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#1282 Weekly News 8/12/24

Podcast Episodes

The Juicebox Podcast is from the writer of the popular diabetes parenting blog Arden's Day and the award winning parenting memoir, 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal: Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Dad'. Hosted by Scott Benner, the show features intimate conversations of living and parenting with type I diabetes.

#1282 Weekly News 8/12/24

Scott Benner

For the week of August 12, 2024

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome back to the juicebox podcast.

Lovely to see you again. This is the News episode for the week of August 12, 2024 these are the diabetes related news stories I found interesting. Nothing you hear on the juicebox podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. If you'd like to help with type one diabetes research, you can do it right from your home without ever seeing a doctor by going to T 1d when you get there, just join the registry and complete the survey. This should take you about 10 minutes. Your answers to very simple questions will help type one diabetes research move forward. You need to be a person who has type one diabetes or is the caregiver of someone with type one and a US resident to fill out the survey. T 1d,, please take those minutes. They will really help when you place your first order for ag one, with my link, you'll get five free travel packs and a free year supply of vitamin D drink, ag box. This episode of The juicebox podcast is sponsored by ever since the ever since CGM is more convenient, requiring only one sensor every six months. It offers more flexibility with its easy on, easy off, smart transmitter, and allows you to take a break when needed. Ever since, Hey everyone. I did some recording on this file earlier in the week, but then found this news, which I'm moving to the front, which doesn't mean that the stuff at the back is not important, but it's going to sound a little disjointed after this part's over, you'll understand why in a second I've seen an article that I'm just I'm very excited about. This is from it's quartz titled, getting your hands on zepbound may get easier this year with new single dose vials. Now, for anybody who's been using a GLP off label with their doctors help, of course, to help lower their insulin resistance, who's type one, but you're losing too much weight because you don't need the full 2.5 or five or whatever they're giving you if you know you're having impacts beyond insulin resistance, and you think, Oh, I wish I could just take a little less of this or spread it out a little more. But I wish I didn't have to just do the injector pen every time. I wish I had a little more control. I wish my doctor could help me dose this differently. If you've had that thought, listen to this. Eli Lilly will start selling single dose vials for starter doses of zepbound in the coming weeks. Lily announced on Thursday that it finally is launching single dose vials for starter doses of blockbuster weight loss drug zeppbound, which, of course, is just mandarno marketed for weight loss. The move will potentially help meet stronger demand for the popular drug. I don't care what this article says. That's not why I care about it. The company said its second quarterly earnings report, said in its second quarterly quarterly earnings report for 2024 that it will start selling in the US single dose files for 2.5 and five milligram doses of set bound in the coming weeks. The news comes as the pharma giant said sales of highly sought after diabetes and weight loss drugs during the second quarter outperformed expectations, resulting in their raising their revenue. Outlet. That's money I don't care about that. Sales of Manjaro in the quarter reached 3 billion. Wow. Hold on a second blowing class drugs. I know all that skyrocketing demand frustrated. Zipbound users have been calling on the company to address the supply constraints. All right, look, I don't care about any of this, and this is not advice, medical or otherwise, but if you're a person who's been wanting to micro dose, GLP, this has got to be incredibly exciting news for you. I know that my daughter is using it with a prescription through a doctor covered by insurance, even not ZF bound, but manjarno, and her dose at the lowest dose is it's too much for her, and so we've been trying to figure out ways to to to impact that. But you know, so far, all you've been able to do is just stretch it out, not do it every week, do it a little longer. But all that does is it gives you a bunch of days up front of coverage, and then days in the back and that don't have as much coverage, and then days that have even less coverage, if not none, until you put it in again. It's not a perfect system. I'm sitting here watching it, thinking over and over again. I wish I could just draw this up with a different needle and use less I cannot wait to talk to her doctor about this. This is, I think, really exciting and awesome news. Once again, the single dose vials of zepbound, introduced by Eli Lilly, are available in 2.5 and five milligram doses. These vials are intended to make the drugs more accessible and easier to manage, et cetera and so on. That's it. The article is called getting your hands on zepbound may get easier this year with new single dose vials. Go ahead and Google it. I think it is insanely exciting. While we're talking about Eli Lilly. This is from ABC News. Eli Oli warns in an open letter on Thursday about the dangers of fake and compounded versions of its diabetes, weight loss medications. Manjarno and zepbound companies announced a lawsuit against wellness centers and medical spas advertising the drugs. Eli oh the Novo Nordisk, which of course, is a competitor. They sell ozempic And we govi have also filed these lawsuits to med spas supporting who are selling knock off versions. Looks like they're protecting their investment here, and the warning from Eli Lilly says the company is deeply concerned about the proliferation of online sales of fake versions of its products, and that people should never put products labeled research purposes only and not for human consumption into their bodies. That's just good advice no matter what. Anyway, that's the thing. Go ahead and check that out if you want. ABC News Eli Lilly warns about dangers of fake and counterfeit Manjaro and zebound. And now the rest of this episode is going to be it'll feel disjointed for half a second because I recorded that stuff first. But just get paid. The podcast is sponsored today by ever since CGM, ever since with ever since there's no need for frequent sensor changes, no more sensors falling off, fewer failed sensors and less skin irritations, and that means more comfort with Eversense. You only need one sensor insertion every six months, and there's no need for constant sensor changes, which means less hassle. There's also no need to carry extra sensors with you, so that's less stuff to worry about, and you can say goodbye to unexpected disruptions from sensors falling off or being knocked off, because the Eversense CGM is implantable and the sensor stays comfortably in place for six months. The Eversense sensor is incredibly durable, and of course, that means fewer frequent unexpected sensor errors that happen before the end of the suggested wear time. But what do you really want to know about accuracy the ever since CGM performs exceptionally over its six month life. If you'd like more details or are interested in getting started, use my link. Ever since, I'll be telling you a lot more about ever since this year. So make sure you pay attention to upcoming advertisements. There you'll learn about the implantable sensor, the smart transmitter and their mobile application, the Eversense CGM lasts up to six months, eliminating the hassle and discomfort of frequent sensor insertions. Simply put, it makes managing your diabetes so much easier. Eversense, you let's take a look at the News for the week of August 12, 2024 what do we have here? Oh, want to start simple. Looks like oh my gosh. How do you say this umia Is that it omia Omio, Omio University. This is in Sweden. It's spelled U, M, E, and then it has a funny a with a hat. Anyway, they've done a little study, and research has uncovered that there's a potential link between type two diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. The study found that high blood sugar levels may hinder the body's ability to clear beta amyloid proteins, which are associated with Alzheimer's. This, of course, suggests that better blood sugar management could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's. Not a ton with that, but I like there's research in that space. Next we're going to move on to the ever since CGM. Let me find this article for you, and I'm going to finish up here by with, by with I'm going to finish up here by telling you about two trials that I learned about through diatribe. First one is a new trial for the test ozempic for kidney disease and type ones trial name, let's see trial of semiglutide for diabetic kidney disease in type ones. I may have talked about this one before, but I wanted to put it out there again, if I haven't. Researchers are recruiting 60 adults with type one diabetes and kidney disease for the trial, participants will either receive ozempic or a placebo at the end of the 20. A six week trial. Participants will undergo an MRI scan to measure how much oxygen is delivered to the kidneys and used by kidney cells. Kidney oxygen. Oxygenation is an important indicator in kidney function. I'm reading directly from diatribe. By the way,

researchers will also measure uacr, an estimated glomerula, glue, Merola filtration rate, measures the amount of protein in the urine. This is interesting. You should like Google this and find that a diatribe interested participants. You have to be 18 years old and have been diagnosed with type one diabetes for at least five years, have an A, 1c under 9% have a uacr of at least 30 mg G and an E, G, F, R of at least 45 milliliters per minute. And then it says like 45 milliliters minute, 1.73 m2 I'm sure if you have that, you know what that is. And are you stable doses of blood pressure and cholesterol. Are you on stable doses of blood pressure and cholesterol lowering medications? People who have had recent diabetic ketoacidosis or a history of pancreatitis are not eligible for the study. There's a full list of inclusions anyway. This is cool. If I think if you Google new trial tests ozempic for kidney disease and type one diabetes. You're going to come to it. I'm actually going to test that for you, to let you know that will definitely take you to the diatribe article about it. Go ahead and take a look. I think that's pretty cool if you need it. And another study, again from diatribe, new study test. I got it from their website, they're not doing the study. New study tests liver targeting insulin and type one diabetes. If you're an adult who has type one diabetes, you may be eligible to participate. Trial name is phase 2b trial comparing HDV, insulin LIS Pro to insulin lispro in adults with type one diabetes receiving insulin, decludec, o, p, t, I, two. Wow, who named that one trial sponsor is diameter pharmaceuticals, a study researching whether administrating a liver targeting insulin called h, d, v, l, insulin will improve glycemic control by reducing nocturnal hypoglycemia while maintaining or improving HBA 1c and people living with type one diabetes. How does the trial work? Researchers are recruiting roughly 230 adults with type one diabetes, ages 18 to 79 who are on multiple daily injections. Participants will be randomized and either receiving the insulin Lisp bro or insulin or the HDV L, insulin must pro in combination with basal insulin traceba, all participants will wear a continuous glucose monitor. The entire trial will run eight months, inclusive of a screening and follow up periods. This trial will include a screening period of up to three weeks, a run in period of two weeks to access eligibility and to transition to use of the insulin, etc, and the CGM, 12 week dose optimization period, a 13 week maintenance period, a two week transition follow up period, wow. 18 to 79 type one with a confirmed blood C peptide, result of negative point six or less than point six, you have to have been on insulin for six months, are willing to use the designated CDM device and for where to go and forego an insulin pump or automated insulin delivery system through the duration of the study, you need an A, 1c reading between 6.5 and nine, and you need to be using a total daily insulin dose that is 1.25 units per kilogram per day or less. People who have used weight loss medications, dietary supplements for weight loss or glucose lowering, medications outside of insulin 30 days prior to the study are not eligible. Sounds like if you're using a GLP, you ain't gonna be in it if you're interested. Google new study test, liver target, targeted insulin in type one diabetes. And I have one more thing for you. I don't know if this is news or not, but it's a press release. I think it's exciting and a little telling. Beta bionics, who of course, made the eyelet pump, is announcing that they've reached their 10 1000s. 10 1000s, 1000s. Oh, my God, the 10th. I'm tired. I don't want to be judged over this, but I'm not going to edit this out anyway. They've got 10,000 people using the eyelet pump. Again. This is a press release. So grain of salt, because I don't usually think companies say things like that are bad about themselves in press releases. But I don't see anything bad here. I just see an announcement. Pretty quickly, they got 10,000 people on. I let I think that's a pretty hell interesting milestone. Beta bionics, a commercially staged medical technology company, proudly announced that 10,000 patient start on the islet bionic pancreas. Significant milestone marks, a major step. Up towards the company's mission to alleviate blah, blah, blah. I let in case you don't know, and this is from the the the writing here, but I think it's important to say the first FDA cleared autonomous closed loop insulin delivery device designed to be both easier and prescribed for health care professionals, etc, for prescribers and for patients. So if you don't know anything about eyelet, I have a couple of episodes about it. It is a pump that you just tell it, it's breakfast and I'm having a meal. That is, I think I forget. There's three distinctions, smaller than usual average, or larger than usual, or it's lunch, and that you know, smaller average, larger. Episode 934, and episode 1217, so far is I let content, and we have more coming. We have some islet users on the recording schedule. So anyway, congratulations to beta bionics rate in 10,000 that's pretty awesome. I

want to thank the ever since CGM for sponsoring this episode of The juicebox podcast and invite you to go to ever since, to learn more about this terrific device, you can head over now and just absorb everything that the website has to offer. And that way you'll know if ever since, okay, well, here we are at the end of the episode. You're still with me. Thank you. I really do appreciate that. What else could you do for me? Uh, why don't you tell a friend about the show or leave a five star review? Maybe you could make sure you're following or subscribed in your podcast app, go to YouTube and follow me, or Instagram. Tik, Tok. Oh gosh, here's one. Make sure you're following the podcast in the private Facebook group as well as the public Facebook page you don't want to miss. Please do not know about the private group. You have to join the private group as of this recording, it has 51,000 members in it. They're active, talking about diabetes, whatever you need to know. There's a conversation happening in there right now, and I'm there all the time. Tag me. I'll say hi. The episode you just heard was professionally edited by wrong way recording, wrong way, you.

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