#1106 Weight Loss Diary: Nine

Goodbye Wegovy... HELLO Zepbound!

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Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome to episode 1106 The Juicebox Podcast and episode I didn't expect to be putting out today

Well, if you've been listening to my week OB diaries Welcome back this is we go V diary number nine. And the last one that's going to be called we go V diary. I don't know, I don't want to spill the beans just yet. You might notice this one's a little shorter than most actually a lot shorter. You'll see why at the very end. And the next time this happens next time there's a diary out about my weight loss should be about a month from now, you're gonna want to look for a slightly different title keep your eyes open, might not say we go V diary next time. Nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy earth.com All you have to do is use the offer code juice box at checkout. That's juice box at checkout to save 40% at cozy earth.com. A huge thank you to one of today's sponsors, ag one drink ag one.com/juice box, you can start your day the same way I do with a delicious drink of ag one.

If you're looking for community around type one diabetes, check out the Juicebox Podcast private Facebook group Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes, but everybody is welcome type one type two gestational loved ones. It doesn't matter to me. If you're impacted by diabetes, and you're looking for support, comfort or community check out Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes on Facebook. Everybody It is December 12 2023. Time for another week Ovi diary. I had an interesting week last week. went on a little trip was gone for a couple of days. banged around New York City with my wife and my daughter a lot of restaurants. No home cooked food. Nothing of the sort actually, let's see what happened. Also for those of you who heard me cry in the last episode, if that made you uncomfortable, I apologize. What do we have here? Looks like today is the 12th which makes seven days ago the fifth is alright. Anybody want to do the math? It was the fifth. So on December 5, I weighed 195.8 pounds. That was a Tuesday. The next day is that right? Wednesday. Guilt Wednesday was here. Thursday morning, we left. We spent Thursday, Friday in the city couple of hours in the morning on Saturday and came home. I'm gonna say one meal out 23455 Or six meals in restaurants in a row. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, fair amount of walking as you can imagine got my 10,000 steps in for sure. And I ate us some stuff that you know you think of as being in restaurants. We Gosh one night I had shrimp tempura I had a steak sandwich. I remember having a half of a grilled cheese like when I was grilled cheese is a restaurant grilled cheese. I had a few bites of it. I've had a handful of so a french fries this week stuff. I don't normally have ice cream once a bunch of different things right. Anyway 195.8 pounds on the fifth. Last time I spoke to you today 195.4 pounds. I am somehow lighter today than I was last week after spending this week doing what I did, eating what I did. And being in so many restaurants. I can tell you for certain that without weak Ovie I would have gained four or five pounds this week. Absolutely. There's no way around. It is very exciting. But I want to spend the rest of the time telling you about future plans and a little bit about how I felt during the trip. I speaking to my endocrinologist recently. She's the one who prescribed that we go V and she seems to feel strongly that when the Mon Jarno is that mon Jarno when the mighty Jarno version of their weight loss drug comes out that she'll be moving me to that so we'll see that should be in the next couple of weeks to months maybe to get rid of some side effects that I'm having with we go V that honestly the one side effect is just that my stomach is very stable. I go to the bathroom when I want to, but I wouldn't call my bowel movements sorry for this. I wouldn't call them like, you know, solid as rock. So she thinks maybe that will help. I haven't really looked at a lot of the numbers recently with you guys. But I will hear BMI 34.6 When I started today it is 20.9. Body fat is down to 26.5 from a starting point of 35. By body water is holding nice and steady, skeletal muscle mass holding nice and steady. BMR is nice and steady, fat free body weight, which is today 140 3.8 began at 150 1.8. And my subcutaneous fat which is today 23 began at 30. When we started doing all this visceral fat has been very stable at 12. My muscle mass is holding stable. Actually, I want to say that my muscle mass is holding stable but I actually you know visually am seeing my muscles What do I want to say they're tight. You don't I mean not loosen and flopping around like because I feel good about my muscles right now. Definitely should probably lift some weights I think am I bet will my metabolic age still at 56. But you know what started at 58. So rock on. Anyway, this app has been great. It attaches to my scale. That was very inexpensive catalog on Amazon. I think it's called run on people ask me every time I bring it up so try to be proactive here and tell you what it's called. Ren fo r e n p hl. Anyway, I'm going to shoot this week over you while I tell you about my experience this week, take my glasses off. I I wear a jacket like an overcoat because we were walking around the city was very cold. I caught a glance at myself a couple of times in a mirror or piece of glass. I looked dumb, smooth, my body lines were smooth. It's the best thing I can say that the best thing I can say it's the best way I can put it I look normal to my tummy. I didn't have I was able to wear a scarf without feeling weird about like double chin or like my face looking you know, like chubby from being pushed up from underneath. I had no trouble walking around. It's a lot more walking than I normally do. You know there's a little sore, my hips, my feet a little bit. But, you know, nothing you wouldn't expect from doing way more, you know, walking than you normally do. But as far as energy goes, as far as air, you know, breathing, got out of breath. No trouble doing what we did really fantastic time. Got to see the city around Christmas was very lovely. And that's pretty much it. So I'm going to shoot this 2.4 of week Ovie. And I mean, at this point now I'm my weight seems to be staying pretty stable. I am noticing like, this has happened a couple of times over the past months, but it feels like there's a reshaping of your body that happens over time. So while I don't believe that I've lost weight, obviously recently, I am maintaining staying very stable. And I look different than I did even a few weeks ago, my stomach is tightening up in the front, my thighs, which were very like kind of like, Man, when I first lost weight. I was like, Oh my God, my thighs look like bat wings. But that's tightening up too. So that's good, because that was upsetting. But everything else is going really well. I'm incredibly happy. And we'll see what's next. So let's stick this in here. Let it do its job. And then we'll get back to it. Appreciate you guys listening. Hope you're enjoying this

last thing is that over the weekend, while we were in the city, I felt completely comfortable jumping into photographs. Not a thing that normally would have happened. It just no problem. Somebody picked up a camera. I was like cool. I'll be a mat and that was a really great feeling might have been the best part of this weekend. Hey, everybody, it's Scott December 19. I gotta be honest with you, I have a lot to say. But I'm about to get into a car and drive all the way across the country to pick up my son. So I gotta shoot and go. I weighed exactly the same as I waited Last week, I think, yeah, I'm 195 Six today, I am pretty convinced that I need a little more medication. I am losing weight through the first four days of the week. And then on the fifth, sixth and seventh day, gradually putting it back. And the eating hasn't changed. It's, I think the medication is just not quite heavy enough at this point. I've mentioned it before, but my doctor wants to put me on Manjaro, or the weight loss version of Manjaro. Know, for a side effect I'm having which in clarity is not formed poopies. And hopefully, this might also give me a little boost. Otherwise, I'm not sure what's going to happen here. But I don't gain weight. And that's really important. Because you can see at the end of the week, that without this, even just eating as normal as I've been for the last number of months, I would start to put weight back on this medication is the only thing keeping this weight off of me. It is not it is not willpower. It's not food choices. It's I just My body doesn't work, right. It's the best thing I can say 2.4 milligrams of we govi Wish me luck. I'm driving 700 miles one way sleeping, getting back in a car and driving 700 miles back another way. I am far too old to be doing this. So who knows how this will go. RBR Don't worry 123

All right, everybody, the next time I talk to you. It will be the day after Christmas. And indeed it is the day after Christmas. Funny thing. I woke up today and didn't remember that it was Tuesday. So I didn't even weigh myself this morning. I am back from my Atlanta excursion. Everybody is fine. We've had Christmas people are well, we're very excited that everyone is home. I have nothing to tell you, except that I'm shooting my week over and I'll be back in seven days to tell you what I weigh. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I didn't do a very good job for you. Oops, I did not do a very good job for you this week. I apologize. I'll be back in a week or in your lifetime. A couple of seconds to let you know what happened next week, I guess this week coming up? Yeah. Hey, I'm back. It's January 2. I lost like a half a pound this week. But got some good news. The local pharmacy says that they have access to zap bound, which is the weight loss version of Manjaro Manjaro not trying to say it exactly yet. And my doctor is gonna send in a script and we're gonna see what happens so fingers crossed everybody for that. Because I do seem to have plateaued here on the week OB weighed myself. Two days before Christmas 190 5.6 on the 27th. Two days after Christmas that was 196 Six, went up to 197 the next day. Got through Christmas 29th 196. Again, back down. I got the 194 eight on the 30th but then back up on ID five, four. And today I am 195 Two. So you know it's a bit of a yo yo now I don't think this 2.4 If we go V is quite enough. Hopefully. Hopefully we will find out if the zip bound is any different for me. I was toying with the idea of going to Canada for so is for some ozempic and doing the weego V with like a little bump of ozempic to get the dose up. But you know that seems like a lot so hopefully there's that bound will be the answer. We'll find out soon i guess but for now. Let's get this injected and keep going. I hope you're all doing well. Happy New Year. Okay, so we've got Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year in the box. Doing 2.4 We go V hopefully we can get moved to Magento sooner than later but for now, stuff is the lifesaver let's go outside of my belly should I use left or right is that stage left? If you were looking at maybe my right side? I'm gonna go there this time. Were aware about here? Nope. I didn't like the way they felt about hear better

Alright guys, let's keep going New Year New us. Oh, we have a gift. My friends that time has come as Lionel Richie would have said, well, my friend, the time has come you know the song, raise the roof and have some fun. Guess what I have in my hand. You think? Oh, Scott, it's 2.4 milligrams if we go nope, it's not. It's five milligrams of zip bound. That's right friends. I'm zip bound. I've been talking about it for a while now. I've been plateaued. Nothing's working, talk to my doctor for a little bit as you're supposed to do. And she said, Let's try. The Manjaro isn't Manjaro Manjaro mine. So anyway ozempic is currently classified. Your insurance will say it's okay for type two diabetes. They use the same exact formula. same molecule, same drug called it we go V insurances that's for weight loss, we go V's for weight loss ozempic is for type two diabetes while Manjaro no Manjaro Oh God am I gonna have to learn how to pronounce this hold on a second. That's, you know, currently classified for type two. And they have a weight loss version called Zip bound. And I am my friends today is that bound. I'm going to learn more about it as we go obviously, and talk to you about it. But from our friends at Eli Lilly. I'm making the switch to Zep bound. Because I've plateaued pretty seriously actually. I'm gonna read you some of my numbers. So this is a good place to keep all that information. I'm also moving my injection date to Saturday. So today is January 6. I've actually, as you know, injected we go V on Tuesday, which I think was the fourth. But we're moving this to Saturday. My doctor also says that's okay. And so here we go. Today, when I woke up, I weigh 194.8 pounds. That seems to be my new place. I bounced between 190 481 95 for the last seven or so days. I'm gonna go over all my numbers with you real quick before we sat down at BMI is 28.8. Body fat 26.4 my hydration 53.1. That's body water. Skeletal muscle mass 47 Five Excuse me. BMR 1777. Fat free body weight 143.6. subcutaneous fat 22.9. That's down from the day we started from 30. visceral fat is 12. Visceral down from 17 on the start date, my muscle mass 130 6.4. That's been pretty steady the whole time. bone mass 7.2 protein 16.8 metabolic age still 56 Of course, I'm using the URENCO scale, a lot of you asked, so I'm sure to say it. Now. I do not have any kind of an agreement with them. They are not buying ads. But ask yourself this Renville why not. So let's shoot this round. And then I'm going to come back next week with a whole new bunch of information for you. I guess that makes this a pretty short episode, because I'm going to put this one out. Yeah, this one's only like 16 minutes long, but we got a big shift here. I guess I'm going to tell you that the next episode will be called zap bound diary. Formerly weego V diary or something like that. I have no idea. Okay, it's zip bound. So this needle is a little different. The other one you pop the cap off and you've just pushed the whole thing into you. It clicks in you hold it and it clicks off when you let go. It actually works. The pen the weego V pen is seems very similar to me to the G voc hypo pen. So this one is different. You pop the cap off. And then you unlock this the turnstile to unlock it and then you push a button at the top. Whatever. Oh, I shouldn't have put my shirt on. I'm undressing those are my snaps was very sexy. It's not trust me. Okay, exposing my belly. There it is. Before I inject this, let me say this. I've lost. I don't know exactly what 38.5 I guess I could have look. I've lost 38.6 pounds since March 28 2023. Today is January 6 2024. For those of you who have seen photos of me I look like a completely different person. It would be very easy to say, I did it, I'm done. But truth is my BMI is still high. I'm still technically obese. And though my legs are nice and trim and my arms are crossed, my chest is looking good. I have all this extra weight is in my belly. I am not having a heart attack, Scotty ain't going out like that. Okay. And on top of that, I've learned something. So I think I told you the story already. But real quickly, I had a photo taken of me the other day in the same exact position in the same exact places. I had a photo taken of me a year ago. They were both taken by my daughter, who then said, I'm going to share these pictures with you, because I think you're going to be amazed. And I looked in the picture that's one year old. I was sloppy fat on, I appeared unkept. Even though I didn't feel that way, my face look tired and sunken. was a mess, like I look a mess. But if I think back to a year ago, I didn't feel that way. And if I looked in the mirror, I didn't look that way to me. Today, I can look back 38.6 pounds later and tell you, I was in trouble. I do not, I did not look good. And it would be easy to say I'm so much better now. I'm good, I'm done. But if I forget who I was a year ago, and just assess myself today for who I am today, the person I am today is still not in a healthy way. Not completely. I'm much better than I was. I look better and clothing, look better photos. All that kind of like surface stuff is 1,000% Better, obviously. But I'm not there yet. And I'm not stopping so southbound, which is a we go visit GLP one is that bound is actually a GLP one and a GLP 2am I right about that hold on sorry. I'm gonna read here for a second then I'm gonna learn more about it as we go. People taking zip pound lose up to 48 pounds through a 17 month clinical trial people who died at exercise and towards that balance, sustained weight loss, but it's all sounds like you don't I mean, it comes in 510 and 15 milligram doses I don't know that I'll ever go up from the five we'll find out of course. Yeah, so from what I hear from my doctor, is that bound might not just be helping with weight. But it could also help with acid reflux, which I have but don't have as bad as I used to have when I was 38 pounds heavier. And it could also take away any side effects. I don't mean that what do I mean? She told me that she's hearing from her patients it's up bound maybe has fewer side effects for her patients than we go we had and I do still have one side effect. While I'm on we go V which is a Scotty hasn't seen a nice solid bowel movement in a while. You know what I mean? They're not like I can't believe we talked about this stuff. They're not like fire hose horrible or anything like that. They're just not what I would call where I want them to be. If this changes that well then that's just another thing clicked off the list, which I would really appreciate. I'm just looking to be healthy, to feel good. And to actually be good. Alright, I'm looking at my belly here which is significantly smaller than it used to be. And I have decided on an area I've popped the cat pop sorry there I just bought the cat Yeah, well okay. I'm pulling it up to my skinny skin skin. Unlocking the pen I'll do a little pinch and then a button right oh God Is this gonna hurt here we go

hmm I was pretty quick did hurt no. little drop of blood. I'd never had a little drop of blood would we go mana that that needle shoots out of there is like hello Here I come. Alright people I guess I would have normally said Here we go V but instead let's say something. I'm what does that mean? I was gonna say zap bound. What the hell's zap like here we go V was easy. That made sense. What is this zap zap is not a thing right? Hold on. Zap, meaning, maybe it means something I don't know. cookery. A long sandwich consisting of across the role cut lengthwise filled with meat, cheese, onion, lettuce and condiments. Well, that doesn't seem like that's good. Zeppelin. Zeppelin Zeppelin one. Oh Zeppeli I'm getting it now. A certain step is a certain type of submarine sandwich. I will that's not as much fun. Let's say this. I'm health bound

Scotty got the ZAP down. Next time look for an episode called zap bound diary. Maybe I should just change it to GLP diary GLP weight loss diary weight loss diary. Anyway, if I make a change to Episode 10, which I'm going to have to, I might have to go back and change the rest of them. I don't know. You'll figure it out. I want to thank you for listening to the podcast wish you a happy and healthy New Year. I haven't done that yet. And what else? That's pretty much it check out the private Facebook group. If you're enjoying the podcast, leave a five star rating and a thoughtful review. It helps people find the show. And of course, turn on those automatic downloads in your app. And please please be subscribed in that like Apple podcasts or Spotify, Amazon Music something like that. Let me just say thank you so much for listening. I get to order purchase. In thank you so much for listening. I'll be back soon with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast. Listen to that depth in my voice tonight. Let's go i sound good. You know being serious for a second before I say goodbye. I wish you could see me here it's Saturday night. I'm buttoning up the show doing a bunch of little things. And I'm sitting here in like a nice shirt. pants that fit well. I got new shoes on that are nice. Like Arden got me for Christmas. These boots. They're really lovely. I am I feel good. And I think I look better because I feel good. Like it's an attitude. Not a size, if that makes sense. Anyway, I went out to dinner with my lovely wife this evening. I looked terrific. She looked fine. We went out we had a nice time we came back here we're both getting a little work done on Saturday night. And I know you're like Saturday night you're doing work well. You know what? Work for myself and my boss isn't

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#1107 Grand Rounds: Insulin and Safety


#1105 Adam's Song