, though, right? The injections burn too, don't they,

Speaker 1 1:01:08
yeah. I mean, that could be, is it the glucagon, or is it because it's an im injection, right? Which doesn't feel good,

Scott Benner 1:01:15
but not in your head, yeah? So I, so what I actually have, a, I have a trainer pen here, a G vo trainer pen. And what I love about it is it's like, it's, it's just like, it's cap, click, done. It's over, like, you know what? I mean, it's the self injectors are, like, they're pretty great. I had this experience with a few of the sponsors to the podcast, but GEVO is a sponsor because Arden uses it. And I was like, Hey, if you want to sponsor the show, my daughter uses this. And she uses it because it was the first glucagon form factor that actually allowed her to carry it with her, because we didn't carry the lily kits anywhere. Like, what do you no one's gonna figure that out. Yeah. What are you hoping for that a Rando is comes along and goes, Oh, I bet, like, your mom couldn't get it together. Like, did it? Yeah, you know what I mean. Like, so, yeah, it just never seemed reasonable to me, and it was very hard at a school level to talk a nurse into even training to do it. But this one, nobody has a problem with. They're like, yeah, sure, because it looks like

Speaker 1 1:02:18
it's pretty dummy proof, although I have had patients who have had loved ones screwed up, really?

Scott Benner 1:02:24
Boy, it's pretty simple. But anyway, that's, uh, sorry. Is there anything we didn't talk about that we

Speaker 1 1:02:33
should have? I mean, I could probably just tell you a lot, a lot of stories about glucagon or anything in general, but

Scott Benner 1:02:38
you might have to come back one day, and we'll talk not about glucagon. I like you. You're fun. So Thanks, Scott. You know. I appreciate it. How do you know about the podcast? Probably a

Speaker 1 1:02:47
year and a half ago, deer season, I needed something to entertain me while I was cleaning and gotten and processing my deer, and so I'm like diabetes podcast that sounds interesting, and I didn't like it at first, to be perfectly honest.

Scott Benner 1:03:03
Yes, I'm very coarse. People don't like me, generally speaking, no, not at all.

Speaker 1 1:03:06
I'm like, this guy doesn't even have diabetes. Listening and like, he might know something. Oh, he actually knows what he's talking about. I can, I can deal with this. I

Scott Benner 1:03:17
get that he doesn't have diabetes. Anger. I mean, I understand it like, I probably would be like, wait what? This is ridiculous, but I'm glad you stuck with it, and it's really cool to know that I'm with you while you're cleaning deer. Yeah, I wonder, where else? I wonder, what else people are doing while they're listening?

Speaker 1 1:03:34
Oh, you probably don't want to know, Scott, that's

Scott Benner 1:03:38
Oh, my god, yeah. Maybe I don't shooting deer. I never would have thought somebody would have said I was gutting and cleaning a deer while I listened to your podcast. People don't. Oh, now I'm gonna wonder forever what you're all doing. Seriously. All right, that's good. Leave me on that one. That's good. Let me. Let me think about that for the rest of the afternoon. Hold on one second. For

Unknown Speaker 1:04:02
me, I A huge

Scott Benner 1:04:06
thanks to touched by type one for sponsoring this episode of The Juicebox Podcast. Check them out on their website, touched by type one.org, or on Facebook and Instagram. The conversation you just enjoyed was brought to you by us. Med, us. Med.com/juice, box, or call 888-721-1514, get started today and get your supplies from us. Med, hey everybody. I know there's so many episodes you might be like, I don't know where anything is, but if you go to Juicebox Podcast com, or go to the private Facebook group and look in the feature tab, you'll see a complete list of all the series that exist within the podcast. And I'm talking about after dark ask Scott and Jenny, algorithm, pumping bold beginnings, defining diabetes, defining thyroid, diabetes, pro tip, diabetes, variables, mental wellness, type two diabetes, how we eat and if we add something. Results like, say, my weight loss diaries, which we did, you'll find them there as well. And as a matter of fact, we're about to add a new list right now about GLP medications, because we have a seriously nice grouping of episodes on that topic. This is a good way for you to keep up with what's going on on the Juicebox Podcast. And even a better way to find those series that are, you know, compendiums at this point, 1020, episodes that are all on the same topic. I can't thank you enough for listening. Please make sure you're subscribed, you're following in your audio app. I'll be back tomorrow with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast. Hey, what's up, everybody? If you've noticed that the podcast sounds better, and you're thinking like, how does that happen? What you're hearing is Rob at wrong way, recording doing his magic to these files. So if you want him to do his magic to you, wrong way. Recording.com, you got a podcast. You want somebody to edit it. You want rob you.

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#1400 Canadian Invaders


#1398 IDU: Why Laughter And Yawning Are Contagious