#1458 Disappearing Targets

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Lauren has managed T1D since she was 13, balancing ADHD, a strong family diabetes legacy, and raising two kids, while now exploring solutions for recent insulin resistance with her new pump.


DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome back to another episode of The Juicebox Podcast.

Lauren 0:14
My name is Lauren, and I have had type one diabetes since 2003 I have two kids, age 12 and four. They do not have diabetes.

Scott Benner 0:28
Please don't forget that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan or becoming bold with insulin. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy earth.com All you have to do is use the offer code Juicebox at checkout. That's Juicebox at checkout to save 40% at cozy earth.com Are you an adult living with type one or the caregiver of someone who is and a US resident, if you are, I'd love it if you would go to T 1d exchange.org/juicebox, and take the survey. When you complete that survey, your answers are used to move type one diabetes research of all kinds. So if you'd like to help with type one research, but don't have time to go to a doctor or an investigation and you want to do something right there from your sofa. This is the way t 1d, exchange.org/juice, box. It should not take you more than about 10 minutes. This episode of the juice box podcast is sponsored by the Omnipod five learn more and get started today at omnipod.com/juice. Box. Check it out. The episode you're about to enjoy was brought to you by Dexcom, the Dexcom g7 the same CGM that my daughter wears. You can learn more and get started today at my link, dexcom.com/juice, box. Today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the drink I use every morning. AG, one drink. AG, one.com/juicebox

Lauren 2:07
My name is Lauren, and I have had type one diabetes since 2003 I have two kids, age 12 and four. They do not have diabetes. I'm married and, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:24

Scott Benner 2:26
Lauren about it. I have, I have a question right away. Okay, you have two kids with two different men? Yes, I do. Okay, all right, because eight years there's only one reason to have a baby after having the first one in eight years. And that is, yes, exactly that reason, because everyone else would be like, it's okay,

Lauren 2:43
right? Yeah, no, I didn't. I totally forgot. Yeah, there's eight years between them. I had my son at two, at 21 and yes, okay, I was not married before, so i The person I'm married to now. This is my daughter. That is our child.

Scott Benner 2:58
I honestly don't care about your I get what you do is up to you. I'm just like, there is no way that you had a baby. Paid for it and took care of it for eight years and then thought, you know, we should do another baby? Yeah?

Lauren 3:10
Yeah, no, for sure. I mean, my 20s were interesting, yeah, I had a baby. So

Scott Benner 3:18
how old were you when you were diagnosed? I was 13. Okay, 13 years old. I know there's a little type one in your family, but it's recent. Is there any other type one besides your brother being recently diagnosed? Does anybody else have it? Yes, my grandfather had it. Okay. Grandfather and your brother. How long ago? Diagnosed?

Lauren 3:38
Uh, last October, I would say, with the actual diagnosis leading up to it was a little rocky, you know, just with our health care system

Scott Benner 3:46
here, you called Canada and said, I think he said, I think I'm sick. And they were like, get in line and come in nine months. Yeah, pretty much it, yeah,

Lauren 3:54
yeah. It was a weird, weird situation, for sure. Like, I was like, you know, Matt, I gotta test your sugar. He didn't want me to. He knew something was up. And then, anyways, I finally tested it, and I should have brought up the chart, actually, but here, like, I know our numbers are different, but here, you know, it was around 18 when he checked it at my house and and I just had said, like, tomorrow morning, you're off. You're off to the hospital anyway. So they came back with him. You know, type two. He's older, late 30s. He is actually a type one now they but I mean, what you would probably refer to as, like a lot of

Scott Benner 4:28
Yeah, for a while, probably how long do you think it went on for with him? I

Lauren 4:32
would say probably a couple years he, but it was last summer. He just looked bad. And you know this, like common symptoms, drinking a ton, peeing a lot, losing weight, all that stuff and, but now he's actually on ozempic and and on insulin. So he's on both,

Scott Benner 4:52
okay, like, did you find yourself saying to him, Hey, man, you seem like you have diabetes. And he's like, or, how did that go? I. Didn't

Lauren 5:00
go great. He wouldn't let me perk his finger. He was like, give me a month. I'm going to diet and exercise. I'm going to I'm going to lose some weight. My sugar will be good after that. And I was like, Well, unfortunately, you cannot diet this away or or workout to like, you know, this is something that I think that you that you have anyway. So I didn't let him come to my house. And my house is kind of like the gathering house, where everyone comes this is like, you know, all the family dinners, gatherings, all that stuff. So I was like, You're not coming over until I can prick your finger. He couldn't get away from it because my kids birthdays came up, and they're actually 24 hours apart, so we were celebrating them together, and I said, Matt in the room, let's go perk your finger. Anyways, team. Yeah, it was about a month. He didn't come to my house, though, because he really didn't want to perk his finger. You're his big sister, I guess. No, I'm not really sister. There's, there's three of us, yeah, just

Scott Benner 5:53
pushed him around. Also, it seems like you, I don't know another word here, but it seems like you get horny every eight years the exact same time is that? What happens

Lauren 6:04
exactly? Yeah, that's the only time eight years like, did

Scott Benner 6:07
your husband hear a bell go off in the room? You were like, oh, it's time again. Your kids are 24 hours apart. I know

Lauren 6:15
it's not crazy. It's crazy eight years with their age at and then 24 hours apart. It's wild.

Scott Benner 6:21
Same, yeah, okay, yeah, all right, so you're okay. It's weird to, like, pivot from your sex life back to when you were 13. But what am I gonna do you were 13 when you were diagnosed. You remember how it presented for you? Yeah,

Lauren 6:33
I do, for sure. Yeah, that was around Easter. Yeah. I actually was in a production for Easter at my church. And so we had, we had, you know, like, our costumes kind of before, like, a couple months or two before this, and I had, like, put my costume on for it. And I was like, oh, like, this is great. I'm losing weight. Like, I felt great about myself. And then that Sunday, yeah, my my grandmother was like, Yeah, I think we should prick her finger. I was peeing the bed. We had gone out for supper the night before. And I don't know if you've ever heard of Shirley Temple. Do you know what that is? Is

Scott Benner 7:05
it ginger ale and cherry juice?

Lauren 7:07
Like, Sprite and cherry Yeah, and so I think I, like, hammered, like, three of those the night before, out at dinner, just like, pounded back every like, pop all the time. I was just so thirsty, right? Anyways, yeah, we had, they went around the room, actually, before we had dinner on that Sunday, and, like, pricked everyone else's finger, dude. I was nervous, and everyone else was normal. And then they got, they got to me, and my sugar was 30. 32.4

Scott Benner 7:34
that's over. Is that around 700 Yeah, is that, honestly, I have my thing here. 576, wow. Jeez,

Lauren 7:43
yeah. So it was about a month, I think, before we caught it, is what my grandmother tells me. But yeah, she told me that we just, like, went back home, got some stuff, and went up to the emergency room. Leading up to this, I had been asking her some questions, just because it was a long time ago and and I was young, and she told me that I had, like, lost my vision. Wow, that's crazy. She just said I just looked really sick and stuff. And I was, I was hospitalized for about a week. I was in there, and yeah, and

Scott Benner 8:11
she had a meter because your grandfather had type one, yeah, exactly. Yeah, okay, yeah, Wow, geez. And you were drinking, like a real Canadian, like, pounding back those Shirley Temples. They probably just thought, like, at first, they were probably like, Oh, she is Canadian. But no, you were just thirsty because you were dying. Okay. Oh yeah.

Lauren 8:28
And I do remember too, like, sitting I would have been brought, yeah, like, grade eight, and I remember sitting in class and like, the teacher wouldn't let me go pee at times and like, and I would remember just being in so much pain, being like, I have to pee. And there's like, ears streaming to my face, and I'm like, I have to pee now. And like, she just wouldn't let me go because it was during class. And one I just, like, had to get up. I was like, I had, like, I'm in so much pain. I gotta get up. I gotta go to the bathroom. Is this

Scott Benner 8:55
where you are? We had to manipulate your brother, maybe from that teacher, yeah, yeah. I'll just force you into it. It'll be fine. I'll just force you Yeah, for sure. So 20 some years ago, Canada, definitely regular and mph, right? Yeah, I had to roll by you doing the cloudy, clear whole thing, right? Yes,

Lauren 9:15
okay, yeah, yeah. And I took like, I use, I didn't go on pens until about a month after, I was just used using, like, the syringe to, obviously, draw it up and inject it.

Scott Benner 9:26
You moved to a pen that quickly. Yeah, about a month after, okay, and then my grandmother was really pushing, oh, she was helping you. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Does your province have what you would call more up to date diabetes care, or is it one of the ones that doesn't because it varies pretty greatly across 2025 is almost two months old. How are you doing with your resolution? Are you drinking ag one every day? Most resolutions are hard to maintain, but I find that drinking ag one is one of the easiest things that I can do for my health. My morning ritual that includes ag one gives me nutritional supplements that support my immune system and my entire day. I find that AG one is perfect for supporting my health and longevity goals, and it's easy to drink because it tastes good. This episode of the podcast is sponsored by ag one, so this year, try ag one for yourself. It's a perfect time to start a new healthy habit, and that's why I've been partnering with ag one for so long. Ag one is offering new subscribers a free $76 gift. When you sign up, you'll get a welcome kit, a bottle of d3, k2, and five free travel packs in your first box. So make sure to check out drink ag one.com/juice box to get this offer that's drink AG, one.com/juice box, the Dexcom g7 is sponsoring this episode of The Juicebox Podcast, and it features a lightning fast 30 minute warm up time that's right from the time you put on the Dexcom g7 till the time you're Getting readings, 30 minutes. That's pretty great. It also has a 12 hour grace period, so you can swap your sensor when it's convenient for you. All that on top of it being small, accurate, incredibly wearable and light these things, in my opinion, make the Dexcom g7 a no brainer. The Dexcom g7 comes with way more than just this, up to 10 people can follow you. You can use it with type one, type two, or gestational diabetes. It's covered by all sorts of insurances. And this might be the best part. It might be the best part alerts and alarms that are customizable, so that you can be alerted at the levels that make sense to you. Dexcom.com/juicebox, links, in the show notes, links at Juicebox podcast.com, to Dexcom and all the sponsors. When you use my links, you're supporting the production of the podcast and helping to keep it free and plentiful. Today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by Omnipod. And before I tell you about Omnipod, the device, I'd like to tell you about Omnipod, the company. I approached Omnipod in 2015 and asked them to buy an ad on a podcast that I hadn't even begun to make yet because the podcast didn't have any listeners, all I could promise them was that I was going to try to help people living with type one diabetes, and that was enough for Omnipod. They bought their first ad, and I used that money to support myself while I was growing the Juicebox Podcast. You might even say that Omnipod is the firm foundation of the Juicebox Podcast, and it's actually the firm foundation of how my daughter manages her type one diabetes every day. Omnipod.com/juicebox whether you want the Omnipod five or the Omnipod dash, using my link, let's Omnipod know what a good decision they made in 2015 and continue to make to this day. Omnipod is easy to use, easy to fill, easy to wear, and I know that because my daughter has been wearing one every day since she was four years old, and she will be 20 this year, there is not enough time in an ad for me to tell you everything that I know about Omnipod, but please take a look omnipod.com/juicebox I think Omnipod could be a good friend to you, just like it has been to my daughter and my family.

Lauren 13:27
Well, I'm in New Brunswick. I don't have too much to say,

Scott Benner 13:32
too much good to say, or too much bad to say. I don't

Lauren 13:36
have too much good to say, Okay, I don't know. I don't know what other places are like, I mean, here, right now, currently, I would say I have great support with the diabetes clinic here. My endo currently is in a different city, about an hour away here where I am. I actually have no idea I've been on the wait list here for since I had my daughter in 2020 but my brother actually just got into the endo here, and I was like, I've been waiting four years.

Scott Benner 14:07
Wait. You're on a wait list to see an endo for four years. Explain that to me like you haven't seen a doctor in four years, or you're trying to switch. Well,

Lauren 14:15
just after you turn 18 here, you kind of just like you move on from the pediatrics, and then you're kind of on your own. I didn't really follow it too closely, like, I took care of myself, but I didn't really follow up with doctors a lot, like, until I was pregnant when I was 21 and then, even then after that, I didn't really follow so the end, no, that was here had passed away. So then they had to shift everyone around. And then I just got a hold of someone, yeah, referred from Yeah. I guess you know what the the first referral did take two years to get into him, and then we kind of drifted apart in 2020. Didn't really see him or talk to him. And I actually just reached back out this past July. I just, I thought I was having some thyroid issues on the go. And anyways, yeah, so I mean, if I have to see him, I guess I can call him, but

Scott Benner 15:14
I wait, tell me. Tell me just about that you thought you were having a thyroid issue. You reached out to the doctor. They get back to you and you get an appointment. Or how long does that take? For example,

Lauren 15:24
it was just over the phone, and I think I only had to wait two or three weeks for his phone call.

Scott Benner 15:29
So you called them three weeks later. He calls back. Do you go get a blood test? Or what happens?

Lauren 15:35
Yep, he he said, in about a week. Yeah, hospital called. I went in for blood work and had the results back, I'd say, Yeah, within like, a week, week and a half.

Scott Benner 15:44
Okay, so this whole process from phone call to blood test results is four or five weeks. Yep, I just want to say for Americans that find themselves complaining about health care systems, if I called my doctor today and said, Hey, I think I'm having trouble with my thyroid, would you mind if I got a blood test, he'd go, that's fine. And then he'd write me a script, email it to me, I'd drive up the street, get my blood drawn, and I'd have the results tomorrow morning.

Lauren 16:09
Oh, yeah, okay, so it's not the best here. Then, no,

Scott Benner 16:13
no, no. I mean, if you're waiting five weeks for blood test results, that's not gold standard. And I don't think what we're doing here is gold standard, don't get me wrong, but, but there's a lot of time built into that. And if you're, you know, it's tough, because if your symptoms are something that they're like, Oh, you'll be fine, but you really won't be. It's, I don't know. I just hear a lot of stories, yeah, no, yeah, from your big frozen ice shelf, and it sounds like it's not great, yeah,

Lauren 16:36
no, no, should we move? Maybe we should move.

Scott Benner 16:41
I don't know. You're pretty Canadian. I think if you went somewhere else, they'd know and kick you out immediately. Don't you think it's

Lauren 16:46
funny? Yeah, no, they, they definitely know that I'm Canadian, for sure, I get that if

Scott Benner 16:50
I travel. Oh, I'm hoping you do something during this hour that you feel like you want to apologize for, because you apologized to me before we before we started recording, and your story was so sorry. It was just lovely. I can't wait for that to come out. Tell me why you just started pumping last year. Insulin pumping.

Lauren 17:08
Oh, yes. Okay, so I started pumping in well, it would have been two years in the in February 2025, will be two years. Okay,

Scott Benner 17:18
Lauren, can I stopped you for a second. Yeah, you're so lovely. It doesn't matter how long ago it was recently, right? Just did that thing that my uncle used to do. You'd be like, Oh, we went for a ride. It was a 1958 four, wait a minute. No, it was a 50 set. Was it a Ford or ish? You know? I think it was a 1954 Dodge pickup truck. And then you listen to his whole story. It's got nothing to do with the truck. I mean,

Lauren 17:47
that was great. I love a timeline. A timeline is always great.

Scott Benner 17:50
But more recently, you started pumping. I'm wondering how you like was that on purpose? 20 years not pumping? Right?

Lauren 17:57
Yeah, it was about 2020. Years. Um, so, yeah, I just things changed drastically. After had my daughter, my insulin needs, like, doubled, and I just, I couldn't, I don't know, it just it got to the point that I was, like, hovering in the 20s all the time. And like, that's not normal for me. I live like, you know, healthy lifestyles, like, why is it always around, like, 15 to 20? I could barely get it, like I was taking more insulin. And I was like, All right, you know, I think I've had about a year of, like, a diabetes burnout, you know, I didn't care. And actually, what's funny is, when I got set up with the pump, she, you know, she explains it all to you, and then she goes, You got to Pre Bolus your meals. And I was like, what's that mean? I had no idea. So if for 20 years of having diabetes, I never Pre Bolus my entire life, because no one ever told me to do that.

Scott Benner 18:53
Okay, so you were on, you were using pens like for for 20 years, and then something happens after you have your second kid, your insulin needs go up. Did you gain weight? Did you? No,

Lauren 19:03
I actually only gained weight this past year, and that's what had led me to get my thyroid checked out. I

Scott Benner 19:09
see okay and your thyroid was okay, or what was your TSH, when they looked

Lauren 19:14
my TSH, I had it right here. I like

Scott Benner 19:18
that you're prepared, but not so prepared that you know where it is,

Lauren 19:21
I know. Well, it's all online now, which is nice, thyroid, okay, right here. No, that's t Well, my TSH was, like, one point something, but they did take, like, I'm obviously not that prepared whereas, but

Scott Benner 19:35
they didn't end up giving you any medication, right? No, they didn't. No, I mean, your TSH is good.

Speaker 1 19:41
It is good, but my t3 was low. Okay. Did

Scott Benner 19:45
they give you? Did they give you cytome?

Lauren 19:47
I haven't talked to the endo since I got that test done. How long ago

Scott Benner 19:51
did you get the test back? July? Is it you haven't talked to them because you haven't called back or because you're waiting for them? Yeah. I

Lauren 20:00
guess. I mean, I didn't call back my family doctor said that it was fine, okay,

Scott Benner 20:04
yeah. I mean, it seems like it that might not be your issue, right? But you're having more insulin resistance and you're Are you having other symptoms, other like, things that you see, like, what made you think thyroid,

Lauren 20:19
yeah, I was extremely tired, falling asleep behind the wheel. Just no energy. The weight gain. I was having really bad acne, even I felt like there was just something going on. So I actually had reached out to a naturopath, and I've been working with him for a while.

Scott Benner 20:39
Okay, are you looking at, like, hormonal stuff, like, more PCOS related?

Lauren 20:45
Yeah. Well, no, that she didn't test me for PC PCOS. I just came off birth control a year ago, and so I Yeah. So there was, I think that messed with my hormones a bit. So my t3 three or whatnot is 3.4 Yeah. And then the teas TSH, was like, 1.07

Scott Benner 21:06
you came off birth control. Has it been eight years again? Are you ready? It's time to get, like, a notification. You're like, Oh, I gotta make another baby. Oh,

Lauren 21:17
my God, she's 34 I don't know. I didn't get, I don't want to do that again. I had to. I started fresh again already, like, I was just out, I was almost free. And then I was like, Okay, let's have a baby. It

Scott Benner 21:30
was almost free. Yeah, I was your management move, like, through pens. Like, what was your a 1c through those 20 years,

Lauren 21:37
I had just reached out to the hospital here to get all of my history since 2003 and it's literally coming in the mail tomorrow, so it didn't come in on time. But I had looked back through the history online a little bit, not, not a ton, but I noticed some of my a, one, Cs were into the sevens, like seven, 7.2 7.5 my highest that put me on a got me onto the pump. When my doctor called and told me it was 7.8 and that was, like, one of the highest I've had in a long time.

Scott Benner 22:08
Yeah, it just does really sound like your insulin needs went up significantly. Yeah, exactly.

Lauren 22:12
But my a, one, CS before, like, uh, before 2019, they were good. Like, they were like, five point Sometimes there was 5.5 5.9 Yeah,

Scott Benner 22:24
they were great. Were you wearing a CGM during that time at all?

Lauren 22:28
Nope, I didn't get a CGM until 2019 Okay,

Scott Benner 22:30
so you don't know about your variability if you were, like, staying steady or anything like that.

Lauren 22:35
No, I can really tell, like I am good at guessing, like if I didn't have a CGM on and and someone was like, What's your blood sugar? Right? Now, I could probably pretty much pinpoint it.

Scott Benner 22:45
Oh, Lauren, I don't think that's a thing, but because then what would you need the CGM for?

Lauren 22:50
No, I just mean, based on feelings, right? Like, if I'm like, okay, like, you know you can, you can start feeling your highs and lows, and I can catch

Scott Benner 22:59
it. Oh, so if you're dizzy or foggy, you know that?

Unknown Speaker 23:04
Well, yes, but I can, I

Lauren 23:06
feel the low quite early, around, like a 4.9 even, like, I'll start getting a little symptom. Okay, you know. Okay, so

Scott Benner 23:13
you feel your symptoms. Oh, yeah, okay, all right, barn, you see what I'm saying, though, right? Like, like, I couldn't, I couldn't say to you, like, if your blood sugar was, like, 5.3 I couldn't say to you, what's your blood sugar right now? If it wasn't falling you'd have no idea. You'd just be like, Well, I'm not,

Unknown Speaker 23:26
yeah, I

Lauren 23:28
could just, like, take a rough guess. But, I mean, I just mean, like, a lot of times like, I can, I can kind of feel where I'm at. If I didn't, yeah, yeah, I wouldn't know direction and stuff like that. No,

Scott Benner 23:38
of course. But that would be amazing, wouldn't it? Yeah. I mean, it would be great. I'm just pointing it out for people who are listening, whose kids are, like, I don't need a CGM. I can feel my blood. You don't know if you're vacillating. You don't know like, you can feel yourself falling at lower numbers. And you know when you're higher, because what do you feel nauseous or is or how do you feel when you're higher?

Lauren 23:56
Oh, just a bitch.

Unknown Speaker 24:01
Oh, yeah, yes. I

Scott Benner 24:05
wasn't sure if you were saying that your blood sugar was a bitch or you were. I couldn't.

Lauren 24:10
I mean, both. I can get quite bitchy when it gets high, for sure, yep,

Scott Benner 24:14
okay. But in between, in between, bitchy and dizzy, you're not really sure what's going on. Okay, all right, right,

Lauren 24:19
yeah, yeah. I'm like, okay, yeah, see what it is, yeah,

Scott Benner 24:23
what CGM are you wearing now? I mean, you're in Canada, Dexcom, g6

Lauren 24:30
Yeah. G6 and tandem,

Scott Benner 24:32
okay. Are you using control IQ, like the T slim, yep. How do you like

Lauren 24:36
that? I love it, yeah,

Scott Benner 24:39
cool. Yeah. It's great. I'm looking at your list of things you wrote down here. You said you're self diagnosed. ADHD,

Lauren 24:46
oh, my goodness, probably yes. I just don't want to get diagnosed. It costs too much money.

Scott Benner 24:50
Well, it also takes nine months for you to see the doctor. But that's neither here nor there. What makes you think you have? ADHD, well,

Lauren 24:57
probably the hyper. Part of it, I cut people off a lot, like, I'll get this thought my head, and then I'm like, you know, if you're talking to me, and I'm trying really hard, really hard while you're talking to not cut you off and tell you, like, okay, speak, what's in my head right now? And I just, yeah, I don't know. I never sit down super hyper active person. Like, I need a job. I run a house cleaning business here, I that job is perfect for me, because I'm constantly going eight hours a day, non stop, and then I come home and I just continue doing things, and I just sit when I go to bed,

Scott Benner 25:34
you're like a robot. It's just like, stop.

Lauren 25:38
Well, yeah, exactly. And I go right to

Scott Benner 25:40
sleep. Okay, well, and that's what threw you off about being tired during the day too. That was very uncharacteristic for you.

Lauren 25:47
Exactly, yeah, yeah. So I just thought, yeah, things were off. But I had done a food sensitivity test about two months ago, cut out some foods, and my energy levels have have been totally back to normal and not falling asleep behind the wheel at like, you know, four o'clock in the afternoon, and I just feel so much better.

Scott Benner 26:07
That's interesting. So what did you find out that you had a sensitivity to eggs? And

Lauren 26:11
I think that's probably common for a lot of people, eggs like wheat, like gluten. So I would actually like to get tested for celiac. My grandmother had celiac, and I just noticed now, if I do eat like a bread or whatnot, my stomach will hurt right away, pretty instant. So, I mean, I eat a pretty low carb diet anyway, so I don't eat a lot of bread, but if I was, you know, to have a sweet treat, it would hurt right away.

Scott Benner 26:39

Unknown Speaker 26:40
yeah. Oh, and, and dairy, the

Scott Benner 26:43
bread definitely hits you, though. And dairy too. No, yes,

Lauren 26:46
I live in a bubble. I can't eat anything but apples. I guess.

I don't know it's, yeah,

I just, I just picked something. But no, yeah, like, I mean, it's definitely helped a lot. And,

Scott Benner 27:00
yeah, yeah, okay. Well, I'm glad you figured something out. And you went to a shaman. You said, or would you say,

Lauren 27:06
yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just you found

Scott Benner 27:10
an igloo in the middle of nowhere and walked in and said, I get tired. And they, they ran with some smoke around you on some leaves, and you were they said, stop eating wheat. About it, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Lauren 27:21
yes. That's exactly how it went. And he said, here's a couple of supplements, and we'll send you on your way. And yep,

Scott Benner 27:27
how close is the next nearest Home to Yours? Like, in in kilometers? Well,

Lauren 27:31
I am outside of city limits. We're in the country. Life of it, I guess, yeah, like you're pretty I see just tree. I see trees right

Scott Benner 27:39
now. I gotcha. Yep. And bears. Do you see bears? We definitely

Lauren 27:44
do. Yeah, we get bears here trying to take our garbage can. Often, he just marches over. He'll open up the garbage can and go in, take the bag out, take it across the street.

Scott Benner 27:54
Why not sit there and use it right there? Yeah, we see it all over here. That's interesting. I have more questions, but you do jump around like I was interviewing somebody the other day for something not that's not the show. And I said it's so interesting. Sometimes you ask people a question and they answer you. And sometimes you ask people a question and they sing song, they start talking, then they stop, and then they go in a different direction. It almost feels like they're swinging back and forth. And when they're done, you kind of have their answer and like you do, like in conversational you understand what they're talking about. But it's not as easy as, Hey Lauren, what's your favorite color? Oh, Scott, I love blue, because I think it makes me feel calm, like it's like, Hey Lauren, what's your favorite color? And you go, I have a bedroom, and we once painted it green, and I did not like the way it was. And I went through a lot of different colors, and eventually I landed on blue. And it turns out I really like blue, like, you know, I mean, like, it's and that was even pretty direct for how some people speak, and so it's interesting, it's fun, it's just different. Like, it is tiring though, like, I feel like I'm working a little bit. Oh, yeah, yeah, right. Because usually I don't feel like I'm working when I do this. I just feel like I'm chatting, but I'm so sorry. Finally, say it again. What are you? You're What are you? Stop laughing. Really,

Lauren 29:15
I'm so sorry. I didn't I don't want you to be working. I

Scott Benner 29:19
just wanted you to feel sorry. That's all. No, no, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Please explain to me Your husband is obsessed with me.

Lauren 29:29
Oh, my goodness, he, yes, he listens to every single podcast. He loves this so much, like, if he, if anything, he's probably like, jealous that he's at work and I'm sitting here talking to you. He wishes he's he was here.

Scott Benner 29:44
Why does he trying to learn about diabetes to help you? Yes,

Lauren 29:48
yes, but he also wants to know about it because he's scared that our daughter is going to get it. Oh, okay, so he wants to know as much about it.

Scott Benner 29:58
Well, he's a good dad. Yeah.

Lauren 30:00
Yeah, what a great dad. Yeah, he can be quite annoying sometimes, though, when he's telling me my sugar is high, when I already know it's high, or if I want another bite of a cupcake, it's, you know,

Scott Benner 30:11
it's annoying when my husband loves me, I don't like it.

Lauren 30:17
Stop Loving me so much.

Scott Benner 30:18
What do you care about my health? Shut up. How does it go? Like, if your blood sugar is like, is he following you on a CGM, for example? Yes, he follows me. Okay. And so look at you. You got so serious. So, okay. So, yes, I don't love it. So, so is he texting you the first time you like, where's your high alarm. High

Lauren 30:40
alarm would be around 11 to 12, okay,

Scott Benner 30:46
and if it goes off, also, I'd like to see that high alarm come down a little bit, if I could. Is there a reason we couldn't have it go off more like an eight maybe?

Lauren 30:56
Well, sure, they had it set on my when I first got set up with the pump at like, 14,

Scott Benner 31:01
yeah. And he's like, that's not very valuable, knowing once you're what is that 14 is over 300 or 250 So, yeah, exactly. So I like that. You brought it down. Bring it down more. My point here is it beeps once. He texts you right away, or he texts you after it's beeped at him five times. Like, you know what I mean? Like, when do you hear from him?

Lauren 31:19
Uh, he does not text me when my sugar is high, because that's, that's when I turn into a bitch, remember? And he, I don't want him to do that, but he will contact me if my sugar is low,

okay, for how long? Uh, he'll probably get like, two beeps and then be like, Okay, I should make sure she's alive. And you don't like that. No, that's

fine. That's fine. Yep, I'm okay with that.

Scott Benner 31:43
Look too. You're like, people are listening. I want to sound reasonable, but it's okay. Are you normally handling it when he texts you? Yes,

Lauren 31:52
yeah, yeah. There was one time recently, though I did send him by location. I sent him the location, and he started getting the beeps. And then he called, and I was like, I don't, yeah, I don't know what was happening. So I was just just hammering those Dex tablets into me. Yeah, it finally went back up. But yeah, it was like, straight arrow down at like, two point 2.1 or something. Did

Scott Benner 32:14
you text him your location because you thought, like, well, they'll be able to find my body later. Is that what you were doing? Yes, exactly, yeah. I don't want the kids to wonder if I was eaten by a bear, so let me just let everybody know where they'll find my corpse. What happened that you were falling so fast? Do you think

Lauren 32:32
I don't know. I think I might have just were my job so active, I think I had taken a correction and I didn't need to.

Scott Benner 32:40
Okay? And then you kept working, and you dropped really quickly, okay, yeah. And you just, you just went with, like, dextrose tablets or something like that to get you back up.

Lauren 32:49
Yeah. I mean, those were pretty quick for me, like I could be, you know, 2.4 and I take one tablet, and then it's, it starts, like, going back up.

Scott Benner 32:56
Those are your go to, yeah, you carry other stuff with you. Nope, no, just those tablets. You don't have like, couple juice boxes in your car door or, like, anything like that.

Lauren 33:06
No, I get that. I don't know if you've heard of this, but, like, I don't like eating a lot when my sugar is low and I get that, like, rocky feeling in my gut, like I don't feel good, so I feel like I don't want to get sick. There's been times where I have eaten because my sugar was really low, and then I get really nauseous, and then that gives me a little bit of anxiety. So if I just stick to the tablet, wait the you know, 10 minutes and I'm good to

Scott Benner 33:37
go. You're worried you'll vomit, and then you'll be in a worse position. Oh, definitely,

Lauren 33:40
yes. I have a big fear of puking. Gotcha

Scott Benner 33:43
a big fear of puking? Oh yes. I want to get back to just for a second me. But your husband, like, enjoys the podcast outside of it being about diabetes,

Lauren 33:55
or Yeah, he does. Oh yeah. He's, he's Yeah. He laughs all the time. He loves him. Oh, I'm

Scott Benner 34:00
glad this is awesome. Oh, yeah. I got a great review the other day that somebody said, By the way, whoever wrote this, thank you made my day. Said that listening to this podcast ruined other podcasts for them, because they realized how bad other hosts were at their job, and it made me feel good. Yeah, it's true. Thank you. I appreciate that very much. You're afraid of insulin? Is that true? Uh, probably

Lauren 34:22
a year ago, yeah, I was like, if I have five, six units of insulin on board, that's a lot for me. So I like, I just don't have a lot of insulin on board. Usually,

Scott Benner 34:34
okay. And did that have something to do? Do you think with when your insulin needs went up. Your blood sugars were higher. Is it because you were afraid to give yourself more?

Lauren 34:44
Yes, because I wasn't used to it, right? So

Scott Benner 34:46
then the then the big question here seems to be, your brother got given insulin and ozempic right away for being type one. Well,

Lauren 34:54
actually, no, sorry, they gave him. We go V with no insulin, and it was during. During Thanksgiving last year, right? And he was here on the weekend, and I said, Do you want to eat food? And he was like, Yeah. And I said, Well, you're gonna have to take some my insulin. Like, his sugar was 19, and he wanted to eat food. And I said, Okay, take a couple doses of insulin. Like, I it's not gonna You're fine. Yeah, you're fine. Let

Scott Benner 35:16
me pick through this for a second. So is he or was he overweight? Yeah.

Lauren 35:21
I mean, he's a bigger guy. This is interesting. I wouldn't say

Scott Benner 35:26
he's huge. How much? How tall is he? I wish

Lauren 35:28
he was here. He left six point or six two.

Scott Benner 35:32
He's about, he's over six feet tall. And what do you think he

Unknown Speaker 35:36
weighs? Oh, he's about 252,

Unknown Speaker 35:40
42 Yeah,

Scott Benner 35:41
pounds, yeah, right, okay. And, I mean, that's, yeah, I don't think you're supposed to. I mean, is he? I don't know how to say this. This is weird. We're talking about another person, but I have a reason for asking it, like, is he? Does he have fat collections, his stomach, his back is I mean, do you look at him? He's

Lauren 35:58
got a weird body. He's got a big, broad shoulders, like big upper body and very small low body, and then carries the weight stomach, I would say, like

Scott Benner 36:06
blue dough from the Popeye, definitely. Yeah. Okay, boy, there's one. Yeah. I was interviewing a guy the other day. He goes, I don't get a lot of your references, man. I was like, sorry, you'll figure it out. I wish this was more about him. So we could call this episode weird body, because that was really interesting, what you just said. But okay, so he's so there's weight to lose. So at some point, someone thought he had type two diabetes and gave him week. OV, is that what happened?

Lauren 36:31
Yeah, when he went into the hospital, they he left the hospital with nothing, but basically blood work and to contact his doctor on Monday, okay? And then he did, and she gave him, we'll go V and no insulin. And then, yeah, it was that weekend. And I said, Well, you need to take couple doses of insulin. And then his doctor wouldn't give him the insulin because she was like, You're not type one. And I said, Well, screw her, you are. And then, yeah. So then I said, you go to the doctor the next day, tell her that you took my insulin, and she'll write you a prescription for insulin. So she was livid that Matt took some of my insulin, okay, and she was so mad about it. But

Scott Benner 37:16
did she give him a script for insulin? Yes, that day, okay, you are good at pushing people into doing things.

Lauren 37:22
Oh yes, yes, yes,

Scott Benner 37:25
I need something. I'm calling you. Yeah, yes, definitely give me a call. Yeah, Lauren will take care of it. Oh yeah, she'll get it done well. So, okay, so, but, but the doctor left him on the we go, V, so she must have thought he had wait to lose

Lauren 37:40
Yep, okay. Yeah. I think he was about 230 when he got diagnosed, and then when he got put on the insulin, he did gain, gain about 20 pounds.

Scott Benner 37:47
Okay, so he went up to 250 Has he lost weight since then? Do you think he's

Lauren 37:50
been on and off of ozempic for the past few months? So

Scott Benner 37:54
I don't know. I wonder why he stops taking it to eat.

Lauren 37:58
It's not covered, and they won't give it to him, like covered through insurance, unless his a one sees over seven,

Scott Benner 38:04
they're making him pay for it with his loonies. Yes, oh my god. How many loonies is it to a septic? Gotta be a lot.

Lauren 38:12
I believe it's around 232 50 a month. Yeah.

Scott Benner 38:15
So he's taking it when he can afford it. So he must notice it's helping him, or he wouldn't go back to paying for it again. I would imagine it's

Lauren 38:22
crazy, like I track him on my phone, and when he is not on ozempic, he roller coasters all day, up and down, up and down. And then since when I can tell when he takes the ozempic and he's straight line, pretty flat

Scott Benner 38:36
all day. Yeah, it works like that for Arden too. I have to admit, she doesn't use oil. I tried to get it, yeah, I was gonna say, Arden doesn't use ozempic. She uses Manjaro, Manjaro. I don't know how to say it, but, like, whatever, it's a stark difference, I have to say, especially when she's eating that crappy college food, like, if she was home eating here and on one Jaro, oh my gosh, her blood sugar would be nearly perfect. It would probably just be like a straight line around 80 or 90, most of the time, with like a blip to 140 if she ate right. It's crazy how well it works at that. I mean, you eat less too, obviously, but it just the way it slows your digestion down. Really changes things, by the way. This is why I brought all this up, because I was going to ask you if you were thinking of trying to get it as well, because I figured your doctor was prescribed it to your brother. They'd prescribe it to you, and I figured it was covered by healthcare. But so you asked about it, and what happened? Well,

Lauren 39:34
we don't have the same doctor, but yeah, I did ask about it. She wanted me to go to my Endo, so I didn't ask my Endo. First I asked my family doctor, and then she said, yeah, go to the end. Oh, so I haven't reached out to him, but she thinks that I wouldn't get approved for it, because, like, I guess I could get the prescription and take it and pay out of pocket, like he's doing. Doing, but to get it covered

through our health care. So I wouldn't qualify

for it, because my a 1c is not high enough, and I'm not overweight,

Scott Benner 40:09
so you're not overweight, but you have but you do think you have insulin resistance, and right it, boy, it would probably really help you, too.

I know, yeah, it's

Lauren 40:21
interesting. Maybe I should just be really shitty for a couple months and get

Scott Benner 40:24
the a 1c up. Oh no, no, no, Lauren, let's not do that. But, I mean, I don't think it's covered for type ones. No matter what your a 1c is it isn't here? Is it there in the Canadia? Like, hold on a second. I don't know how to figure that out. I mean, how would we figure that out?

Lauren 40:45
I what I keep hearing around here is that it depends on your insurance, and I think it's a little

Scott Benner 40:51
bit of a fight. Maybe it's worth having the fight I'm seeing. I'm seeing, if the internet knows about Canada and glps. GLP primarily approved for type twos and weight management, but they are not officially indicated for type one. I know that that said they're sometimes used off label. I know this too covered for GLP. Medications that are Canada's Health Care System can be varied depending on the province and individual health plans. In some cases, these drugs may be covered for people with cardiovascular issues or obesity. I would wonder if you went to the doctor and said, Hey, like, Look, I've had this massive increase in insulin resistance. If I was type two and my insulin resistance went up like this, you'd give me this GLP in two seconds. Like, is there a way around this? So can we look into it? That'd be my my question.

Lauren 41:36
Yeah, she did seem to have an issue prescribing logovi For me, because she was like, I can give you this as a weight loss drug, but I'm not sure

Scott Benner 41:44
you didn't have weight to lose, but you you qualified for that? Well,

Lauren 41:48
I could, because I had told her I had gained some weight. I did recently lose some of that just on my own, but for a while it was kind of just hovering there, and I, you know, couldn't get it, you know, couldn't get rid of it. And then so I Ted spoke to her and told her this, and she was like, well, I could give you, we go V for a weight loss, but I can't, for some reason, give you ozempic For Type one. I don't

Scott Benner 42:13
know, we go via and ozempic are the same drug. So why did you stop the wegov then?

Lauren 42:17
Well, she should. We kind of stopped the conversation there, and she wants me to go to the

Scott Benner 42:21
end though, oh, I would just ask for the we go via Fauci. She's just a phone call away. Yeah, you guys have all kinds of technology and kind of, from what I understand, yeah, yeah, we've got lots, yeah. Do you have first strike capability? Any nukes over there? I don't know about you guys. Are you able to do that?

Lauren 42:41
I don't even know. I mean, I know that we have a base next to us. I'm not sure what they have over there, just

Scott Benner 42:47
a bunch of Mounties, maybe. Yeah, horses and red coats. But, you know, it's funny. I never thought about that. Let's find out real quick. Does Canada

Unknown Speaker 42:59
Dukes just check in here.

Scott Benner 43:03
I've never, Oh, you do not possess nuclear weapons.

Lauren 43:07
Good for you. We're safe over here. Yeah, oh, yeah, okay.

Scott Benner 43:10
I was just, I didn't know if I needed to be worried or not. No,

Lauren 43:13
no, don't be worried. And you know what? This is, um, off topic, but I tried to watch this movie that you talked about for Canadians to watch before I came on here, and I just lost track of time. And I can't remember the name of it, but I was like, tell my husband I should watch that before we

Unknown Speaker 43:29
stream. Yeah,

Scott Benner 43:31
my God, I can't I mean, it's like one movie you guys made, and nobody's watching it.

Lauren 43:36
I got too into love is blind, and then I forgot to watch it. Love

Scott Benner 43:40
is blind. Which one's that on Netflix? Oh, oh, is it? What is it about? My God, it's in season seven.

Lauren 43:48
You're right. Yeah,

you should watch it. It's super good. Oh, they

Scott Benner 43:53
get first of all, there's no chance I'm gonna watch that, just so, you know. But like, this is the one where they get married, right?

Lauren 44:00
Yes. Oh, yes, I love reality

Scott Benner 44:03
TV. Oh, what a bunch of nut next. Oh, so they Okay, so they get on, like a reality TV show, and then they marry each other, like, after knowing each other for how long? Oh, my word, a month, maybe. Oh, what a plan.

Lauren 44:15
Yeah, I know. I know. And there's actually still some couples together. Are there? Really?

Scott Benner 44:23
Oh my god, I'd love to meet those people, me too. I don't want to watch the show, but I'd love to, I'd love to meet the people who got married on a reality show and are still married. Well, listen, here's what I got here, Marissa and rams. This is this? Like is a spoiler if I say this?

Lauren 44:40
No, no. Last episode already aired this week. All right, well, they're

Scott Benner 44:45
broken up. They're brought Yes, they are Yeah, that's a good thing. Ashley and Tyler are married. Yes, Taylor and Garrett are married. This is ridiculous. Okay, I'm gonna stop now. It's making me upset. Okay. Oh,

Lauren 45:01
I'm surprised your daughter doesn't watch it. She's not in his shows like that. I

Scott Benner 45:05
don't know she's so busy at school, they don't. And she used to love Big Brother, but I don't, I don't think she loves that as much any longer, right? Yeah, I think that kind of wore out for I mean, I watched survivor back in the day, but I haven't seen it a long time.

Lauren 45:23
Same, yeah.

Scott Benner 45:25
Survivor is great because it just does. It's like, wow, this is actually how life goes. Like people, like, get together in groups, and then they attack other groups, and then once they've dominated the other group, they attack each other until one's left.

Lauren 45:38
Yeah, people, yeah, it's awesome, yeah, and that must be on Season 30. Like, that's been out for, I don't even know.

Scott Benner 45:45
Oh, my God, Jeff probs has had, like, many different face lifts. Yeah, it's been a while now. Yeah, yeah. Maybe he'll be our next president. I'm just kidding. You're

Unknown Speaker 45:58
gonna find out.

Scott Benner 46:00
Yeah, I think that qualifies him, yeah. Anyway. All right, so what else have we not talked about here? Let's see your list. Your grandfather passed from a massive heart attack. Was it obviously type one related?

Lauren 46:13
I mean, I think so. He was diagnosed early 20s and passed away at 80. I mean, back then, right? He was on one injection a day. He was always set in his ways. He never changed, never went to pens or anything. Your

Scott Benner 46:27
grandfather rode like regular an MPH for 60 years.

Lauren 46:30
He took one kind of insulin once

Scott Benner 46:33
a day. He's an OG baller, yeah. How long ago did he pass away? 2013, no kidding. How much longer did your grandmother live? Or is she still alive? She's still here. She's in her 90s.

Lauren 46:47
She'll be 90 next, next year. Damn, that's awesome. Yeah, that's my last grandparent. I had both my other set of grandparents just died recently, like a year ago. Nanny was the celiac, and she had type two diabetes, and my grandfather had a cancer, but he didn't, I don't even know. I don't, I don't know what. He just died. I don't, you guys,

Scott Benner 47:14
no, I don't. He just looked up and he went, that's enough. I

Lauren 47:17
was like, oh, okay, would he die up? I don't know, does

Scott Benner 47:21
your whole family live out in the trees? No offense, like in the woods? No,

Lauren 47:25
no, no. They they complain that I'm 20 minutes from them. Okay,

Scott Benner 47:29
so they're a little more suburban, yeah, and we lived in

Lauren 47:33
the city up until a couple years ago. Okay, we just had built a house out here.

Scott Benner 47:37
I got you, I understand. I mean, it sounds nice, don't get me wrong, except for the bear. But, I mean, what else is out there? It's great, yeah? Like a raccoon, so I imagine

Lauren 47:46
we have some raccoons for sure. Yeah, we it's pretty quiet. We have a lot of four wheelers that go by every

Scott Benner 47:52
day, though, any scary cats, like Bobcats or anything like that.

Lauren 47:55
No, like foxes will roam around here, bunnies, bunnies

Scott Benner 48:00
and foxes seem okay to me. Yeah, yeah. I have to say that one year, Fox had their babies in our backyard, and it was, like, it was like, the most lovely couple of months, like, watching these baby foxes just run around the backyard, then they just went off somewhere. So cute, yeah? But it was, it was really nice. I have a picture somewhere, wow, I'm not gonna share it with you, but, I mean, I have it. I don't know, I don't exactly know where it's at, but I have it. That's so cute. It was lovely. No, it was, it was really like, everyone was just like, enamored with little babies bouncing around out there. That was good. Yeah, no, I have to admit, I really did enjoy that. Were your parents older when they had you?

Lauren 48:38
No, they had me, I'd say 23

Scott Benner 48:44
Oh, okay, I don't know. My math got messed

Unknown Speaker 48:46
up somewhere. Yeah, they're they were born in 65

Scott Benner 48:49
okay, but your mom has Ms. Oh, yeah,

Lauren 48:52
sorry, yeah, I forgot. Yeah, she has MS. She does. She got diagnosed around 2012

Scott Benner 48:58
I think is, it is something that she struggled with her whole life, and finally got a diagnosis for something that came on her about 2012

Lauren 49:04
No, she got misdiagnosed so much for just like the like in dizzy spells, vertigo, stuff like that, fibromyalgia, all that. Yeah, it was like 10 years trying to figure

Scott Benner 49:17
out what it was. Oh, I'm sorry. What do they do for Yes, right

Lauren 49:21
now, she takes an injection once every three months. She used the walker. Yeah, so she and she just went back to work part time. She was off for a couple of years, and yeah, so she's out there working now. Okay,

Scott Benner 49:35
so she has an auto immune your grandfather is she, by the way, your grandfather's daughter or your grandmother's

Lauren 49:42
not the diabetic grandfather, that's my dad, okay,

Scott Benner 49:44
and so you have, your mom has an auto immune. Your grandfather had an auto immune. You do? Your brother does? Your grandmother has something type two, but not, yep, okay, oh, a celiac. Excuse me, so there's an auto. Room, yeah, celiac, that's a fair amount. Yeah, yeah. How about your husband? Now, does he have anything on his side of the family?

Lauren 50:06
Oh, sorry, I should say that my dad has Graves disease,

Scott Benner 50:10
autoimmune. Okay, okay, yeah, yeah,

Lauren 50:14
yeah, and yeah. So my husband, nothing is wrong with him and with his parents. There is, yeah, my father in law is a diabetic,

Scott Benner 50:25
type two, okay, but no auto immune, like celiac, thyroid, stuff like that. No.

Lauren 50:31
Heart runs on his side of the family. And I know that's not auto auto immune, but on both sides, actually, we've got, you know, some bad hearts,

Scott Benner 50:39
yeah, I mean, I don't your grandfather's heart's gotta be from type one. So were there other people on that side that had heart attacks?

Unknown Speaker 50:46
Yep, yeah, my dad

Lauren 50:48
had one, and my uncle had one. They both lived through them. Wow, jeez, yep, yep. And then my, my husband's dad had open heart surgery back in 2020, my

Scott Benner 50:59
God. And yeah, what are you guys eating? What's going on up there?

Lauren 51:03
Well, I mean, you know, I don't know what's going on. You know, I'm, you know, I'm cooking on stainless steel pans, trying to be healthy, and I'm glad,

Scott Benner 51:14
good for you. It's a good step. You're like, I don't know. I bought stainless steel pans. These mothers are still dying. I don't know.

Lauren 51:23
Sunshine don't burn candles, non toxic stuff, and everyone's still dying. I don't know, yeah, no,

Scott Benner 51:32
no, that's, it's, it's, it's, I mean, it's a lot, but, you know, you guys, I mean, but to have that issue and live to 80 is, is pretty awesome, actually, you know. So, I mean, that's terrific, but yeah, would you worry about your kids? Do you think about getting them tested?

Lauren 51:49
Oh, I worry about my daughter more than my son. It doesn't run on my son's dad's side of it. I do check the kids often, like my son will have around a 4.8 for his fasting. And then my daughter, oh, I just, I don't know. I can't stomach testing her sugar at the age that she's at. I just have the biggest fear with, like, I don't know, just she's a lot to handle. Okay,

Scott Benner 52:15
let's go slow. Let's start with, she's a lot to handle. What does that mean? She's

Lauren 52:19
a redhead, and she's so feisty, and so like, I have to sleep with her at night. She is so needy.

Scott Benner 52:29
And how old is she? She's four. Oh, she's Yeah, you mean you're sleeping with her because she needs so many things. You don't want to walk back and forth or what are you talking about?

Lauren 52:39
Oh, no, she will not let you leave the room. Like if you're not beside her, she'll wake up and come get you.

Scott Benner 52:47
How long has that been going on for? Since 2020, when she was born? No kidding, she's gonna have to hurry up. You're on a baby schedule. You almost have to have a baby again. You only have a few more years,

Lauren 52:57
yeah, three and a half, four years left. I gotta reproduce again.

Scott Benner 53:01
She better figure this out. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's interesting. Um, yeah, so she and, what about during the day? Does she is she clingy during the day? No, she's totally

Lauren 53:11
fine at daycare, like she's a different kid. And then she comes home and yeah,

Scott Benner 53:15
yeah, maybe she just loves you extra Yes.

Lauren 53:18
Her her attitude shows for sure she loves me the most. Is

Scott Benner 53:22
your husband a redhead? No, oh, Where'd it come from? Do you know, just

Lauren 53:27
generations back on both sides, like, actually, my husband is dark, complected, like dark eyes, dark facial hair and hair, and I'm just blonde blue, and she's she's redhead. Yeah,

Scott Benner 53:39
that's awesome, but you just said my husband's got dark facial hair and hair. And I was like, what happened? Oh, maybe she saw that new Eminem video, and she wanted to make sure I wasn't confused

Lauren 53:51
facial hair. And then I was like, Wait, he has hair too.

Scott Benner 53:54
I mean, I just assumed all of his hair was dark when you like, I didn't know where you're gonna stop. You're gonna be like, Oh, this hair is very dark too. It's all very dark. But who would know I sleep with my daughter every now you're sleeping with your daughter, and you know you've got four more years, so you've got plenty of time before you have to look at that again. All right, listen, is there anything we haven't talked about that we should have, anything that you've left off that you thought was interesting for people? Why did you want to be on the podcast? By the way? What mode? Way, what motivated you to do

Lauren 54:24
this? Just for fun? I thought it would be fun to come on and have a chat. And I just listen to you every day. So I'm like, Oh, I and it's interesting. You've never been to Canada, and so I'm always like, what's the holdup?

Scott Benner 54:36
Like, come see I mean, it sounds cold and there's a bear. That's one thing

Lauren 54:43
people tell you all the time. They're like, yeah, come like, it's nicer and it's nice here, sure. But like, We're driving to Florida in March, and I like, I can't wait to go see like, different states. How

Scott Benner 54:54
long is it going to take you to drive to but the way you said Florida, how long is it going to take you to

Lauren 54:59
get there? I. I believe it's about 20, around 28 hours with the kids, it's probably going to be 32

Scott Benner 55:08
Oh, my God, so. But you have a rolls. Royce, what are you driving? Like? How comfortable is the ride going to be? What are we talking about? Well, you use my husband's work truck. You're going to go in a Oh my God. Is that going to be comfortable? See right away, I'm such a baby. I'm, like, that does not sound comfortable. Well, it's

Lauren 55:24
like a Ford, like, f1 50, or whatever they are. They're like, you know, nice truck, yeah. And so we'll, we'll take that, you know, because you got the cap, and I plan on buying a lot. So we got to have space. What are you bringing back

Scott Benner 55:35
from Florida? Bo constructor, what are you getting?

Lauren 55:38
So many Disney Mickey ears. Who knows this is the first time taking the kids. So we were like, Let's just drive. It's cheaper to drive. What

Scott Benner 55:48
would it have cost to clone? Yeah? Like, I guess you gotta fly four people two ways. You gotta rent a car while you're there. That's the extra stuff. So what is that? That's a few $1,000 I imagine, right?

Lauren 56:02
Yeah, I think just the flight alone would be like, four grand and then, but then you have to travel with the, like, the booster seats and stuff at this age, which, like, That's annoying. So I just want to come and go. We we're gonna do like, Airbnb and not stay on resort.

Scott Benner 56:18
That's smart. Are you gonna make stop sick? Have you, I mean, it's a long trip. Have you, like, built in other places where you think you'd like to see along the way? Yeah,

Lauren 56:25
we didn't map it out fully yet. We still have some time, yeah, like, we want to hit some cool spots and seeing some like, we'll drive kind of like, I don't know, we'll stop around 5pm each day, so we'll be on the road, like, for hotels two nights.

Scott Benner 56:41
So you think so this is going to be almost like a two week trip for you when it's all said and

Lauren 56:46
done. Oh yeah. I asked my husband. I was like, Can we just go for like three weeks and do like, Lego Land too? And he was like, Okay, so,

Scott Benner 56:54
yeah, yeah, we'll just what's he doing? Yeah,

Lauren 56:58
he has his own company for, like, construction or, okay, yeah, yep, yeah. So he built, he built our house. And, yeah, I mean, I don't want to give him too much credit, though, okay, because it gets a little hard headed, and

Scott Benner 57:11
he might want sex every three years. And then, yeah,

Lauren 57:14
oh yeah. And he's like, so, I built your house. So, you know,

Scott Benner 57:21
oh, I know how. I know it makes sense to me. I mean, I have a light outside of my garage isn't working. If you can stop in New Jersey on the way through and fix it, that'd be awesome. Oh yeah.

Lauren 57:29
Oh yeah, yeah. It's

Scott Benner 57:30
lovely. I mean, like, Would you stop in, like, DC, like, to see Washington. Would you stop in, I don't know, like, the Outer Banks, North Carolina, as you went down, like, do you have things like, you don't even, yeah,

Lauren 57:43
I am actually excited to go to North Carolina. Like, I heard it was nice. What

Scott Benner 57:48
do you find out? Every one of our states looks exactly the same. And, oh, okay, and it doesn't look that different than Canada. You're gonna be so pissed.

Unknown Speaker 57:58
You're gonna be like, this looks like home. What the hell? Yeah. Well, I

Lauren 58:03
mean, as long as we can stop at every target on the way down, I'll be good.

Scott Benner 58:06
You're a target girl. You like the target? I like

Lauren 58:09
Target. Yeah, for sure. We had one here for like, a second, and then they took it away. I have no idea why they take six months.

Scott Benner 58:20
Why they, why are there disappearing targets in Canada?

Lauren 58:24
No, I don't know. Oh, we're gonna take

Scott Benner 58:26
Yeah, oh, Lauren, I'm gonna call your episode disappearing targets.

Lauren 58:30
Yes, please. Disappearing targets. Yeah, just

Scott Benner 58:33
laugh. It's a little bit what it's like talking to you, because I, like, I set up a target, and then it seems like it's gone before you get

Lauren 58:38
to it. I know, I know it's so hard my own brain. Is

Scott Benner 58:43
it really, like, finish on that? Like, what's it? What's it like to manage through a day when you're jumping around like that?

Lauren 58:50
Yeah. I mean, sometimes it can be, it can be challenging, like, especially when everyone's kind of home, we're, like, just the routines of, like, the day to day life, like I am so routine and like, time and and like, if I'm five minutes past the time, it's putting me in a bad mood. And these voices in my head are, like, hurry up a lot. Like, I don't even know how to explain it, so all over the place, but it really benefits me at work. Like, I could never sit in front of a computer and, like, do work, because as we're sitting here, like, like, both of my legs have been moving the whole time and I'm sitting so then I'm like, okay, like, I gotta get to work and, like, move my body. You know,

Scott Benner 59:29
I'm interested, if you ever go in the GLP, if that changes, Oh, you think it'll calm me down, and I don't know. I mean, if ADHD is, like, inflammation related, and GLP reduces your inflammation. I just wonder if I have no idea. I'm just wondering if it would, if it would help or not. I don't, it may not. Yeah, I'm interested. Well, maybe

Lauren 59:50
I it used to be worse. When I was younger, I just smoked a lot of weed, and then, like, I think over time, it kind of just, I don't know, mellowed me out a bit. Like, this is mellow for me. Okay, and it used to, it used to be, yeah, it used to be a lot worse.

Scott Benner 1:00:04
Are you still managing with the weed? No,

Lauren 1:00:06
I haven't. No, it's been, like, 10 years, really.

Scott Benner 1:00:09
How what made you stop having kids? Yeah, and then

Lauren 1:00:13
I didn't want to pay for it, like I was always hanging around people who who just had it all the time, and so I never paid for it, and that, I was like, Wait, I don't want to go search for it, pay for it.

Scott Benner 1:00:25
Yeah, I almost said something. So I'm sure that I would like, people wouldn't like, but I'm just gonna say, anyway, we'll beep it out so you stop hanging around guys that would trade wheat. And then you, you were like, I'm not doing this anymore. Am I close? Lauren, no,

Lauren 1:00:43
I stopped. No. It was like girlfriends too. Like it was the mixture of male and female hanging out and yeah, and then I didn't want to pay for it.

Scott Benner 1:00:56
Before we started recording. I only said that for your husband, because I realized when he listens back, he's going to be very immune. Going to be very amused when we before we started recording. Like, I tell people like, you know, I'm I usually say something like, you know, if you get really comfortable and you say something that's crazy, like, I'm not going to stop you. So I tell people, you got to be your own guardrails while we're talking. And today I said, like, you know, if you have like, a story about, like, shooting heroin in your eyes, and you were just like, oh, I have stories. Like, wait. Like, Normally people would go, do people shoot heroin into their eyes? Scott, that sounds ridiculous, but no. You were like, no, no. So there's part of me that wanted to just ask you what those stories were, but I'm afraid that you have children, and one day they'll find out what you said. So, yeah, yeah.

Lauren 1:01:39
Well, for sure, and there's probably going to be so many people that listen to this that I know that. You know we gotta keep those, keep those locked up. You gotta keep

Scott Benner 1:01:47
your crazy childhood stories aside.

Lauren 1:01:49
Alright, oh yeah, yeah, we'll keep those and ruin the ball.

Scott Benner 1:01:53
Alright. Well, I think you should probably try wheat again.

Lauren 1:01:57
Yeah. I mean, hey, yeah, no, it's Yeah. I mean, I know it works, right? So I did eat an edible once, and that was the worst experience of my life. So I won't ever do

Scott Benner 1:02:06
that, though. Yeah, the people who smoke will tell you that the way that the edibles metabolize is just too like, you know unknowable. So it's not really something that you can kind of manage,

Lauren 1:02:17
no, for sure. I mean, a little bit goes a long way, and I had no idea, so I ate a full, like hat, almost a full cookie. Yeah, I had to actually call my my diabetic brother, and say, I'm dying. You need to come help me from the couch to the bed, and I'm gonna die here.

Scott Benner 1:02:35
There's that great 911 call the guy gets on and he's like, my wife and I tried weed, and we're dead. It's such an old, like, internet clip, but I love it. I just love how assured he is that he's dead, but he's calling for help. It's awesome, but no, I mean, listen, I'm not pushing drugs on you. But, I mean, if it helped you in the past, and I don't know, yeah, yeah, no, my husband has

Lauren 1:02:58
mentioned it to me a couple times. Is that while you're yelling at drawing or something, yeah,

Scott Benner 1:03:07
he's like, maybe you should get high and stop yelling at me.

Just be nicer. I'm

building a house. Leave me alone. It's fine. If you didn't torture him, somebody else would. So,

Lauren 1:03:22
oh, I know he's total opposite of me too. Like, super quiet, yeah, yeah, yeah, he'd be so bored. Though, if he wasn't married to me, I actually I tell him, like, I think he would be bored.

Scott Benner 1:03:32
Oh, is that what you tell yourself? Yeah, yeah. My wife says that too. She's like, you like being challenged. I'm like, not this much. Yeah, not this much. You can back off once in a while. It's okay, like, what if Scott had an easy day? Every once in again, you know what I mean. All right, Lauren, I like you. You This was fun. I appreciate you doing this with me. Well, yes, thank you for having me on was it actually fun? You said you did it for fun. Did it actually end up being fun?

Lauren 1:04:02
This was so fun. Oh, good, yeah, this is so fun. Oh, good. I'm glad, excellent. I would say, Let's do it again, but it took, it took so long to come on. So you know, maybe I'll see you on my journey. Yeah, yeah,

Scott Benner 1:04:13
yeah. If you sign back up now, you could probably get back on in a couple of years. Yeah, yeah. Listen, and so that, you know, I'm going to ask Rob right now just bleep out completely so nobody knows what I said there, and let their minds filled in, and also bleep it out just now where I said it again. So, and you could leave this part in Rob, so there you go. I don't want you great. I don't want your daughter here in this one being like, wait, what?

Lauren 1:04:37
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or Mike's not into, which you you probably know, you know he's

Scott Benner 1:04:41
older. I don't know, with how pushy you are, I'm assuming he'll figure that out on his own. But yeah, all right, this is gone off the rails. We're definitely calling this one disappearing targets. And yes, thank you very much. I'll talk to you. Hold on one second for me. Okay, you.

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#1457 People Are People