#018 Talking about Traveling with Diabetes with Randi's Mom

Stefanie Mason hopes that her daughter's story helps you to feel comfortable traveling with type 1 diabetes.

I received this note from Stefanie: "I wanted to volunteer to do one of your conversational podcasts. I come across a lot of t1d parents that are intimidated by travel & my family loves to travel. We traveled internationally & domestically before diagnosis and have continued that lifestyle since diagnosis. For example, my daughter, Randi, was diagnosed 1 year ago in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and we went on a cruise 8 weeks after diagnosis. I'm hopeful that sharing our experiences will help make parents more comfortable with the idea of traveling the globe with their t1d kiddos."

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show notes:

TSA on Instagram - FRIO Insulin cooling case

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#017 D-Dad Matt Bortmess

Matt is a fun and down to earth guy that I really enjoyed talking with...

Episode 17 features my conversation with a fellow diabetes dad. Matt and his wife have four children and two of them have type 1 diabetes. You'll learn how a simple urine test during a well visit saved his children from being diagnosed the way too many children are, get a dad's perspective on living with type 1 and a lot more.

If you get the podcast with a podcast app and downloaded it prior to 11am EST on May 27 - please delete and re-download the episode, your file is out of sync. Sorry/thanks!

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#016 Talking Celiac and Diabetes with Maeghan's Mom

No St. Bernards or Moose were harmed in the making of this podcast...


Episode 16 is a fun conversation with D-Mom from Canada. Brandy shares her daughter Maeghan's celiac diagnosis, a type 1 diabetes diagnosis and a few tales about her life fighting with Murphy's Law (Her husband's leg was broken by freezing rain). Spend an hour with Brandy as she talks about her family and clears up the countless misconceptions that I have about Canada. 

"Everything I know about Canada I learned from a 1970's cartoon" - Scott

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