This is Arden's first appearance on the podcast.

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends. Welcome to Episode 517 of the Juicebox Podcast.

In August of 2006, our two year old daughter Arden was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. Much like all of you, this took us completely by surprise. We didn't know anything about autoimmune issues, even though now with hindsight, we can see different ones. In my wife's family. I'm adopted, of course, so I don't have any medical knowledge of things like that. But we were blindsided on vacation at the beach, at a big family gathering. Our daughter was just wasting away and dying. And suddenly we know what was happening. I don't think that our life has ever really been the same since then. It's much better in some ways, and there are obvious deficits. Anyway, I'll tell you a little more in a second. But remember, while you're listening that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, please always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan, or becoming bold with insulin. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the Dexcom g six continuous glucose monitor. It is also sponsored by Omni pod makers of the Omni pod dash. You can find out more about the Dexcom and get forward slash juice box or to learn about the Omni pod promise. And see if you're eligible for a free 30 day trial of the Omni pod dash go to Omni forward slash juice box. Before we get started, I want to remind you that Arden has just turned 17 that she's never been on a podcast before. And that I asked her before we started for one thing I just said please just be honest, be yourself. The goal here with this episode was for you to get to know Arden a little bit. Before we got started with a series where I'm going to talk to her about things that I'm hoping she'll do for herself and her health. As she gets older and goes off to college. I didn't want you just to not know who she was because Arden has a very sarcastic sense of humor. She's dry, she doesn't have a filter. I know some of you may have expectations of who Arden is. But by the time this is over, you'll know for sure. Hope you enjoy this episode. I really enjoyed sitting with my daughter and making it I have to say that this podcast has afforded me a lot of wonderful things. And to sit down across from my daughter and talk like this is one of them. I hope you enjoy getting to know Arden I really love talking to her. If I'm being honest, I don't think she ever but here we go. Alright, you recording now ask your question again. No, snap for that and just keep going. I'm going to ask, I'm going to answer you now.

Arden Benner 3:29
No, I don't know. I don't want this used.

Scott Benner 3:36
So if you want to curse, you can curse and it gets beeped out. But that's stupid. Why would I curse then? People can still tell what you say. They don't I just so the reason I don't have cursing on the podcast is because children listen. No, they don't. They do. And because it would preclude me from being in certain countries on iTunes. So those are the two reasons. Do you want to introduce yourself?

Arden Benner 4:02
No. Y'all know who I am? We can proceed. You can drag it out there with the water cuz I need hours.

Scott Benner 4:14
Alright, so first, let's be honest with people tell them while you're doing the podcast,

Arden Benner 4:19
I need a parking spot at my school and I have no community service hours. And and I you know I should get community service for being alive. But that's not enough. So I'm here.

Scott Benner 4:29
Okay, so we went to Your what? We went to the school and we asked them if being on the podcast would count. And they said yes.

Arden Benner 4:37
Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. They said that's fine. Yeah, that was very nice of them. didn't have to do that. Yeah. I mean, Paul didn't have to get community service for being related to me, but that happened.

Scott Benner 4:45
So you're saying when Cole was in high school, he got some community service because his sister had diabetes.

Arden Benner 4:50
Yeah. Which seems you know, horrible. But

Unknown Speaker 4:52
whatever. I think maybe his his guidance counselor was just trying to help him out but you think why are you talking to me like I'm full

Scott Benner 5:00
I'm not talking to you like your, this is gonna be so strange. So two things. First of all, I've never interviewed somebody face to face before. So it's a little weird for me. Hey, look at the wall. I don't know what you're doing here. But of all the people in our family you and I talk the most though. Right? We're the chatty is that before? Yeah, right. Okay. So like when we get in the car, we drive somewhere we talk the whole time. No, but all right. We talked last night, we took Samson at home in the rain.

Arden Benner 5:29
That was a, you know, different scenario. But all right, what scenario was it? You know, breaking laws? Oh,

Scott Benner 5:35
you just driving through some floodwater? It was fine. Okay, so I'm gonna, here's my plan for this. It's a very loose plan. We're gonna get to know you in this one. Okay, around diabetes. And then we'll talk in future episodes. And I will be you and I will be talking together about the idea of sort of transfer of power, like diabetes power from me. And Mom, to you. Right. And that process? Okay,

Unknown Speaker 6:10
yep. Sounds good. Okay.

Scott Benner 6:11
And on a scale of one to 10? How excited are you to do this

Arden Benner 6:14
about a three? Okay, not at all? Easy. That was way higher than I'm actually thinking.

Scott Benner 6:21
So let me ask you about that first, then. Is this just something in general, you wouldn't do? Like if someone else asked you to be on their podcast? You'd be like, I don't want to do that.

Arden Benner 6:30
Yeah, I don't see the point in this. You don't think anything? I have no knowledge about anything. I'm just the name.

Scott Benner 6:37
So this is very interesting. Okay, because everyone who comes on this podcast, I'm seriously everyone later will say to me, hey, if you don't want to use that episode, I understand. I know, we didn't talk about anything. But I've used every episode that I've ever recorded, with the exception of a couple because of like other personal reasons for people. But the point is, is that everyone share something that's really helpful to other people. So you might not know that you have some good information, or something to share. That'll be valuable, but you do. Okay. Yep. All right. So, first serious question. Do you What's the earliest you remember having diabetes?

Unknown Speaker 7:22
What's your question? Is that I don't know. What's your first memory of it? I don't know. Do you remember having it when you were two?

Unknown Speaker 7:31
I don't even know

Scott Benner 7:32
what I would think. No, I'm just asking the question.

Arden Benner 7:34
Yeah, I don't know. I remember yesterday, like, I don't understand what type of question this is.

Scott Benner 7:38
Do you remember when you were five? Like, that's kindergarten? Do you remember having diabetes in kindergarten? I don't think about it like that. I know. That's what we're trying to get to. I think that you consider diabetes in a much different way than a lot of people do. So that's what we're trying to get to. Okay. You understand what I'm saying? All right. You're combative witness here. You don't have to be combative. Just answer the questions. If you don't know, say, I don't know, it's fine. Here's the question for you that will answer at the end of this episode. Try to think of on this podcast. What word has most frequently came after the word artists? It's art and and then second word? It those two, these two words are used most frequently together? One of them being your name? Yeah, I know what it is. What is period? You got to quickly

Unknown Speaker 8:32
you have someone right now. You have your period right now, you wouldn't ask me that. I wouldn't know my period right now.

Scott Benner 8:40
Okay. All right. So let's not ask you about how far back you remember, diabetes instead. Let's, let's talk about the way you think about it. So in the course of a regular day, when's the first time you think about diabetes?

Arden Benner 8:56
I don't, I don't think about it. Ever, literally ever. I don't think about

Scott Benner 9:01
it. If I asked you to do word association, and I said, Arden is you would never say diabetic, right? No, but you know, you have diabetes, obviously. Yeah, no, no, I have no idea. But you just don't. You don't see yourself that way. No, I don't see myself that way. So it's not a weird question. Because a lot of people do. or more importantly, a lot of parents are afraid that that's how their kids are going to see them. All right. So did you know when you were a little kid, and you would come home from school? The first thing I would say to you is what's your blood sugar? No, I have no idea. You don't remember that. So that's a really impactful thing for me. Because it It took me a little while, but I realized that I wasn't even looking at you. I was just worried about the diabetes. And so I consciously stopped myself from asking about it when you got home even when there were times when I thought thought your blood sugar might be low or that you could be in some sort of trouble or something like that I would stop myself. I'm sure I wasn't listening to a word you said when I got it. I think this is important for people to hear. Cuz I had a lot of anxiety around it at the time. And you now are how old 17? And you have no memory of it whatsoever. Yeah, memory, a lot of stuff that happens. So do you remember anything in your life? Like, I don't remember very far back in my life, I'd never have been able to fit some pieces. I don't know. Yeah, but you have a very good memory for like, present day stuff.

Arden Benner 10:33
Joe, losses, tests and quizzes.

Scott Benner 10:38
Because, like, you'll get up in the morning and have had like a really weird dream or something. And you'll tell me about it in really like specific detail. Yeah, that's probably a psychological thing. Like, I'm just, I don't have any problems like that. Yeah, yeah. You seem like you're gonna be okay. So far. We've been looking at this timer. Don't look at it. Don't watch that. We're just talking. Trust me, that takes people 15 minutes just to relax. Okay. So, back to my original question. So when's the first time you think about insulin or diabetes? Or do you not even think of it as diabetes? Just think of it as I'm going to eat? Yeah, I don't think diabetes. Okay. Yeah. How frequently do you think you use the word? Literally, never. I don't think I do either. Like outside of this podcast. I don't think I say diabetes in my personal life. Yeah, such a long word. They could have named it something better. Don't you think the beats that would you would call it No, no.

Arden Benner 11:43
But wait, what? If you're diabetic and you have a fat ass, you're diabesity

Unknown Speaker 11:49
that's what love tells me. Your friend tells you that if I ever,

Arden Benner 11:53
you know, get sick, I'm a diabetes now, okay. In the winter, you know, like when you put on weight?

Unknown Speaker 12:00
Like so? Like, like a bear? You're gonna go into a cave and Hibernate for a while. Everyone gets bigger in the winter. Okay,

Scott Benner 12:07
so what so you brought up your friends? You brought up live? How much do your friends know about? Uh, do you think?

Arden Benner 12:16
I know nothing? Nothing? I don't know. They? I honestly have no idea. I cannot tell you. I don't even know if they know I'm diabetic.

Scott Benner 12:25
I know that they don't appear to have any even general knowledge about it. Yeah. So I think parents listening would then wonder how that happens. Because their concern is that other people might see their children as only like a person with diabetes. But you have a close group of friends. And they don't. They don't even understand anything about it. Right? Yeah. Have you ever said to them like, this is my chivo hypo pan. This is how it works. You know what that means? So you so you have no idea what the hell? Okay, so you know, you're carrying glucagon?

Unknown Speaker 12:56
Yeah, it's in my purse, right? Yeah, I throw pasta purse. But you don't know what it's called? The in the package, right? Yes. Yeah. I don't even know how to use that. Okay. Well, now's a good time. They're not gonna think you're a great dad outside of this. Well,

Scott Benner 13:10
I it's a hypo pen. It's this. Alright, you don't need to teach me right away. Fine. But in front of everybody. This is important. You know, I've showed this to you. Right?

Arden Benner 13:19
Yeah. I just have no recollection of how to use it. Okay, because I won't get in that situation.

Scott Benner 13:24
Well, this is super okay. You don't think it'll ever come up? No. You don't think you could have like a mistake or a problem or something could happen now? I'm completely fine. You're completely fine.

Arden Benner 13:33
Yeah. I've gotten to 20 before and, you know, strong brain I have. I can keep myself awake. Your brain. Your brain holds up? Yeah.

Scott Benner 13:43
Okay, so But seriously, for people listening. I've showed this to you. Yeah, I can't get up off.

Arden Benner 13:49
I'm aware. You showed that to me.

Scott Benner 13:51
Okay. But you didn't remember? No. So this is so this is? I'm very glad you're honest. Okay. I seriously, um, because I think that that's could be one of those things that people right now are like, Oh, my God. You mean, my kid might not remember this. I explained this to them. It's super important. If

Arden Benner 14:08
your kid is older than 15 when they walk out the door, they're not listening to you. Just so you're aware. I I went on my first drive after I got my license mom screaming stuff in my ear. And I was like, Yeah, that sounds good. Okay. You don't know. I was out the door. I don't even know what she was talking about. She told me not to drive into a tornado. And I was like,

Scott Benner 14:29
so it's interesting, because mom doesn't want you to die generalized. She's just like, Don't crash into anything. That's her worry. And I really am more concerned that you're what a lot. What's the only thing I said to you when you left?

Unknown Speaker 14:42
Check your blood sugar. Yeah, and make sure you're I always do that.

Scott Benner 14:45
Yeah. And make sure your Dexcom is not silenced. Right.

Unknown Speaker 14:48
Yeah, well, I mean, it's connected to the car. It's not it's gonna laugh at me. So I was really loud when it's on CarPlay

Scott Benner 14:54
now that was a lie. But um, but I but I do. It makes no sound at all. Which is it because your phone is muted. Now my phone's not muted. Well, it must be because so this is another interesting thing that we go through all the time. You kids in general, you don't like your phones to make notification sounds. Yeah, cuz of school. Right. But then it stops the Dexcom for making notification sounds to

Unknown Speaker 15:20
it was making them all day in Buffalo Wild Wings in Buffalo Wild Wings. Yeah. Because, like, so loud.

Scott Benner 15:26
So I think it's important for to, especially while you're driving.

Arden Benner 15:31
Yeah, I'm completely I'll check. I mean, you know, I'm not supposed to go on my phone while drive but like, I track it.

Scott Benner 15:38
So you understand, but you understand why though, right? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 15:41
I'm aware. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Being like interrogated. We're just talking Really? Okay. It's not It's not an eye contact with me.

Unknown Speaker 15:53
There's a lot of eye contact. Yeah, it's weird. Let me drink some water. He was saying no. He was such a pretty singing voice though. Okay.

Scott Benner 16:05
Okay, so you don't really identify at all with diabetes, but you're not embarrassed that you have it.

Friends, you can get a free 30 day trial of the Omni pod dash if you're eligible. By going to Omni pod comm forward slash juice box. Omni pod would like to make you a promise also, that there is no need to wait for the next big thing. Because with the Omni pod promise, you can upgrade to Omni pods latest technologies for no additional cost as soon as they're available to you and covered by insurance terms and conditions apply. But I think you hear what I'm saying. Find out all the details at Omni forward slash juicebox. While you're there, check out the Omni pod tubeless. Insulin pumping is way cool. The Omni pod even though not sure where we're at in the episode right now the Omni pod or Omni pod. I guess as Arden must have heard about it when she was younger, is it's been a friend to us. My daughter's been wearing it since she was four years old. You're hearing her today having just turned 17 that is a long time with the Omni pod. And it has been nothing but a friend this whole time. On the forward slash juice box tubeless insulin pumping, wear it out. So everybody can see it or hide it under your clothing doesn't matter. Whatever you want to do. Beyond the pod is there for you. You might also want to look into the Dexcom g six continuous glucose monitor. Why? Well, seeing which way your blood sugar is moving is super important. And I guess if you're ever going to have a kid one day like mine, you're going to want them to be able to see their blood sugar right on their cell phone. As a matter of fact, not only can Arden see her blood sugar on her Dexcom app, but so can my wife, myself, and up to 10 followers on our phones. These could be androids or iPhones. It's pretty amazing. up the middle alerts, seeing your blood sugar in real time, what direction it's moving, how fast it's moving in that direction, and what number it is knowing your blood sugar is 85 if you're testing with your you know with a meter, even a great meter like the Contour Next One still just tells you that right now your blood sugar's 85. You have no idea if it's going to be 80 in a couple of minutes, or 110 and a couple of minutes because there's no directional arrows. But a Dexcom CGM will show you just that forward slash juice box learn more today or get started if you can't remember these links, but you should be able to buy now forward slash juice box on the pod comm forward slash juice box if you can't remember them, go to Juicebox Podcast COMM And click right there. I have links right there. They're also in the show notes of your podcast players. It's time to get back to Arden. I don't want to give anything away but she's going to say more things that are both funny and strange. And I'm think I still have a fair amount of beeping to do. girl loves the curse.

Arden Benner 19:45
I i don't i don't think about it like at all. Yeah, I don't care.

Scott Benner 19:50
Like if somebody at school said no one at school says anything. Right? But if they did, you'd have no trouble being like yeah, I have diabetes.

Arden Benner 19:58
Yeah, no one I can say that like, I'm aware people at my school are intimidated by me. Um, so I've been told, so no one really approaches me. And if they do, I'm actually very nice person. They're very nice. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:16
yeah, I should probably be given metal for that. But, you know, why would these people think you're not approachable?

Arden Benner 20:22
At my school? Yeah, I'm very quiet. You're quiet? Yeah. No, you know, like, I don't talk unless I want to talk. Once when class is over. my headphones are in and I'm out the door. Okay.

Scott Benner 20:31
Are you like serial killer? Quiet? Do you think they don't talk to you? Because they're afraid of you. Now? Oh, maybe I'm not maybe that's good. Okay, but hypothetically, if someone came up to you in school and was like, mocked you or tried to make fun of you,

Arden Benner 20:46
I cannot see that happening. Okay. I'm taller than half of the guys at my school. No one's doing that to me.

Scott Benner 20:51
I say. What if a nine foot person amen? Would you? Would you just be like, yeah, I have diabetes. Leave me alone. I don't care what you think.

Arden Benner 20:58
I wouldn't. I would walk past them. Okay. Yeah, I wouldn't say anything. Okay. mock me. Do you

Scott Benner 21:04
think? Yeah, like, what if somebody tried to so there was a woman on here once, who shared with me that during the AIDS epidemic, she was younger. And like her, like, there were kids at school that would call her like, diet aids or something like that, like make, like, really try to come out or about diabetes through like the AIDS thing. But like, if that happened, you wouldn't would you not be upset?

Unknown Speaker 21:28
I put you would think it was kind of funny. I really diet AIDS. That's horrible. I'm gonna do name.

Scott Benner 21:34
I know. I thought so I forget exactly what she said. But when she told me I did think that's like such a bad thing. Like who came up with that? Alright, so do you know your laid back? What? Are you aware that you're a laid back person?

Arden Benner 21:48
Oh, I think there's crazy people in the world. And there's not crazy people in the world. And I don't think I'm crazy.

Scott Benner 21:52
You just think you're not a crazy person. Yeah. Okay. But you don't see that in general that your attitude is relaxed. No, I just I feel normal. Well, yeah, you're you. Yeah. Here's a different way to think of it. When you look at me and you look at Mom, do you see that your personality might be more like mine. And like mom's? No, you don't think of it that way?

Unknown Speaker 22:13
No, I think I work more like mom. You work like mom. Yeah. What about your sense of humor? I'm my own person, dad. Yeah. Thank you very much. You

Scott Benner 22:21
don't want to identify with me at all in this conversation? Oh,

Arden Benner 22:25
I know, as you get older, I don't really want to say that my sense of humor is like yours because it's getting worse.

Scott Benner 22:29
You see, you think my sense of humor is getting worse? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:32
I think ranking in the family. I'm now above you. You're above me. And I think me and the dogs are only one of the dogs. But mom and Cole are nowhere near

Arden Benner 22:41
Yeah. Wow. It's like, you guys never want them on this. Ever. Your mama put her gas station voice on. She'd be super sweet. It'd be really sweet and nice. Yeah, yeah. And then we'd finish and she'd be like, Oh, my guys, cable.

Unknown Speaker 23:00
And she wouldn't say that. Not really what I should be talking about you about me? Okay, great. Very

Arden Benner 23:06
nice. People. I mean, you. You have a lot of leaping to do on this just kind of comes out to me. I understand.

Scott Benner 23:11
Yeah, I can see you getting more relaxed. So that's good. Okay. All right. Well, I find what you're talking about interesting, because I've spoken to so many people who don't feel this way. And yet, I think that you are tackling it from a common sense approach. As far as I can tell. I don't see why. Why you should identify yourself as a problem, or an issue or a size or height or hair color, anything like that. So hair color. Yeah. Like if somebody your hair changes color sometimes. Yeah, it's gonna say. But you don't mean like, I don't think that ain't mean if somebody called you, Blondie and you had blonde hair. I don't know how you could get your feelings hurt by that, like, so I don't understand. So there's a I'm with you. I don't understand either. But I do know that there are plenty of people who feel that way. And it's very real for them. And it's an issue for them. So I was just wondering about you. So people listening might assume that because you were diagnosed so early in your life, that you really don't have any knowledge of not having diabetes.

Arden Benner 24:16
I literally I don't, I could not tell you. I literally have no knowledge of anything. I don't know. Like, I just don't think about life like that.

Scott Benner 24:25
Yeah, at all. Okay, no, I understand. I hear you. So of the things that you do know, let me ask you this question. If I if I if I just disappeared, right? I just pooped off the powwow. Right? Like the snap happens. I'm gone. Mom's gone. I'm gone. But they keep sending the diabetes supplies to the house is called gone. Doesn't matter for this scenario. I think it does. You think you can take care of yourself. Okay. Yeah, probably. I'll be fine. Yeah. I'm thinking about going On the way to college, what parts of it?

Arden Benner 25:02
Oh, the only part that I'm gonna up is alarms when I'm sleeping. That's it. That's, that's my only problem. Okay. I do not hear anything at all. I have a problem if I do hear, I just keeps. So even if you work so even if you weren't here like last night, I was like mid sleep and it was like Barbara robot and I was like, oh, someone will get it. Someone will get it. Yeah, I didn't feel good. I went to bed. Yeah.

Scott Benner 25:28
So you're sure your blood sugar was like too low last night for a couple hours?

Arden Benner 25:31
Yeah, I hear a beep in my room. And then I hear a beep in your room. And I think Whose turn is it? Dad's?

Scott Benner 25:39
Have you ever once gotten up and done something?

Arden Benner 25:41
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, that I haven't gotten up. I just haven't gone to sleep yet.

Scott Benner 25:46
Okay, so if you think I'm asleep, and you're still awake, yeah, then you'll do something

Arden Benner 25:51
all last summer. Like when we were like COVID like we cannot leave the house I used to call doesn't know this. But I used to like really late at night. I'd be up to like three in the morning and I was like binge watching the Percy Jackson movies. And I would text called be like call my blood sugar solo. Please get me a drumstick. And some toast Tito's like I really don't feel good, this whole thing. And he'd like run downstairs and get them in my blood sugar was completely fine. That's horrible. Yeah, don't talk. I am so bad. He doesn't listen to this. Because I want to try that again. No, don't do that. Dad. Come on.

Scott Benner 26:25
I don't know. It seems efficiency, efficiency for me. Bye. But to my original question. You'll hear

Arden Benner 26:33
me the first couple of times it was low.

Scott Benner 26:36
Right? Oh, and then I was like, Oh, looks like it's working. Okay. All right. So but wrapped around that idea? I mean, you're thinking of going to college? Right? Yeah, if I can get in? Yeah. So you're not thinking of going to college somewhere locally? Where you live here? No. So what are you going to do?

Arden Benner 26:58
I don't understand what your question is. What am I under? About? What?

Scott Benner 27:01
What are you going to do if your blood sugar gets like dangerously low?

Arden Benner 27:05
Take care of it. I don't. This isn't a worry. Like, I don't understand what the big deal is about this.

Scott Benner 27:11
It's interesting. So you don't remember having a seizure? So you're gonna say no, but not. You've been using an algorithm for a while now. That stops your blood sugar from getting super low. You don't remember?

Arden Benner 27:25
I do remember what it was like without it? Yeah, didn't haven't had it that long. Okay. Yeah, I'll be fine.

Scott Benner 27:30
Yeah. Wait, are we still gonna? Cause? Well, so there's a good question, right? What if the, what if that just what if the loop just disappears?

Arden Benner 27:41
That, you know, it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen? Okay, why? Wait? There's a lot of reasons it could happen. Oh, I think you're wrong about that.

Scott Benner 27:50
It's just people on the internet making a thing. Okay. And it needs like other stuff to work? What if this? What if the company's not making the stuff? That was

Arden Benner 27:58
that company making money? They're not making that. Okay, so you're not worried about losing the algorithm? Everything? I I'm such a mellow person, whatever, go with the flow, you'll be okay. We'll be fine.

Scott Benner 28:11
Are you? Do you know that I'm, I'm thinking that you should try the Omnipod five when it comes out. I have no idea what that is. Okay, so on the pod is gonna have their own algorithm that's gonna come out. And I was thinking we should try that. Because that would take away the orange link. Okay. You just want it to work.

Arden Benner 28:32
I really don't care about any of this, like all this, that this that like, if people who listen to this understand what they're doing and listen to this for like, like the knowledge of diabetes, I don't understand why. You're not gonna I could never do that. Okay.

Scott Benner 28:48
Well, but what? So the question is, then, you realize, I forget in the moment, but do you realize that one day, you're going to need to understand that? How this works? Yeah.

Arden Benner 29:03
I think I understand this better than half of these people.

Scott Benner 29:07
know any of these people? I

Arden Benner 29:08
know. I don't know them. But you know, but well, but you gotta listen for a reason. I know, some people just listen because they like, I don't think that's true.

Scott Benner 29:16
You believe that no one could possibly be listening to us because they enjoy it. Do you think they're just getting answers? And that's it? Yeah, I think that's not right. I think you're not right. So let me tell you what they tell me. Okay. All right, is that there? There can be this loneliness that happens for some people, okay. There can be loneliness that happens where they don't know another person that has type diabetes, like no one else. So if they have a problem, or a fear or something like that, there's no one to talk to, and no one to to get answers from. So this can actually serve as like a community for them here because people come on and talk about their diabetes. That's the Last thing I want to talk about, you don't want to talk about that. That's fine. If that's not what you want to talk about. But is it nice to think that if one day you did that there'd be somewhere you could go to find? You know, because

Arden Benner 30:09
I, I genuinely don't think I would ever do that in my entire life.

Scott Benner 30:13
We don't think you'd want to talk to other people. Like

Arden Benner 30:14
you could all be really nice people. I The last thing I want to talk to you about is diabetes.

Scott Benner 30:19
Okay. So you just want to if you met some of these people, you would just talk about something different.

Arden Benner 30:23
Yeah, I am not a diabetic or you're like anyone else. Like, no, no, no.

Scott Benner 30:28
So so you don't I? So listen, first of all, I find this very interesting. I know this about you. But I mean, we've never said it back and forth to each other. I'm, I mean, I was gonna say proud, but I don't even think there's anything to be proud of, I think you're just acting like yourself. Like, I think this is how your personality adapts to this situation. I think if, if, if if I had diabetes, I would react differently than you do, and just as everybody else would. But it's it's, I don't know, it's very interesting, because the algorithm, as an example, is not easy to get set up. Which is one of the reasons why I would like you to go in on the pod five, and I'm hoping I fingers crossed that it's going to work well for you. Because I don't think you're going to be the kind of person who's going to want to sit down and make an app and upload it on your phone for the rest of your life. And when you do, though, don't you have make an app? You certainly sat here with me while we've put the loop app onto your phone through that computer? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 31:31
go to sleep on the ground. Like, I'm not part of that you just lay on the floor with a turn. So you're unaware, I don't even

Arden Benner 31:36
know what your turn means. I don't know what I do to contribute to that. I think I put my passcode in. And I don't even know my passcode

Scott Benner 31:47
I'm trying to decide how people listening are feeling right now. If they're if they're like, Wow, my clay might hate me. Well, they might I don't think they're gonna hate you. But So listen, if I had to guess I think most adults with type one will hear you and think this is a very relaxed attitude that will take you a very long way with diabetes. And I think some of the parents might be thinking, wow, this is cool, you know, to see that she's not burdened by that is probably their biggest worries that their kids are burdened. You know what I mean? Because some people really are. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's just It's how I mean, you're lucky that you don't have like, an anxiety disorder, for instance, because you would feel completely different. Maybe. So,

Arden Benner 32:25
yeah, I can't I don't know. I can't speak for them. First of all, idea.

Scott Benner 32:29
No, I know. I understand. Alright, well,

Arden Benner 32:32
they gave me two other disorders. You know, I'm good. What else you got going on over there? A bunch of stuff. That's why Cole said to me, he goes, you're not wearing your mask anymore. And I was like unvaccinated and the chances that I get COVID vaccinated with three other autoimmune diseases. I was like, I don't believe in God, but like, he's not doing that.

Scott Benner 32:53
You think you think that you've had your share of tough luck? And yeah, nothing else could happen. Yeah, you know, that's not how COVID works, right?

Arden Benner 33:00
No, I'm aware of, I'm not an idiot, but I am vaccinated. Okay, you should all get vaccinated. So

Scott Benner 33:05
you're vaccinated. And you have

Arden Benner 33:08
one of the celebrities that they like pay to like be vaccinated. I don't think they pay them. Most definitely pay those people.

Scott Benner 33:17
See what else you have hypothyroidism? Yeah. And what else? He said three things.

Arden Benner 33:23
Yeah, I do some I don't even know I have something else. And I don't know what it is. Oh, iron deficiency, iron.

Scott Benner 33:29
Well, no, but we think that's not that. I don't even know what's wrong with me. Right?

Unknown Speaker 33:34
Yeah, it's cuz it's so hard to keep up with a lot of blood comes out of me.

Scott Benner 33:41
So I think what we've, what we've kind of landed on for you is that your iron was getting very low. Because your your period was really

Unknown Speaker 33:51
why are you giggling? It's because I say

Scott Benner 33:53
Ardennes period a lot. I've never said it in front of you before. If you have not while someone else was

Unknown Speaker 33:59
recording to us right now. Alright, so fine. Let's feature them. Okay.

Scott Benner 34:03
So you're, you're sort of, I guess people will know this anyway. But you were bleeding for like a really long time every month. Yeah, I still believe but but. But not for 11 or 12 days at a time anymore. No.

Arden Benner 34:17
Yeah, I forgot to take birth control, by the way.

Scott Benner 34:20
You forgot it today. Yeah. Oh, today. Yeah. Oops, whatever. So Arden's taking like a low dose of birth control now, which regulated our periods and allowed your iron to come back up.

Arden Benner 34:31
This is time for all the men to just skip the portion like oh my god, no,

Scott Benner 34:35
it's important because because iron issues with people with type one are kind of common, as are like thyroid, celiac stuff like that. So

Arden Benner 34:45
yeah, I know, like 100 people who have iron deficiency, do you really live has it? Okay. Yeah. I'm just told that if you stand up and you're like seeing whatever, you have iron deficiency, and that's like half of my grade apparently.

Scott Benner 34:59
So how After your grade stands up and gets woozy are there drug addicts? I don't really. I'm not sure if they could be drug. So either this generation are doing you think either their iron is low where they're on the smack Is that right? Okay. Yeah, whatever floats their boat is heroin big in the high schools? I actually don't know. It's good. Don't do any drugs.

Arden Benner 35:20
I don't do any drugs. I'm drug free other than whatever have insulin I take and all that super interesting.

Scott Benner 35:27
Do you know what your your insulin is called? No, I don't know. But you have to

Arden Benner 35:32
know cuz you switch it on me and then you try to mess with my head. But

Scott Benner 35:35
the one so we tried fiasco. Yeah, I hate that you don't like because it burns? Yeah, but it works really? Well.

Unknown Speaker 35:41
I disagree. Okay. What's the other one called? I don't know. Pick your best guess. I don't

Scott Benner 35:48
know. I'll tell you. It begins with an a dad. I don't know. You really don't know the brand name. I have no idea what it's called. Alright. So your insolence called a pietra?

Arden Benner 35:59
I also wasn't aware that it was an omni pod until like two years ago, I thought was ami

Scott Benner 36:05
he thought it was ami pod? Yeah.

Arden Benner 36:08
I don't care. Like I'm not looking at the logo on it like this the last thing? Yeah. So apparently, I've been telling everyone I'm wearing the wrong thing. But

Scott Benner 36:16
whenever you didn't know there was an end in it.

Arden Benner 36:18
No, I know. I was Oh, am I? I don't even know what Omni means. I think it means one. Yeah, well, they don't teach us at school. So.

Scott Benner 36:30
Okay. Do you know what version of the Dexcom you're using? Nope. Come on. I don't know. I literally have no idea. G and then a number. Okay, great. Doesn't matter. Yes. No, just pick a number. No. I'm gonna see I don't want to be part of this. Whatever game we're playing, I'm it's not a game. I'm interesting. I'm trying to find out what you what you know, and what you don't know. So you have a Dexcom

Unknown Speaker 36:56
don't seem to know anything.

Scott Benner 36:57
You know more than you think. So you have a Dexcom g six. Okay, great. Yeah, he's an omni pod. Omni Omni pod. Right?

Arden Benner 37:06
So I didn't I heard you say at once. And I was like, What the hell is he saying?

Scott Benner 37:11
Oh, you thought I was saying

Arden Benner 37:12
I thought you were saying it wrong. Because you say a lot of things wrong. But like, like water is water apparently.

Unknown Speaker 37:19
Where do you say water? Water? Water? No. Say to go? Water. Water? No. All right, I'm gonna try to copy it this time. Grab Water, water. I do it play sounds. Okay. It sounds wrong when I do it. Everything sounds wrong.

Scott Benner 37:34
Okay. Omnipod and sompom? Dexcom. g six. All right. The the glucagon is called the G vo hypo pan

Arden Benner 37:42
i would i i'm looking at the time I think we talked about that, like 20 something minutes ago. I have no recollection of that. Okay,

Scott Benner 37:49
this is good for people to know. Alright. I don't know what your meter that's called. You know what your meter is called? The meter? It's called the meter? Yeah. Okay.

Arden Benner 37:58
It's not called anything. It's called hand me that. And if I need someone who doesn't know what it is, we'll be like kameena. Like the longer black thing like this and like, no.

Scott Benner 38:09
So that meter is super accurate. It's the best one you've ever had. But you don't know that. That's fine. I'm not judging you. I'm asking questions. Alright, let's think of all the other stuff that you don't know. All right. Tell people more stuff. Could you give yourself an injection with a needle if you had to?

Arden Benner 38:27
I could write I will. I choose not to?

Scott Benner 38:30
Yeah, you don't want to? Okay. You're okay. You know how to put your army pod on? No problem. Yeah, yeah. And you can put a Dexcom on.

Arden Benner 38:40
I'm not flexible like that. I don't know if I can turn

Scott Benner 38:43
because of where you put yours. Yeah, but if you put it somewhere where you could see you would have no trouble diet. Yeah, maybe? Who knows? Yeah. You put one on me, right. Did I don't like kitchen? Yeah. You know,

Arden Benner 38:54
I don't know. Like, I literally when that stuff happens, I erase it from my memory. And then I'm off and I go watch television.

Scott Benner 39:00
Okay, so is. So being clear. Like I'm trying to find a is is the are the things you do around diabetes? More like wiping your butt? Like, I have no idea what that means? Like it stuff you do during the day, but you don't think about it or retain it. No, I think about it when I went my ass. No, I don't mean like you're just stabbing around hoping to get to the last part. I'm just saying like later if I said to you, Hey, did you wipe your butt today? You go I don't know. Right? I wouldn't know. I'd say yeah, I think I went my ass. So do you know that your pods getting low on insulin right now?

Arden Benner 39:38
Yeah, I do know that. Okay, why do you know? Because it popped up on the thing like it was off insulin. Okay, and what I did nothing. Okay.

Scott Benner 39:51
Do you know how long a Dexcom lasts for

Arden Benner 39:53
a week? I think 10 days. Oh, yeah. Well, close enough. Whatever. who's counting?

Scott Benner 40:01
Well, I am, because that's how we know when to put the new Dexcom on.

Arden Benner 40:05
Don't just be that you like? Yeah, I guess that's how I know to put the new Dexcom on. Okay,

Scott Benner 40:10
so let's say for a minute that it's important for you to have a deeper understanding of some of this stuff. I disagree, because that's what this conversation is going to be about. So I didn't know what you were going to say today. I'd absolutely not one idea in the whole world I there. I really didn't even think about it. I didn't try to wonder I just thought I'll let you say whatever you're gonna say. I didn't know you're gonna malign all the sponsors at once. But that's fine.

Unknown Speaker 40:37
That's kind of what my line was. I mean, I did the word I don't know.

Scott Benner 40:45
I don't know what that thing in my bag is I just move it from purse the purse. I thought it was an arm. Yeah, well, thanks for saving my life. But like, that's enough. But But as you're talking, I started to really feel like just let you say whatever you're going to say, first of all, which I was always my intention, but then it might be really important for people to hear this. Because I'm now wondering how many adults out there like, I don't know what version of the Dexcom I'm using either. Scott. Like, I wonder how many people just have your feeling about it. And I don't not understand it. You don't even see diabetes is like a dire medical issue, right?

Arden Benner 41:26
Yeah. I don't I don't see a lot of stuff as a dire medical, as you know, what I saw as a medical issue most thrown up in the car. That was a medical issue that needs to get away from me.

Scott Benner 41:34
Do you want to tell people about that? That was hard. It's never been on the podcast before.

Arden Benner 41:38
It was horrible. All I know, is I was going 75 and a 25. And I still had my permit. And I was like, Oh, God, that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that she she threw up. Right? She turned her head towards me. Like that was the way to do it. I tried to put the window down.

Scott Benner 41:58
Shouldn't like that. Nicole and I were in Seattle. Yeah. And Ma and you texted you texted me. It felt like it was like two in the morning. My time.

Arden Benner 42:08
It was 3am. And she was when she woke me up from my my perfectly nice sleep, by the way. Okay,

Scott Benner 42:14
so maybe it was more so it was 3am here. So it was more like midnight where I was. Yeah. And you texted me and you said I think I'm taking mom to the hospital.

Arden Benner 42:23
My mom texted you first. I listened. I didn't know we were going to the hospital till I was like up in the car. Okay. I didn't know it was what I thought she was messing with me. When she woke up to she woke me up and Netflix was still on the TV. So I thought I'd fall asleep for like 15 minutes or something. Okay. And then she was like, we're going to the hospital and I was like, the hell are you talking? But no, we're not. And then I looked at what time it was. And I was like, Oh, okay. All right. So then I just got my wisdom teeth out. So that was horrible. Tastes like throw up in my mouth. Like, Oh,

Scott Benner 42:55
my God. And you did not have a driver's license that No I did not. And mom was retching and paint. What was it a kidney stone? I don't know. Yeah, it was a stone of some sort. Yeah, she had a kidney stone, apparently. But she didn't know that at the time.

Arden Benner 43:08
Yeah, I thought her appendix was about to burst. That's Yeah, yeah. She's like, I'm in trouble. And I was like, yeah, it's really nice getting yelled at when you're trying to help someone wishing you? Well, I, I was told to go over the speed limit, which I did. And when we hit a bump, she was like, Oh, my God, what are you doing? And I was like, What? What? What?

Scott Benner 43:32
So I think, you listen, it's hard for people to see themselves. I've interviewed a ton of people when I'm done talking to them. And they're like, I don't think I said anything valuable. I'm thinking how do you not realize how valuable what you just said wasn't? And similarly here with you? I think that if you wake a lot of 16 year olds at the time, right, you were 16 you're 17 now Happy birthday. Yeah, a lot of 16 year olds up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night and yell Hey, you're driving me to the hospital. And then that, but you so here's the part like you've been teasing along and we've been joking a lot and everything but I haven't been I know you. When you left for the hospital. tell people what you brought with you.

Arden Benner 44:15
Well, first, I got myself a toothbrush. That was the first thing I got. It was on toothpaste. A charger I got I don't know what I got. I was carrying a lot of stuff. I like threw a toothbrush to please charge your phone. You know other things that keep you alive and I went downstairs to pack some insulin pod blah, blah, blah, blah. Because I had no way of getting home legally. does not mean I wouldn't have driven home legally. But like, I had no way of getting home so that I brought all that

Scott Benner 44:47
so you brought all of your diabetes supplies with you? Yeah, and extra stuff in case you needed it. I think I brought insulin. Yeah, you brought pods. Yeah, you bring a Dexcom transmitter or sensor

Arden Benner 45:00
Probably I don't know. I don't know. I was home later that night asleep. So

Scott Benner 45:04
then in a panic situation in the middle of the night, you pulled yourself together and remember to take care of yourself. Yeah. Okay. And make sure you didn't have bad wisdom teeth breath.

Arden Benner 45:15
Yeah. She was still throwing up and I was like, Where's the bathroom?

Scott Benner 45:20
brush my teeth. You even brought a bag for the car for mom to throw up it right?

Arden Benner 45:23
I brought two and she dropped the first ones. Thank God, I brought a second one. Oh, my God, that would have been horrible. Because I was not gonna come I was gonna make hard clean. Get back out there. Go ahead.

Scott Benner 45:32
So you thought to bring two bags? Because she thought she might throw up? Yeah. Okay,

Arden Benner 45:38
and I don't do throw up. Right. I will not be a nurse. Oh, also, if you're under the age of 18. Just guilt trip nurses.

Unknown Speaker 45:47
So easy. How did you get mom help tell them

Arden Benner 45:51
diabetes, and I have two dogs and my dad's not here. I don't know what to do. I just only why it's so easy. And then just you know, you're fine after

Scott Benner 45:58
because they wouldn't come in and help mom right? It was Yeah, too long. Yeah. You guys should probably fix the system. I don't think the people listening are in charge of the system. One of them's gonna be a nurse if one of these people made the matrix or something. I mean, maybe. Would that be odd? You just gotta be like a billionaire. I'm coming for your song. I think there's a billionaire listening.

Arden Benner 46:24
Maybe what? Well, I don't know how you feel. Listen, at least a millionaire. A Millionaire listening to this. All right. You're the one who can follow me on Instagram, the rest of your data in your declined?

Unknown Speaker 46:35
Do you decline a lot of diabetes people who try to follow you

Arden Benner 46:38
if I don't? It's only because it says you follow my dad. If it does not say you follow my dad when it pops up. Goodbye. Now you're gone.

Scott Benner 46:47
Do you remember but you okay, but one of your very good friends. You met because of diabetes? I don't know how I met her. I thought back then you told me you thought she thought that you were me?

Arden Benner 47:03
I don't actually know. I don't remember All I know is that like I have her. I know her. I don't remember how we got in touch with each other.

Scott Benner 47:13
How long have you known each other?

Arden Benner 47:15
I can check. Okay, good. Good luck. I can check on Snapchat. I have no idea how long I've known her. I added her or she added me or something on Snapchat February 25 2017.

Scott Benner 47:30
That's like four years ago, plus maybe four and a half. But you met like it's been longer than that though. Like it's because I think you met on Instagram. You haven't had Snapchat for as long as you've had Instagram. I don't I do want to say hi to her. She's almost into this. How do you know?

Arden Benner 47:47
I'm well aware she's not listening to this. Okay. I mean, I don't actually know. But like, I know her. I don't think she knows. Just in case she's listening. Now she's not.

Scott Benner 48:01
You know, a lot of people listen to this, right? Yeah, I'm aware. Okay. wasting your time. clean the dishes. They can clean the dishes and listen to them.

Arden Benner 48:11
I don't think people are really great at multitasking. So they are not these people. I'm just kidding. I don't know most of you. But some of you gotta be bad at it. What?

Scott Benner 48:19
You just think a general portion of the population can't multitask.

Arden Benner 48:22
Yeah, for sure. Especially men. All right. No, I take it back. Women to some girls are really stupid. You should probably edit all of this out.

Scott Benner 48:32
You think I should just be about anything you say this controversial?

Arden Benner 48:34
Yeah, like a minute straight. It's just like i'm not i'm not cursing. I just, you know? Yeah. pretty blunt.

Scott Benner 48:42
So on online, you're not? There's no identification around diabetes for you. Yeah, no, it's just because you have a very uncommon first name. Probably the people can find you.

Arden Benner 48:52
which apparently I don't there's a girl who goes to a school near her girls My name so follow her.

Scott Benner 48:57
Do you know there's a girl? I think her mom listens. Who has your first name and your last name? And has diabetes. That's crazy, right?

Arden Benner 49:08
Is she younger than me? I think so. Hmm. So we copier on my hands? Trying to be like me fix you.

Scott Benner 49:16
Do you think she got diabetes on purpose? Yeah, I see what's happening here. Well know that

Arden Benner 49:21
why don't you get this juice box tattooed on you with my face on it. This? I'm coming to your house and erasing it.

Scott Benner 49:28
Well, we took your face off of it a long time ago when you ask Do you remember asking? Yeah, I don't want my face out there. Yeah. Remember the thing you said to me? No, I don't want to look like a baby on the internet. Yeah, that's very valid. I didn't think it was invalid. As soon as you told me I took care of it. Well, kind of I fast as I could.

Arden Benner 49:46
It was a drawing but you know,

Scott Benner 49:48
I moved to a draw and now it's gone. We don't use it for anything anymore. Interesting. It was a very nice picture of you when you were a baby.

Arden Benner 49:55
I bet there's a lot of nice pictures of me.

Scott Benner 49:57
Oh yeah. You're very photogenic. No. Okay, so you were not, so you're not identified online at all through that we can get even in your crack my neck once you get closer to them like

Unknown Speaker 50:11
okay, proceed, okay, you're very cranky. Yeah, that's another problem I have we found out would result in early death. It can result in early

Scott Benner 50:20
people have a sense of humor. Yeah, they do, you're gonna have to figure out that you're joking. Yeah. We did learn that your cortisol level is higher. I have no idea what that means either. Which is why you're taking magnesium now. Sure. So, you're telling me that you think that most kids have this level of understanding?

Arden Benner 50:41
I don't know what they understand what am i their mother? Well, generally, you should all understand what your kids under. I'm sure they do my job. But you

Scott Benner 50:48
so it's funny, you're coming off about the way I expected. Like I you're not surprising me at all. Which is partly why these next recordings are going to be like valuable because we are actually going to talk about how to take care of you in the coming recordings. So it'll almost be like diabetes school. That'd be fun, right?

Arden Benner 51:08
I don't know how we're gonna do another one of these. Another one. We're gonna do a few more. Okay. Actually, at least three because that'll get me up to 15 hours. So

Scott Benner 51:19
well, whether you whether you mean to or not, what you're doing is gonna help people.

Arden Benner 51:23
Yeah, I bet I have a very soothing voice. You have a soothing voice. I'm just canes very manly.

Scott Benner 51:29
You think you have a manly voice? I do have a very deep voice for a girl get closer to the microphone and try to get the I'm not getting get deep voice so wrong. It doesn't just feel like say something like with a really deep voice.

Arden Benner 51:40
Know what? What? No, I don't want to be the next internet joke. Think you're gonna be an internet show one of those people that needs to know how to edit.

Scott Benner 51:51
What is your favorite social media app? You don't really care. You

Arden Benner 51:58
know? I'm okay. If you told me I had to delete all social media right now. Never use it again. I'd be like, okay, that's whatever. That's fine.

Scott Benner 52:05
Do you have friends that couldn't do that? They couldn't do that. Um, do you think they'd all be okay, well, I

Arden Benner 52:13
think that I'll be fine. Without it. I think you would be bored. I'm on board with it.

Scott Benner 52:22
Yeah. Were you bored before COVID? Or has?

Arden Benner 52:26
Yeah, life is very boring in New Jersey. I see why it's a joke in movies to live here.

Scott Benner 52:33
What do you what would you like to be doing? I'd like to be in the city. Doing why making money. Oh, you want to be an adult? You want to get a job? Oh, yeah. Let's get out of here. Get going? Yeah. What are you gonna do with your money?

Arden Benner 52:46
I think I'm just too intelligent for this town. You think so? too bright for the people here? Oh, my God, especially people who drive here at the speed limit is 40 don't go 30. Like, come on. You live in Jersey.

Scott Benner 52:57
You don't think that that people basically drive the same everywhere? No, I do. Know. I think it's some places.

Arden Benner 53:06
I had to merge today. And I was like, Oh, God. But you were in New Jersey. Right? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It was like, everyone's like a maniac. Wait, have

Scott Benner 53:14
you not merged before?

Arden Benner 53:16
No, I have. But every time I emerge, I think, Okay. I saw something online. That was like a lot of people were like, when I'm married. I just close my eyes, which is, you know, probably you probably shouldn't have your license. But I mean, I feel that way. But I don't close my eyes. You said you went to Wild Wings.

Scott Benner 53:31
Yeah, you go to the one out on Route one. Yeah. Oh, that is kind of dangerous.

Arden Benner 53:36
Yeah, yeah. I did that. Yeah. I'm very special driver. You're special driver. Yeah.

Scott Benner 53:43
We should get a sticker that says that. Okay, well, then I'll get bullied at school. That's how you get bullied at school. Everyone.

Unknown Speaker 53:51
tell people you're a special driver. Don't be like, hey, especially if you can't park your car. My God. Imagine that and they'll be all over you. Yeah. All right. Okay, here's another question for me. Yeah, I

Scott Benner 54:02
think we're doing pretty well. Next year. Any questions for me? Nope. So that's what I wanted to tell you. Someone on line said, I'd like to hear art and ask Scott questions. And I said, I don't think Arden thinks about me enough to have a question to ask

Arden Benner 54:19
us. What's for dinner? And I but the answer is I haven't thought about it yet. Or mashed potatoes and chicken. Which I don't want by the way. Yeah, you're not gonna get that.

Scott Benner 54:28
No, you tell people that you had like a weird thing for a while where you couldn't eat meat. That I don't think they care about that. I think people care about that a lot.

Arden Benner 54:35
I made hotdogs yesterday. I was like, Oh, that's horrible. So you're still like sent me to? I couldn't do

Scott Benner 54:41
it. You're still having a weird aversion to some meat. Yeah. We had to get you some low rent Chinese food the other day? Because

Arden Benner 54:47
because it didn't actually tastes like chicken.

Scott Benner 54:53
Like I can eat this chicken because it doesn't taste like chicken. But that just started happening a couple months ago, right?

Arden Benner 54:59
Yeah. Yeah, I've lost like, a couple pounds because of that.

Scott Benner 55:03
You just can't you have no taste for me, right?

Arden Benner 55:05
Yeah, it's horrible. Just taste like disgusting.

Scott Benner 55:08
And at the beginning of this, you weren't hungry at all for a little while.

Arden Benner 55:11
Yeah, right. I'm still really don't get that hungry. You're not getting that hungry. Yeah, like when I went to eat today, I was like, I don't really like if you told me like, you can eat but you don't know. I just probably wouldn't eat. But I mean, probably good. You know?

Scott Benner 55:26
You don't want to starve. Well, some carrots. So there's really a great thing that you wouldn't know, right? If you weren't using if you weren't using an algorithm end or if we didn't really know how to handle insulin. You couldn't go for long stretches of time like that without eating. You would have you have ended up having to eat so there have been times you've gotten up in the morning that I'm not hungry, and you haven't eaten till like two or three in the afternoon. Yeah, intermittent fasting, everyone, it is intermittent fasting. I lose a couple of pounds, but not on purpose. Really? Yeah, no, that's all. But you understand that keeping your blood sugar stable without eating is something that a lot of people aren't able to do. Right. All right. I don't know. I don't think about that. You don't know that? Yeah, no, I know. That's interesting. So you have if you asked me to step back and and see this from a third party perspective,

Arden Benner 56:18
I'm not asking you to do that. But go ahead.

Scott Benner 56:21
wasn't talking about you specifically, it was sort of like the Royal way. Like, let's say now I was moving the conversation. Okay, perceive that. You have to cut me off that if you're

Arden Benner 56:30
cutting you off. I tell conversation works is it? That's what you told me? It is when we had a fight? Yeah. We have to go back and forth. Yeah. Cuz I was like, let me finish my sentence. And he was like, that's not how compensation works. Yeah, you guys should be here. That's fun. She's not always sweet. Oh, I don't think I'm I don't think oh, yeah, but here's a secret. I'm going to give all the secrets out about you. I'm not gonna ask you a question. I'm gonna tell them the truth. After he gets off the phone with all of you and answers us, He's so nice to all you and gives you all the information you need or whatever. I'll ask the same exact question. He's like, Are you serious? You'll know that you do. Pre-Bolus Oh, my God. So.

Scott Benner 57:09
Okay, so I don't talk to you like that. For the last 15 minutes, you've laid out that you don't really know what you're doing anyway.

Arden Benner 57:18
If I know sometimes, Okay, listen, I'm a child, if I forget to Pre-Bolus or let's, let's make it even better. If there's a bag of chips in front of me. I'm gonna eat them. Okay. So don't yell at me.

Do you think you get all that? Yeah, you don't think I'm just like are you get upset when they call you in? Pre-Bolus? Oh my god. I'm like a diabetic. God has never said that. Nor have I ever thought that you should start calling yourself that. I call myself lady Jesus at school.

Scott Benner 57:44
I should start calling myself out because you call yourself lady Jesus. Do Is this catching on lady Jesus? No, no one says we should get that sticker for the car. Lady Jesus. Yeah,

Arden Benner 57:56
if they Oh my god, imagine if they love this color in our parking spots at school. My will just say reserved for lady Jesus.

Scott Benner 58:03
I don't think they're gonna let you do that. I know. But they should. Anyway, that the Pre-Bolus thing is really, really important. Okay, so that's when we talk in future episodes. That's what we're going to talk about. Oh, that seems so boring. I know. But we're going to do

Arden Benner 58:20
I don't know how the talk like you're not gonna. It's gonna be you talking not me.

Scott Benner 58:25
Well, you could just be interactive. That's what I do. Uh huh. Well, you could also I'll think of questions while we're talking and you'll answer them.

Arden Benner 58:35
Why don't you have any questions written down? It seems like you're unprepared. I don't use

Scott Benner 58:39
that's not how I prepare very

Arden Benner 58:41
messy desk. desk. You

Scott Benner 58:42
have my desk is really messy. Yeah. Wow. You want to see some people's questions? What? Some people have questions? Yeah, I don't want to see them. Well, now you're talking. And you're gonna see them?

Arden Benner 58:53
No, I'm okay. We're almost out one hour, I need to seven minutes left everyone.

Scott Benner 59:01
So we're gonna ask, we'll see what people's questions were. And then we will

Arden Benner 59:05
let's go a little bit over one hour and use me to edit some of this out. Okay, I really need this community service. I really want a parking spot. Well, do

Scott Benner 59:12
you think that anything you've done right now will be of service to the community? Now that who needs to know that? So? I don't think that by the way. I think that what you've talked about for the last hour is really interesting. And I think that a lot of parents will find what you said. enlightening.

Arden Benner 59:32
I think the dumbest question you've asked me was what my favorite social media app is. Really? Yeah, that was horrible. That was a horrible question to ask me my favorite color next time.

Unknown Speaker 59:40
With nothing to do with anything that you didn't like? No, I didn't like you also didn't answer it. Why don't have a favorite favorite.

Scott Benner 59:47
What's your favorite TV show right now?

Arden Benner 59:50
You know, I'm watching Teen Wolf at the moment. And let me just it's a horrible show. I've never seen such horrible acting in my life. But Dylan O'Brien is a good looking man. So I'm gonna keep watching it. Um, and but One Tree Hill is a good show my favorite of all time. I could watch any Marvel movie religiously. Like if you guys are, you know on Family Feud and they asked that question or Jeopardy or whatever phone a friend, it's me, it's you. That's the one time you get to request me on Instagram. And then what else do I like? I'm a very dystopian lover. Like the hunger. This is a lot of bloody Dexcom.

Scott Benner 1:00:28
So I'm looking at what's going on here and I'm scrolling through the pictures that are on the Facebook page right now looking for a picture that I attached to her to her thing and there have been a couple of people who put bleeders up on there.

Arden Benner 1:00:39
Some of you need to get some better angles on their pictures.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:42
Yeah. You think you're critiquing people's photography? Yeah, that's horrible. I like babies. Aren't those kids cute? Those that post is the most part of their names. Oh, bad interviewer No, you don't know dad. They even write their twin girls their twin girls, but I

Scott Benner 1:01:09
asked that they name if they named the babies after me. No, there'll be a horrible name. They did not. But the mom the mother. So let me find where I sat it.

Arden Benner 1:01:20
I'll tell you what I think if the names. Oh, okay. I'm just kidding. I won't do that. I'm sure this will go horribly. If I say anything.

Scott Benner 1:01:27
I'm sure they're lovely names. I just don't remember. I'm scrolling. Whether you guys love this post so much. I can't find my Oh, here it is. Hannah and Nicole.

Arden Benner 1:01:43
Wait, no, it's his hand and Nicole is in pink.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:46
Yes. I don't know how to say that other name. Hadassah. Hadassah Grady.

Arden Benner 1:01:50
I like that. I like that one better. Katie. Yeah, I like that better than Hannah. Okay, I mean, no offense to Hannah or anything but like I'm more of a heavy person. I don't think she can take offense. For four minutes hold. Which one do you think it is? I think Hannah is

Scott Benner 1:02:06
well that's interesting. Wait, don't answer I'm gonna guess so one babies and pink one babies and purple. And your Oh wait, actually

Arden Benner 1:02:12
that What? I didn't even look over here. But I did now and now I know who it is. And that's what I was gonna say. Okay, Haiti looks more badass than Hannah. Thanks. So that's my picture.

Scott Benner 1:02:22
She's looking more at the camera has kind of got her hand over her face. Like Yeah, she's shy. Why are you? Yeah, don't please don't? What did their shirts say? worth? were you telling your children what they're worth? No, I don't think that's what it says. worth something worth to. I don't know. I don't know. I know. I'm gonna be honest. You don't need to tell me. I'm gonna move on with my life. Now. You don't want anybody? Okay, can we get back? Let me find the thing. That does not like good food. Something you need to learn how to cook. You're critiquing people's food. Yeah. Is that a selfie you took that's horrible that alright. I was thinking people for something. Where is this picture at? Guys post so much stuff on this board, which is very cool. But I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for because of that. Reading. who's reading? People read your reading? What are you reading right now for school? Oh, I didn't start any of that. What are you supposed to read for school? I don't know what it's called.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:23
Do you have the book? Yes. You have a book? two books. Your two books? Yeah. ap literature.

Arden Benner 1:03:30
Let's hope that goes well. I took AP Lang I made it. I was also online the whole year. If that means anything,

Scott Benner 1:03:38
tell, listen, while I'm scrolling tell all the parents. If their kids got a good education when they were online, they

Arden Benner 1:03:45
did not. They got really good at cheating. And they're gonna go back to school and take that exam they have to take on the first day of school and an AP class. And they're gonna come home with a zero, and you're just gonna sit down and eat dinner, because everyone else got a 02 except for that one girl who's a kiss ass who didn't cheat the whole year. Like, like no one cheated that year. So you're saying a lot of people were cheating while they were on one. Yeah, everyone was cheating online. Which is very weird because when I'm in school, I do not cheat. I feel very guilty if I do that. Okay, but I had given up I was like, this is a joke, right? I was like, What? Come on? How were the teachers sent me? No, that looked just like me.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:31
Back when I was little. You have a little girl pretending to kiss the fish. Yeah, your child looks like me. Yeah, when you were little How about that? Right? That looks just like me. Thanks. So to let me look and see if we have a name. That does look like me when I was little. She does look a lot like you. Maybe but if that was hard and better,

Scott Benner 1:04:47
that'd be really weird. The other girl the other Arden better. This person didn't put her name up. But her mom's name is Megan. She's my aunt's name. She is your aunt's name.

Arden Benner 1:04:57
Maria connected. I don't know how it's spelled. Yeah, I mean We're not very connected. She does look a lot like me. Yeah. Okay, we have the same head shape. That's actually what stood out to me was her head.

Scott Benner 1:05:08
What shape is your head? I don't know. Whatever that is. You're aware that when you see your head shape on someone else, you know what your head shape? Yeah, but you're not aware she did look like Oh, no. No, no, not here. I'm agreeing with you.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:24
Look at this kid thrown up. Deuces. Yes. Sorry. pyside. Everybody. Is that a gang sign? That's peace. This is can you find this post? I know. I'm gonna have to leave because we're you know, we have a couple seconds left dad.

Scott Benner 1:05:35
Oh, you're staying till we're done. Oh, relax. Hold on.

Arden Benner 1:05:39
Oh my God. He's sitting as water. I'm

Scott Benner 1:05:41
thirsty. Let me do a search for it instead.

Arden Benner 1:05:44
Oh, you could have done that the whole entire time? I

Scott Benner 1:05:46
don't know. I'm not great with the internet.

Oh, it popped right up. That's embarrassing. Okay, guess I could have just done that. Alright, let's see if people had questions. Let me pull up all the comments.

Arden Benner 1:06:02
Let's not answer the bad questions. Okay. Don't say them out loud. Because then they'll know their questions bad.

Scott Benner 1:06:11
They're gonna think we're making hand signals each other right now, which we're not. No, I'll make a hand signal. No, you won't make people think you're speaking behind their back. That's not behind their back. I hope it's her the interviews. You

Arden Benner 1:06:24
know what I said? Heather? No, no, no. That's not gonna happen. Hold on. Oh, pay her. Yeah, I'm not getting any money for this apparently. Because it's community service. I feel like I should get paid under the counter. But whatever. It's under the table and whatever. I don't work with drugs. So I don't know

Scott Benner 1:06:47
you. But when you have a job and you're not paying taxes called under the table, not under the counter,

Arden Benner 1:06:52
whatever. Alright, anyways, Aaron, no money.

Scott Benner 1:06:55
This person wondered. Had you ever been on? Okay, this person asked. Do you know that you're practically a celebrity? Me? Yeah.

Arden Benner 1:07:03
I'm not a celebrity until I'm on the red carpet with Anne Hathaway. I'm not a celebrity.

Scott Benner 1:07:07
Why Anne Hathaway because she's in the best movie ever. Devil Wears Prada ever worse problem. Such a good movie? Yeah, great movie.

Arden Benner 1:07:15
I just feel like Anne Hathaway is like, you've made it if you're on the red carpet with her

Scott Benner 1:07:20
with her. Yeah, but but this person's point is that to the people listening to this, you that that that you may be not a celebrity? I don't think that I'm not saying you are Yeah,

Arden Benner 1:07:32
most people don't know my name in this town. So trust me, I'm not a celebrity.

Scott Benner 1:07:38
Okay, now, here's a super serious question. Do you realize the impact that you've had on the diabetes community in general and people's health?

Arden Benner 1:07:46
I don't think I've done anything. I think this is all you.

Scott Benner 1:07:49
But do you see that? His point? Is that is that without you? I don't have to figure out diabetes

Arden Benner 1:07:56
to her. Now let's have him. I'm trying to read the national woman with a middle name of Seth. Why are you assuming? I mean, there's a man and a woman in the picture. So wait, let me see what the job is. I can figure it out by that.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:12
They don't give women good jobs. They don't give women good jobs. Not in this generation.

Scott Benner 1:08:17
Manager part. Manager, this is a man. Okay, but be so wait a second, like, let's stop on this one for a second and be super serious. If? Who cares? What if you were the reason that I don't know, I made a widget. Right? We have a little, a little device that helps people something. So let's say you were born. And you had, let's make something up specific. Let's say you were born, and you had really fat fingers. So you couldn't pick your nose. And I may, what the hell and I made a little thing for you to pick your nose with. And then it turned out there were a lot of people with fat fingers that couldn't pick their nose. And we started selling them and help everybody get the boogers out of their nose. Would you be able to see that because of you? These people didn't have boogers in their nose anymore. I don't think that would be because of me. They do.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:14
Okay, well, then we have different views and they're grateful for it. Okay, yeah. All right.

Scott Benner 1:09:19
I think they're also grateful that you don't limit me from talking about you.

Arden Benner 1:09:26
I'm not his mom, I can't do anything about that. So you

Scott Benner 1:09:29
could you could say Please don't say my period. But it ends up being really important. You're

Arden Benner 1:09:34
too late, because he's already said and I didn't know so.

Scott Benner 1:09:38
But you've never come to me and said Please don't say that.

Arden Benner 1:09:41
Yeah, I don't really whatever is happening here. It's just not my world. So whatever. Right?

Scott Benner 1:09:45
I've tried to make that clear to people, but I think some people don't understand. Okay. All right. Let's scroll.

Arden Benner 1:09:55
I can tell who's older based on the words they use.

Scott Benner 1:09:58
Really? Yeah, give me Don't say me. His name give me a word that tells me somebody older.

Arden Benner 1:10:03
Well, no, I can see that. They're gonna know it's them.

Scott Benner 1:10:06
everyone listening Well, no, only the person that did okay, whoa, Ray. Ray. Yeah. Ray says you older or younger than 35? Older. Okay. Do you see any young words?

Arden Benner 1:10:19
I'm not a very fast reader. So hold on. Um, no, not yet.

Scott Benner 1:10:25
Can you verify that you are not sitting in the new chair?

Arden Benner 1:10:30
Yeah, I was I tried to sit in that he told me don't move it. So. Yeah, no, trust me. I'm not sending it.

Scott Benner 1:10:39
See, this person is interested in your perspective, which you've been very free with it. I think that's excellent. All right. Okay.

Arden Benner 1:10:48
He's not famous continue.

Scott Benner 1:10:52
Okay, so I'm not famous, and I agree with you.

Arden Benner 1:10:54
What is he thinks he's so cool, because he showed up on that one app when you look up his name. Oh, what was that? I don't know what it's called. It was like it was like a morphing app. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:11:03
yeah. Oh, like there who? No kidding. There was an app where you could pull up famous people more for your face with them. Yeah. And I was on there as famous person. Yeah, that was stupid. Yeah. But it was also kind of scary. That my face was there. Yeah. I thought so. It took me by surprise.

Arden Benner 1:11:21
Yeah, I should be there. Apparently. I'm the good one here. I should be getting the money. Actually, technically, I do get the money. A lot of clothes.

Scott Benner 1:11:30
Yeah, we you guys support the sponsors? You are you're definitely paying for artists clothing. Yeah, for sure. So but take her question. How did you convince me? No, wait, but take this question. Okay, but take the word famous out of it.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:42
Does it have a dad everyone loves? Well, everyone doesn't love me. But how does? She just said that what she said but my new school and pass it? I can't read it feel uncomfortable?

Arden Benner 1:11:52
uncomfortable? What do you 12? Let me read it. I don't know how to answer this question. Like,

Scott Benner 1:11:59
it doesn't feel different to you that I don't really care if other people like you or not. Okay. Yeah. What's a good answer? Okay, here's Next, I think which so you would say for clarity, you've never walked around and thought, it's cool. My dad has a podcast that people

Arden Benner 1:12:12
know. I actually think it's kind of embarrassing to say it. Okay. Yeah. I don't tell people that you have a podcast if people ask what my parents job is. I tell people that mom works for a company. You don't mention me. Uh, you know, everyone kind of knows you have a podcast, right? Okay. So it doesn't come it doesn't like no one ever, you know, ask that question either.

Scott Benner 1:12:37
Okay, I'm reading sorry. Some I have to be honest, some of you the way you're right. I don't understand what you're talking about. This woman's gonna let her daughter listen. Do you think that's a mistake? What do you think that her daughter will turn to her and be like, I don't know what that glucagon is called either.

Arden Benner 1:12:56
I don't know what her daughter you're asking me questions I clearly cannot answer. You're interesting. You're from

Scott Benner 1:13:00
you're definitely from a generation that will not generalize about some things.

Arden Benner 1:13:04
I don't believe I connected my generation whatsoever. What

Scott Benner 1:13:08
generation do you connect to? Oh,

Arden Benner 1:13:09
I don't know. But not this one. Because I hate every child in this not your children. But everyone I know at my school I'm not fond of what is that?

Scott Benner 1:13:19
What bothers you about the in

Arden Benner 1:13:21
they just they worried about the dumbest things. Okay. Like, apparently, let's I'll put this out there. Apparently, no one else thought it was funny to make your Instagram account named Ashton Kutcher. Like, cooter Come on. Ashton Kutcher, Ashton Kutcher. That's hilarious, right? I have like five people save. It's funny. And everyone else was like, that's so weird. I was like, you have no personality. But then it changed back because I was like, oh, colleges, look at your social media. And I don't want to be Ashton Kutcher. So

Scott Benner 1:13:53
So in general, you're not happy that people didn't understand the actual Ashton Kutcher. Yeah,

Arden Benner 1:13:57
no one appreciated my periods.

Scott Benner 1:14:00
Well, last night, we're not going to tell people but I made a joke last night in front of your friends that only you got. And none of them. Yeah, they didn't get it. Right. This is sweet. This person says that.

Arden Benner 1:14:11
I read that one already. I'm a faster reader, apparently, because you're taking forever. I

Scott Benner 1:14:15
had read it before as well. I'm bringing it back up now. So we can speak about that.

Arden Benner 1:14:18
She calls those crazy. Yeah, do what? Matt is correct, Matt. Matt is correct. I don't think you're crazy. I just think that it's crazy that you're listening to this.

Scott Benner 1:14:28
You so you've so far as we scrolled through. Agreed mostly with Matt. Yes. That's very interesting. That's from Australia. He's got a wave.

Arden Benner 1:14:39
That's my dream accent. Okay. Yeah. You know how everyone asked if you could change one thing about your body? What would it be? Mine was not anything physical. Like, I want a different accent. I do not like, you know, being American.

Scott Benner 1:14:54
Here. Well, my point wasn't about the accent. It was that Matt's got a different sensibility about them. There's an Australian sensibility, more Matter of fact, like you, so maybe you're more Australian than you think.

Arden Benner 1:15:06
Oh, are you saying that maybe Chris Hemsworth would like me?

Scott Benner 1:15:10
Yes. Maybe Chris Hemsworth will like, Okay. All right, people looking forward to Okay, here you go. How How accurate is this one? That's a lot of reading. I imagine her to be very chill and laid back. Or you chill

Arden Benner 1:15:24
my hands. I don't know how to answer questions about myself. It's interesting, isn't it? Um, I heard it.

reading, reading, relaxing the diabetes and Scott keeps an exterior cool. Oh, he does not keep his cool. Basal. Yeah, that's, that's gonna be our next episode. Basically makes it look easy. ninja skills. Yeah, I believe I'm a ninja. You believe you're a ninja. Basically, I imagined her as a pretty cool girl. I'm with Jessica.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:52
Yeah. You believe in Jessica. Yeah. All right. I think she's younger. You think Kate is younger? Because of how she wrote?

Scott Benner 1:16:01
Oh, my God. Yeah. I don't think she's young. I think she's younger. It's interesting. Kate is the person who put your name in general hospital. Oh, really? Yeah.

Arden Benner 1:16:14
Maybe she's just like in the writing? No.

Scott Benner 1:16:17
Do you want to thank her? No. Okay. Next, okay. What about Tommy's idea? This might be really interesting. Would you answer questions

Arden Benner 1:16:35
from children? I don't think I could put up with children. No, I don't that's I've actually been told that the one job I should not have is a teacher or a nurse.

Scott Benner 1:16:45
We wouldn't bring the children on the panel. Oh, wait, what? Yeah, they would just write their questions.

Arden Benner 1:16:50
Oh, yeah. I can't just i, this can't be a live talk with children. Like, I'll be like, Listen, shut up.

Scott Benner 1:16:57
No, but if so if their kids send questions in would you answer them? But would you answer them? Like if they said, Hey,

Arden Benner 1:17:04
I don't think kids would understand what I'm saying. like little children. Wait, how old? Are we talking? I don't know. Because anyone like under the age of 12. I don't think their brains developed yet. Like where it needs to be to understand what I'm saying. So even 13 year olds, they still have braces. So I don't think do you

Scott Benner 1:17:20
think some people are going to be disappointed after hearing your talk?

Arden Benner 1:17:24
A lot of people were disappointed after they hear me talk about the rest of that even says she's using abbreviations.

Scott Benner 1:17:31
Alright, this person is just very excited. Okay, and says, Do you think she asked me if I think you're gonna roll your eyes at me while we're doing it. You didn't roll your eyes at me?

Arden Benner 1:17:39
Oh, my eyes on people. Yeah, I just tell them they're being stupid. Okay. All right. Well, I feel that these people have me all wrong. Well,

Scott Benner 1:17:50
no, yeah, they you're, you're a one dimensional person to them. Oh, no, that means that's not what I'm talking about. What do you mean? How do you not know what that means? You You love One Tree Hill. I bet you they say that all the time in that show. What do you want to tell people that you went to a One Tree Hill convention?

Arden Benner 1:18:06
We went to two of them. Thank you very much. Um, the first time I didn't get to meet Sophia Bush, because the tickets were sold out. But I met James Lafferty, James Lafferty, if your wife is listening to this because I speak Let's all talk about this for a second. Go ahead. James Lafferty decided to marry a diabetic. I'm a diabetic. So if he was looking for a diabetic why not make

Unknown Speaker 1:18:30
literally one more year till everything's legal? Oh, my God. He could have waited. Well, you didn't put it in your Instagram bio. So how would he know?

Arden Benner 1:18:36
You know, Chad Michael Murray did like my photo though. He did. Yeah. And I don't you know, I don't think he's like the famous enough type to have someone else run it for him. So I think he liked the photo. Cool. What's his wife's name? I don't like a row. I don't really know. It's I don't think she's American. I think she has some foreign name. You don't know her name? No, she's not she I know. She's type one. No, it's no, it's not Tom Michael Murray's wife. It's James Lafferty, his wife. Oh, James Lafferty. His

Scott Benner 1:19:05
wife has type she's more famous than john Michael Murray. His wife. What's What's her name?

Arden Benner 1:19:09
I don't know. Look up James. I pretty much have James Lafferty fiance they just got engaged. I know everything. Oh, speaking of Wait, we should all we should all start a club. That now I'm in with you guys if we start a club, too. Oh, yeah, that's her. Alexandra Park. could have been me anyways. If we all started club to get me on the one she held podcast with Bethany joy Lenz, Halliburton and Sophia Bush, then I'm in that you could that I'll do for no community surf service hours.

Scott Benner 1:19:43
Would you really be able to dig in and talk about that show? Oh, I know everything about that show. That's probably not good. What what? What's your second favorite show? I don't know.

Arden Benner 1:19:54
I'm a Gossip Girl fan. I like you. I can't wait for the season three to come out of you. That's something you probably should let your children watch. Okay? Yeah, I started watching that on a road trip in the car, and I realized that I probably shouldn't watch that in the car with you guys. But I didn't anyways, um what else do I like? Well, what

Scott Benner 1:20:13
shows have you turned me on to?

Arden Benner 1:20:15
New Girl? That's a good show. I'm if you don't like New Girl, I believe you don't have a sense of humor. Anybody on here who decides new girls not a good show? Stop listening. You don't deserve to listen.

Scott Benner 1:20:27
First of all, you can still listen to No, I don't think you can. But tell them what we do to mom. I don't understand what do we we have tried twice for

Arden Benner 1:20:39
three times three times. I've started out show over three times for her.

Scott Benner 1:20:43
And it's hilarious. And she never laughs Yeah. Mommy likes TV shows with like the word Chicago in it.

Arden Benner 1:20:52
Even the episode if anyone knows what I'm talking about the episode when Jess Nick and the like janitor or whatever. In the apartment, like he tries to have a threesome with them. You probably can't put this up now. I can. Okay, when that happens. It is hilarious. And they start playing that song from Matilda. She did not even crack a smile. I was like what

Unknown Speaker 1:21:14
my mom says humorous, weird. And just starts playing the drums in the air. Yeah.

Arden Benner 1:21:18
Oh my god. Come on. Yeah, anyways, that's they're, they're engaged.

Scott Benner 1:21:22
I see that. Alright, so Alexandra Park has type one diabetes. Yeah, she can come on the show. She wants to.

Arden Benner 1:21:28
I don't think she she made a book about that song. She's got she's got money.

Scott Benner 1:21:32
Let me ask the question. If that girl came on this podcast, would you co host that episode with me?

Unknown Speaker 1:21:37
No, I wouldn't do that. And you can tell her I like her husband a lot. And that actually, no, don't don't make it creepy. We want to get lunch with them or something. We don't we don't want to make it creepy. Yeah. Okay. Let's just hope she doesn't listen to this. He looks a lot older than you. Yeah, he is. He's almost 40. Now he's in his 30s. He's 35. It says, Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:21:58
I can tell. You can tell. Yeah, he's he's in his 30s. All right. Well,

Scott Benner 1:22:02
maybe this will get back to him. That'd be crazy, wouldn't it? Yeah. Okay, wait, here's something interesting. I think New Girl is terrific. You introduced it to me during COVID. Yeah. When we were just like, literally trapped in our house. Yeah, it's amazing. I'm getting hot again. But you don't like to have last? Oh,

Arden Benner 1:22:21
no, I mostly because I think soccer is the worst sport to exist. And I just I can't anything that involves soccer. needs to be shut off.

Scott Benner 1:22:29
Yeah, you know,

Arden Benner 1:22:30
I cannot do soccer. If your kid play soccer, like good for them. I don't know if I can be friends with them.

Scott Benner 1:22:37
What about what about when I introduced you to pulp fiction? You didn't like that?

Arden Benner 1:22:41
No, I didn't like that. I think all those movies like Pulp Fiction Kill Bill. Wait, is that is it Kill Bill? Is what it is with the with that girl? Yeah. Okay, all of those movies. Everyone's like, Oh, it's a cinematic masterpiece. It's so slow. Which like I can appreciate to an extent. But like, you got to like, Come on. Let's go. There's too much dialogue. There's no there's like not enough dialogue or something. There's like too much nothing happening.

Scott Benner 1:23:07
So blackwidow way better than Pulp Fiction.

Arden Benner 1:23:12
Yeah, I also very big black widow fan. I really liked the movie. I would not put that top five though. top

Scott Benner 1:23:19
five in your in your mind Marvel category or even your Marvel category? Yeah, what are your top five Marvel? Oh,

Arden Benner 1:23:24
wait, we can't do this right now. This will take me a while. Why? Cuz? I don't know. I think this is so hard. I'm a very big fan of the first Avengers movie. Okay, Thor Ragnarok. Winter Soldier. endgame. I'm actually a lot of people like Infinity War better than endgame but I'm more of an endgame person. Okay, um, I really like Iron Man. Three. I think that's the best one. If you disagree. I don't know. But I think we should make it clear that Captain America is the worst of the six Avengers. You really don't like Captain him. I don't dislike him. But he's so cheesy.

Scott Benner 1:24:01
Right? And you didn't like Black Panther? Very much. No. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:04
I feel like I'm gonna get a lot. No, I don't think you would. You didn't like a lot of people. for that. I don't know why we're not liking Black Panther. Yeah, I mean, you don't hate it. No, I

Arden Benner 1:24:12
don't hate it. But I think it's overhyped for sure.

Scott Benner 1:24:14
What about the TV shows? Have they been good? so far?

Arden Benner 1:24:17
I I liked one division a lot. Loki like slowed down at some point. And they made it like too much. Like, like topless or something. I don't know. The Winter Soldier Falcon. I was really lost and what the villain was like, Yeah, what was that? Like? Like? Was she like Irish? I don't know. What was one girl with a curly hair the curly hair the like the red hair and freckles? Yeah, I don't. I don't understand what like where she come from.

Scott Benner 1:24:47
I don't know. So so far. I agree. wandavision was pretty good. This is the best one. Yeah, Falcon and Winter Soldier. That's my least favorite. I wasn't sure what was happening and Loki

Arden Benner 1:24:56
got started good and then got worse. But I think Because it's supposed to be longer the season supposed to be longer in the middle kind of slow down I think it was gonna pick back up there was a scene towards the end of the last time we should become like a you know those like nerds who do this for fun we could do this. Oh my god yeah,

Scott Benner 1:25:12
we already have microphones so at the end of Loki this isn't even diabetic related everything your diabetes, okay, whatever at the end of Loki there was a scene before they went into the house where they were outside of the whatever. I don't want to give it away for people. You know what I mean, though? Yeah,

Arden Benner 1:25:29
I don't know what they're doing. Like that guy has so many powers and they're doing nothing with him.

Scott Benner 1:25:33
I kept thinking, did they mean to edit some of this out and they forgot. Like, why is this taking so long? Yeah, it was not. It was a I didn't like it.

Arden Benner 1:25:41
I actually can't wait for Hawkeye. If you dislike Hawkeye. You just don't understand. Watch Voltron again. He was great. Yeah, yeah, he's legit. Yeah, he's got a nice bond with a black widow. Yeah, exactly. And if you Okay, this is this is this is where I stand. blackwidow is my favorite avenger of all time. But she still should have died. I think we should all he had a family. And yeah, I know she had she was family with the Avengers. And she had her bow. She didn't have a kid. So you know, she can go she's my favorite. And she can still jump off that cliff.

Scott Benner 1:26:14
Okay. You know, she's suing Disney. Yeah, I heard about that. She should. They're doing that thing where they're, they're giving

Arden Benner 1:26:21
five G's on her side. He's helping her.

Scott Benner 1:26:23
Yeah, they gave him contracts where they get pieces of the box office, and then they're releasing the show the movie online where there's no box office, so they don't get paid for that part. Yeah, yeah, they're stealing from them. I think

Arden Benner 1:26:35
that's her last movie just over the money.

Scott Benner 1:26:37
Yeah. Plus, she made that guy with a big head. Yeah. So she's gonna need money to buy hats. Yeah.

Arden Benner 1:26:41
Well, it's all just hope and pray they get divorced. And she ends up with Chris Evans. Why? Because they're meant to be hurt or something.

Scott Benner 1:26:49
You think Chris Evans and Scarlett Scarlett Johansson should be together?

Arden Benner 1:26:53
Yeah, that's something definitely went on when they were younger. You think so? Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:26:59
Interesting. You liked him in knives out? Right?

Arden Benner 1:27:02
Yeah. I think he's a good actor. I just his character. Like, I want to punch him across the face.

Scott Benner 1:27:08
You don't like Captain America is too earnest for you? Yeah. Okay.

Arden Benner 1:27:14
All right. That's actually I had to take a quiz at school. That was like your, they give you like, 30 I don't be called like 30. Less the word 30. Like, I don't know, just like things about you. They put them in order. My last one was spirituality. But my second last one was kindness.

Scott Benner 1:27:32
Kindness fell pretty far. With

Arden Benner 1:27:34
my first one. It was like I had like sarcasm like humor. bravery. I'm like, something like, I don't know, like trust, like all that was at the top. Also at the bottom was, um, was like, work like teamwork.

Scott Benner 1:27:51
So, we're gonna wrap this up. Okay. Okay. Let me ask you a question. How much of what you said today was sarcastic. I don't I'm not trying to be sarcastic. No, I don't think you're trying to do anything. I think you're being yourself.

Arden Benner 1:28:04
Yeah. So I don't know. I, I guess 100 not 100 an hour and 22 minutes of it.

Scott Benner 1:28:12
Think you think you're generally sarcastic?

Arden Benner 1:28:14
Yeah, I'm not a very. I'm a serious person. But like, emotions are my thing. I think you should deal with that. And I'll deal with mine. Okay. Yeah. Like if you're crying, it's not on my shoulder.

Scott Benner 1:28:28
That's a T shirt. If you're crying. It's not on my shoulder. Should copyright that. That's a great idea.

Arden Benner 1:28:33
Yeah, like if my friends are upset. I'm not the person to go to if someone is upset. Don't text me

Unknown Speaker 1:28:39
know. You get very like analytical about it. Yeah, just like suck it up.

Scott Benner 1:28:44
You're like this happened. And then she did this. And then that happened. that's reasonable that she's upset now. Let's get past it.

Arden Benner 1:28:49
Yeah, exactly. That's how everyone should think you

Scott Benner 1:28:51
think everyone should think like you? Yeah. Again, what your insulin pumps called?

Arden Benner 1:28:56
It doesn't it doesn't matter. You see what I mean? Doesn't matter.

Scott Benner 1:28:59
My phone will not stop beeping. Oh my god. It's the dentist office that wants to know how close hygiene experience was today. to the dentist all lievable

Arden Benner 1:29:10
close tiptoeing outside the door right now is he or him?

Scott Benner 1:29:13
You can hear him outside? Yeah. Alright, so we're gonna get back together and do this again. Oh, great. Okay, um, but we're going to talk specifically about using your insulin. Understanding the Dexcom understanding the GMO understanding the Omni pod, understanding your meter understanding all of it. Okay? Because Listen to me. Don't get distracted. Now. You're doing great. I got distracted. All right. I'm like a squirrel. I'm good. What we're gonna do is we're gonna have these talks, they might not be this long. Okay, like, we might break them up into little sections. And we're going to talk about each thing individually. And I'm going to do my best to tell you everything that I think you need to know. If you were going to just leave right now and take care of yourself. Okay,

Arden Benner 1:29:58
I could leave right now. Until care of myself.

Scott Benner 1:30:00
Do you think your agency would be in the mid fives? Whatever. Do you understand why that's important?

Arden Benner 1:30:10
Yeah, no, I yeah, that's important. Sorry. I was not thinking I was reading this. Okay. I we really need to get her on the show reading about James Lafferty. So yeah, so I just get this off the screen so you don't get confused by it. That is not a real sight that they have. They're not famous enough to be on I, you know, don't get them on this because they're gonna hear how poorly and talking and they're not gonna like me, or they're really great people and they're gonna be like, you know what? She's right. I'm Agila celebrity. It's fun. Whatever.

Scott Benner 1:30:39
I had five minutes of fame. They're still you're like some of your favorite celebrities, though. I don't know who that woman is. Oh, you don't know who is? She's in a show. Alexandra Park. Yeah, she's in the Royals. Do whatever that is. I think that's FX. Is that even famous? That's what I'm saying. I might be more famous than her. Oh.

Arden Benner 1:31:05
Oh, she gets one of these on the side. You're not more famous.

Scott Benner 1:31:07
She's from Australia. Oh my god. Your net. See? She got it. She got him with the accent. I told you. You blew it. I told you guys all you had to do. She's been in one TV show and what appears to be a very bad shark movie. If I'm guessing 12 feet deep. What is 12 feet deep about?

Arden Benner 1:31:29
I'm guessing a shark debt. Oh, she's also in his new show.

Scott Benner 1:31:33
What's his new show?

Arden Benner 1:31:34
He made a show with another guy from One Tree Hill called everyone is doing great on Hulu. Everyone's just doing great. I think I heard a good wait. Click on it. Let's see if that's a lie.

Scott Benner 1:31:42
I believe you mean, I heard it did well,

Arden Benner 1:31:44
whatever. They don't teach me anything. Um I pray to God that the guidance counselor's don't have to listen to this. Can you

Scott Benner 1:31:53
imagine that? Like we are not giving her? We're not giving her community service for telling us that the kids at school are? What did you say earlier? Oh, that's a drag. All right. Anyway.

Arden Benner 1:32:09
You should also get Harper from Wizards of Waverly Place. She's also a diabetic.

Scott Benner 1:32:14
Yeah. What's her name?

Arden Benner 1:32:16
I'm sure a lot of these celebrities are going to be diabetic in like three years.

Scott Benner 1:32:19
I think people are just getting more diabetes. Because this is type one. Yeah, I know. But she's type one. Isn't she Alexandra? Yeah,

Arden Benner 1:32:26
she she just got she pulled out a book about it. She put out sugar. I think that's it sugar high sugar high.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:33
Have any of you read it The Unexpected Journey

Unknown Speaker 1:32:35
of an inexperienced type one does he get her on experience her? Let me see something. Check into this book for a second. Where's Amazon when you need it? burp. burp into the thing? I didn't I turned. Hey,

Scott Benner 1:32:56
she just put this book out. Yeah. Get her on. Maybe I could.

Arden Benner 1:33:02
I think I could totally do it. I can get them on

Scott Benner 1:33:05
the queue here. Come on.

Arden Benner 1:33:06
Now. That was a total lie. But I could try.

Scott Benner 1:33:10
We're gonna hit her up on Instagram.

Arden Benner 1:33:11
I feel like you could use the whole thing. Like we gave you all that money for a photo op. Just be on the podcast?

Scott Benner 1:33:17
Because you paid to take a picture with her boyfriend who's gonna be your husband?

Arden Benner 1:33:20
Yeah, exactly. Alright, so it seems pretty okay to me. Okay. Though. A lot of money for that photo up.

Scott Benner 1:33:28
The show is pretty popular in Australia. Maybe she knows that. It really is. What show my Oh, this is not a show. I guess it is no, that's not what makes this different than anything else.

Arden Benner 1:33:41
Like everything. We're doing this in a room that's painted a horrible color.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:46
On who picked it? It's mom, it's the spare bedroom color. Yeah, mom's really not good at this stuff. A color picking? Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:33:53
Okay, so. All right. I really do want to stop. I want you to tell me. No, yeah, you're gonna tell me something. Okay. So look at me in the face.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:03
Stop looking at that. I can't look at you in the face real quick. Otherwise,

Scott Benner 1:34:05
I'm gonna look at the painting. Okay, look at the painting and listen to me. Okay. What do you think the most important part of managing insulin is? Be serious. Like,

Arden Benner 1:34:18
if you're asking me questions I genuinely don't have an answer to

Scott Benner 1:34:21
okay then why do you think you'd be okay taking care of yourself? Because it's not that big of a deal. What if you eat french fries? What happens if you eat french fries?

Unknown Speaker 1:34:31
I do myself. But then what happens later? You must actually close your loop. close the loop. you close the loop. You're near your phone. Now you're closer to it. I

Scott Benner 1:34:43
can't bend right now. You're gonna make me get the phone.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:45
Yeah, don't get the phone now. You're gonna come off poorly. If you don't get the phone. Now you get the phone. Get the phone. Come on. Your Pants will match your shirt. You get the phone. My pants don't match my shirt. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:34:55
I'm being punished

Arden Benner 1:34:56
collar crime. Get the phone. A white collar crime. That sounds horrible.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
No it doesn't. Yeah does sounds like a crime if I put on there colors that don't go together here they don't hurt while you were in your Outer Banks pants.

Scott Benner 1:35:12
So if I have shorts on that look like they're for the beach. They're my Outer Banks pants.

Arden Benner 1:35:18
Yeah, that's the only beach. I remember going to when I was little. You don't remember

Scott Benner 1:35:22
St. JOHN. Yeah, that's completely different. That's like an island. Oh, islands. Just the giant beach you know?

Arden Benner 1:35:28
Yeah, but it's different. The Outer Banks is not like St. JOHN. No, it's not. Yeah. That's what I did. I not what,

Scott Benner 1:35:36
but they're still both beaches. They are Okay, so what do you think the most important thing is, buddy? You're sweaty? Yeah. Probably shouldn't say that microphone. I don't really edit this. Anyone have a good deodorant brand? He needed new deodorant? Yeah, here's doesn't work.

Arden Benner 1:35:52
No, not for like natural, like smelling purposes, but like sweating purposes,

Scott Benner 1:35:57
you need an antiperspirant? Yeah. Maybe people will send in suggestions. Now, don't do that. I'm not gonna read them. Okay, so when we talk, coming up in these other these other episodes, here's what I feel like we're gonna talk about, you're ready. We're going to talk about your Basal, and how to get it right and how to change it if you need to. We're gonna talk about Pre-Bolus in your meals. We're going to talk about how different foods need different amounts of insulin. We're going to talk about how to handle fat and protein when it makes your blood sugar go up later. Okay, and we're going to talk about other things like how you can help yourself if you're in a real bad situation, I'm not gonna be in a bad situation, just in case you are, it would be nice to know how to handle it. Right?

Unknown Speaker 1:36:45
I can handle it. Well, but if you passed out right now, so you're an ICU.

Scott Benner 1:36:50
So your blood say your blood sugar is so safe. You're asking

Arden Benner 1:36:52
me question, if I pass out, I can't help myself. So it's over.

Scott Benner 1:36:56
What if you knew it was going up? What if you could look at your CGM and say to yourself, my blood sugar's falling? I can't stop it. I could do something. Now to stop myself from passing I'll drink a juice or something. Right? What if that doesn't work? So you have no context for that? Because it just doesn't happen to you. Yeah. Do you know why it doesn't happen to you? Because I have a diabetic guard next to me. No, that's not why. It's because your basil is really well set. You do a really consistently decent job of Pre-Bolus and your meals.

Arden Benner 1:37:28
I don't think we can do another one of these. I can't listen to that for another house.

Scott Benner 1:37:31
Your settings are right. And that's the stuff we're going to go through next. Okay, are you excited talking to the microphone? No, I'm not excited at all. Actually, that part you're not gonna like, Alright, but we're gonna do it anyway. Yeah. I really want to thank you for doing this with me today. Would you like to say goodbye to everybody? I would

Arden Benner 1:37:47
just like to say Haiti grows up to be like, more badass than Hannah. I called it. I believe it's Hattie. No, I think it's Haiti.

Scott Benner 1:37:54
Do you think they're calling their kid to Haiti? Yeah, I believe it's Hattie. I think it's Haiti. Why would you think it's Haiti? Ha TT right. Wasn't it is DD it was DD. Yeah, that sounds more like happy. No, it's a Haiti to me. Haiti is H a TI. It sounds like Haiti. To me. Haiti is a country you know that right? Yeah, I'm aware. Okay. Hold on. Let's see. So, I can't believe this is what we got on this is what we're talking about. Hannah Nicole. We're not arguing about how that's pronounced. Yeah, I know how it's pronounced. Hadassah grace. Is it Hadassah? Yeah, but it's Hattie. Why would someone called her kid Haiti?

Unknown Speaker 1:38:37
I think it's a cool name. Hate IE. Haiti. Yeah, that's a cool name. Well, that's not what they're calling the kid. And you should try it. You want them to change the baby's name? No, I don't like change. They just try it out. for like a week. Yeah. She's she responds to it. So I'm gonna tell you I think it's happy.

Arden Benner 1:38:54
I don't know. We're gonna have to ask Chelsea. Is that her name? Her name is Chelsea. Chelsea. Sounds like a character's name.

Scott Benner 1:39:01
I don't know that. She wants her last name. Oh. Yeah, see? All right. Well, I'll cut I bet it's fine. That's you're putting it online? That's a private Facebook group. Only the people who are members in there.

Arden Benner 1:39:16
Oh, well, then why don't they just join? Like I'm getting you more people. Now if you join you can see children.

Scott Benner 1:39:23
You get to see the babies. Yeah, it is a really good fit and we can all fight if it's Haiti or whatever. How it's clearly not Haiti. It should be heavy. I think they should try it. But you see now that it's not. I don't know. I'm still against it. What do you think we should call this episode? Hey, be rowdy. No, hey, it's gonna be called conversation with art and part one. Oh, no, that's boring. Don't do that. What should we call it? Call it a? I don't know. It's think. Do you believe that people have gotten to know you're doing this? A little bit better?

Arden Benner 1:39:59
No. I Think people who don't understand my sense of humor. Think of more real brat right now.

Scott Benner 1:40:03
You think they think you're a brat? Yeah. Yeah, I would think I would tell you that. I think you

Arden Benner 1:40:10
a lot of people think that I treat you poorly, like my parents poorly. Oh, I

Scott Benner 1:40:15
don't feel like that. Yeah.

Arden Benner 1:40:16
I don't know. Being White is completely different. That's what I've learned being white. Yeah. Because none of my friends all my friends are like foreign of some sort. Okay, and their houses are so much different.

Scott Benner 1:40:27
Okay, hold on a second. Let's go through this one at a time. So you know, you have a lot of Indian friends. Yeah. kylian. They all treat their parents differently. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they're much more like Reverend of them. Yeah. Especially Filipino. Right. Which, I don't know, which one of your friends would be would dare to be harsh against their parents? Don't you don't say their name. I know who say their background. Is that Italian? Okay. That's the that's the besides you.

Arden Benner 1:40:59
So when you she's also the closest to like, She's like, closest to like, I don't know, like, I like more Americanized.

Scott Benner 1:41:07
But then people from other countries who are more recent immigrants know, like,

Arden Benner 1:41:13
what I'm saying is I have friends, I will openly curse and come home and say what I think I do not hold back what I believe like, I will tell you what I think. And I've had friends who were like, Oh, I can never say that to my parents.

Scott Benner 1:41:27
But do you think that has anything to do with our background? And not being white? Yeah, yeah. 110%. You think of that? Yeah. It's not that mom and I are just open minded. We let you say what you want. No, wait. You can move your chair. You sticking to things? Yeah, I have a skirt on and I'm sticking. Alright. Wait, I need it. I have shorts on. I mean, it's okay. Okay, get back on the mic. So you don't think it's because mom and I like consciously raise you to say what you think

Arden Benner 1:41:55
that's part of it? Yeah. We actually actually talked about this last night with Liv and Tom. What did you guys thought about cursing? We're talking about cursing. We're saying how, like, when we were younger, like a lot of like houses would like to be like, oh, there's a baby in the house like don't curse. And I was like it was minimum really do that. Like we grew up like cursing. It's just part of life. Just do it. And then we're just talking about it. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:42:17
yeah. So I don't so I think you want to hear something? I think seriously, I think you should be allowed to speak the way you want to speak, I think you should be able to say what you want to say. I think there have been times in your life where your opinion is not fully formed. But it doesn't mean that it's not your opinion at that moment. It is difficult as a parent sometimes to be have something thrown in your face. It's hard when you're wrong. And you say something, but I still let you have your opinion. And it's often your right or wrong. Often you're right about it. And it's difficult for me because I'm faced with the idea that I was wrong. And I think some parents don't want to hear that they're wrong. So that's where the you can't say, yeah,

Arden Benner 1:42:58
a lot of you are wrong. Well, I'm wrong a lot, right. Unless your kids just, you know, really wrong, you know, all the time unless they're going down a bad path. Yeah, you're probably right.

Scott Benner 1:43:12
So you think in general, like day to day stuff. That doesn't involve you becoming a meth dealer. Parents are not understanding what's happening with kids here. Oh, I don't know. You will not generalize. No, you're funny. Don't care won't generalize. But you do generalize. You're like I'm not generalizing about people. But white people are definitely like that. Yeah, for sure. And,

Unknown Speaker 1:43:34
like, well, I'm white, so I can definitely say that. You can say that. Well, I okay. I'm not stopping you from saying,

Arden Benner 1:43:39
let's be honest here. The worst, like group of people is white boys. Not white men, but white boys.

Scott Benner 1:43:47
Those are the worst group of people.

Arden Benner 1:43:48
They're like the most like, Oh my god, just like if you punch them in the face once I think they'd be okay. I think they just need a slap in the head.

Scott Benner 1:43:55
Do you think white boys need to be slapped in the head? Why is that? You're from a very diverse place. Like we live in a fairly diverse place.

Arden Benner 1:44:04
Yeah, a lot of white boys who live here look like they have rocks in their head. Like I think if you just slap them across the face once they might be okay,

Scott Benner 1:44:12
maybe just make the rocks into a brain. Yeah. Okay. You think that has something to do with their background? Yeah. Why would that be?

Arden Benner 1:44:21
I don't know. Maybe they just have more stupid look on their face like I don't know. Maybe they're more unattractive? Who knows Dad?

Scott Benner 1:44:28
Do you think that other backgrounds have it more together? Yeah, really? Yeah. Okay, because they maybe it's because their parents then let them curse and say what they thought. I mean, maybe you know what? I don't know. I know. You don't know. I don't know how you start talking about this. Oh, no. Do I actually we were talking about we're talking about a happy Yeah. Wait, how did we get here? I don't know someone comment down below. I'm just kidding. This isn't YouTube. Is it? Yes, it's not YouTube. Okay, that's interesting. So when should we get back together and record the other stuff? When would be good for you keeping anytime before September 2. So we're gonna need to get on the calendar and do this a bunch of times. Yeah. All right. Well, why don't we say goodbye to everybody and then we'll pick some other days. Wait, I can't do it on his birthday. You can't do it. Take that out of here. You can't say Paul's name a friend.

Arden Benner 1:45:26
But we take that out. That was a that was a joke too. So take that out. Okay, please.

Scott Benner 1:45:33
Alright, so we'll um, we'll pick um,

Arden Benner 1:45:36
I definitely can't do it when cause an eye appointment.

Scott Benner 1:45:39
God will stop very busy that day. We could do tomorrow. We get it tomorrow is not that that's his birthday. But we could do tomorrow and Sunday and then we and that we could do tomorrow and Sunday and then maybe finish up next weekend and we'd be done. just burped I did off to edit that out. Yeah. Disgusting. What do you think? We're gonna do it like that? We'll do a little more tomorrow a little more Sunday. I don't think I can do this again. Tomorrow. You can speaking for today. We're not gonna talk nearly as long.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:08
Oh, yeah. what's what's the weather like tomorrow? I think it's supposed to be on TV. Tomorrow, okay, well, I am going out tomorrow with mom. Okay, well, we only need an hour

Arden Benner 1:46:18
Yeah. If any of you know how to so I will pay you to do my portfolio what you

Scott Benner 1:46:24
that you want to cheat to get into college? No,

Arden Benner 1:46:26
I'm not cheating. Again. The colleges need little help. little push.

Scott Benner 1:46:29
So tell what's finished with that. That what do you want to do in college? Oh. What are you interested in?

Arden Benner 1:46:39
I don't need them to know my whole life story. Okay, that's okay. Can you hear me? Yeah. Okay. All right. This is where it gets personal. Yeah, you guys can hear all about my bloody hoo ha. But not what you're generally interested in. Yeah. I don't want you guys know anything else about my life.

Scott Benner 1:46:56
Alright, well, that will stop it right here. Thank you for doing this.

A huge thank you to Omni pod. Get a free 30 day trial on the pod dash today at on the pod comm forward slash juice box. And don't forget that there's no need to wait for the next big thing to come. Because the Omni pod promise tells you that you can upgrade to Omni pods latest technologies for no additional cost as soon as they're available to you and covered by your insurance terms and conditions apply on the forward slash juice box and get yourself a Dexcom g six continuous glucose monitor right now. Right now. forward slash juice box links the shownotes links at Juicebox Podcast comm I have a couple more things to say before this is over.

I just want to say here at the end in case 20 years from now an adult Arden comes back and listen to that art and I love doing this with you. I think you're terrific. I love you. Hope you guys come back and listen to me in art and talk some more about management stuff. We're gonna do our best on a father daughter level. I don't imagine it's going to go incredibly well. But I'll get to tell what we need from her. And we'll get to hear her responses about what she understands what she thinks she can put into practice. And maybe we'll have to make some plans for how to get to where we need to be before she takes off for college. One way or the other. It should at least be funny. So they'll always be that

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#518 Brownie


#516 How We Eat: Intermittent Fasting