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#703 Butthole Adjacent

Katie has type 1 diabetes and a rather unique diagnosis story.

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Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends, and welcome to episode 703 of the Juicebox Podcast.

On today's show we're gonna be speaking with Katie. She's had type one diabetes for only about a year. But Katie is going to give a whole new meaning to the word open and honest on today's show. While you're listening, please do remember that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan, or becoming bold with insulin. Are you looking for the diabetes Pro Tip series? It begins at episode 210 In your podcast player, or can be found at diabetes pro tip.com, and juicebox podcast.com. If you would like a list of the episodes available on the Pro Tip series, or really lists of all the different series in the podcast, you really should consider joining the private Facebook group Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes and then going up to the featured tab where they are all listed in a very neat and orderly fashion. The T one D exchange is looking for US citizens who have type one diabetes, or are the caregivers of someone with type one to take a brief survey AT T one D exchange.org. Forward slash juicebox. This show is sponsored today by the glucagon that my daughter carries G voc hypo Penn Find out more at G voc glucagon.com forward slash juicebox. today's podcast is also sponsored by touched by type one, head over to touched by type one.org. To learn more about this great little organization, or to get tickets for their upcoming extravaganza, which yours truly will be speaking at. Lastly, but not leastly. The podcast is sponsored today by the Contour Next One blood glucose meter, you can get the Contour Next One at contour next one.com forward slash juicebox you will find links to all of the sponsors in the show notes of your podcast player and at juicebox podcast.com.

Katie 2:23
My name is Katie, I'm 28 years old and I was diagnosed with type one diabetes. Actually, I think it's going to be a year ago tomorrow.

Scott Benner 2:33
Really? Yeah. I just had the conversation with somebody recently where I said like so excited and like, like a child most like, you know, everybody comes on on their birthday or their diversity is or something like that. It's like it's such a coincidence that I realized that's not a coincidence. People look at the calendar and and pick when they come to their property one.

Katie 2:52
This one was semi coincidence. This was like the earliest, you know, date you had on and all that fun stuff. And then I just was like, Oh, well, that's the day before. That's kind of cool.

Scott Benner 3:02
Nice. Well, I'm happy you're here and, uh, years an interesting amount of time. So we'll say it again. You were how old? were you diagnosed?

Katie 3:09
I was 27.

Scott Benner 3:12
Do you have any expectation of this in the family or anything?

Katie 3:16
Oh, yeah. I think Oh, yeah. I think I mentioned in my email. I have my mom is a type one. Two of her sisters are type one. And then another one of her sisters daughters. So my first cousin is type one. So that's 1234 type ones kind of in my immediate family,

Scott Benner 3:37
your mom, two aunts. I say what am I from the south? A mom to ask. What do you prefer? Katie? Aunt or aunt?

Katie 3:48
I call aunts? I mean, I'm like semi from the south. But I say aunt.

Scott Benner 3:52
Okay. And then you makes five in the family. Yeah, yeah. I think there's gonna be more. Are there other people walking around looking real nervous?

Katie 4:02
I don't know. I besides myself, everybody else was diagnosed when they were like six or seven years old. And it's interesting. They've all been females. Like there's no Oh, okay. Oh, males. Yeah.

Scott Benner 4:14
What else I would this with a number like five? I feel like you're gonna tell me. Three of them have Hashimotos or hypothyroidism?

Katie 4:23
Actually, I don't 100% No, I know my mom doesn't have hypothyroid or Hashimotos. I know have a little cousin doesn't either. And I'm pretty sure the other two agents did not fit their celiac. No, not that I know. Okay, well, just I just diabetes. When

Scott Benner 4:46
you hit that number. I was like, oh, there's going to be a bevy of autoimmune diseases in that family and then nothing.

Katie 4:51
Yeah, you would think and then I mean, I have a really big family. So I guess I don't know everybody's intimate health history but that's Um, we talked about a whole lot, but even in the extended family, like, I don't think that there's any other real autoimmune stuff going on. Wow, that's

Scott Benner 5:06
fascinating. And all females, all females. Yeah, I think, um, I've said this before, I think it's my wife's side of the family seems to have some autoimmune. And it's all females. And then, and then suddenly my son got Hashimoto. So I guess that breaks that mold. But, but I don't know. Also, I'm adopted. So, you know, yeah. I could come from a week of people with autoimmune diseases have no idea. Okay, so this happened about a year ago, it wasn't a complete surprise. Was it one of those that you found out really, obviously early, because you're like, Oh, I recognize this, or?

Katie 5:45
I wish it was. Yeah. Okay. So I, I wanted to tell the story, it's hilarious, embarrassing, etc, etc. But I love it. And any of my friends who listen to the story are going to love it. So I actually, you know, I'm a nurse, and I work night shift. And this was last summer, I'd been like, I've been kind of dieting going back to the gym. I was losing weight. You know, I was like, Oh, great. Yeah, it's finally working. I feel like you hear that a lot. But uh, and I was like, really thirsty all the time. But I was like, it's summer I'm working night shift. I drink a lot of water on night shift, etc, etc. The the way that I found out actually, I started having some pain and an uncomfortable area. Vagina. No, no. Okay. Perry anal area.

Scott Benner 6:40
That's close to there though. Okay. Yes, yes. So for the layman. Katie, that's your tape.

Katie 6:47
It's right around the butthole. Gotcha.

Scott Benner 6:50
Boy, got Katie. In seven minutes. You might have named the episode right around the bottle.

Katie 6:57
I don't know how I would name my episode that fast. I was waiting for

Scott Benner 7:00
something. I'm not certain what you're gonna say next. But that's a strong contender. Go ahead. Third, so you're strong because you're drinking a lot of water go.

Katie 7:08
Yeah, yeah. So I'm at work and you know, it's getting painful to sit down. Like diabetes is not even on my radar. I haven't thought about diabetes since like, I was a kid when my mom would check my blood sugar all the time. So not even on my radar. I think that I have hemorrhoids like a hemorrhoid. Yeah, exactly. So I'm at work and I'm trying to just treat it at home because I'm a nurse and I hate to go to the doctor. So I like you know, bought all the creams, all that stuff trying to treat at home. Nothing's working. Finally, I'm like, You know what, I can't do this anymore. I get off work one morning and I go to an urgent care. And the doctor at urgent care. He looks at me and he's like, you know, have you had a hemorrhoid before? And I was like, No, I haven't. He was like, well, I could just prescribe you, you know, normal hemorrhoid stuff. But I'd kind of like to take a look at it. Sure. I don't think that was his cup of tea.

Scott Benner 8:07
I'm just imagining that you have to you think to yourself, I have to let somebody look at my butthole I'm not good at work where people can like where people I know I'm gonna go to an urgent care why don't know these people. But before you continue with your story, because I am enjoying it. If you wrestle that Khan's away from that dog and throw him out of the room. I'll give you $10 Okay,

Unknown Speaker 8:27
okay, hold on one second. Okay.

Scott Benner 8:36
I don't know if the rest of you could hear the licking and the, from the dog but it was trying to get into the story. And I was like, oh, dog. Can you hear me by the way while I'm talking? Okay, I'm back. Sorry,

Katie 8:46
guys. Are you talking about me when you're gone? Yeah, of

Scott Benner 8:48
course. Because Because your start I'm trying to get into the story and in the background while you're here like I'm gonna get I'm gonna lose my focus. I mean, you've already said taint. I said vagina. You've said butthole three times. You're about to show a stranger your ass and I'm like, I do not want that dog eating that Kong toy during this. So. Okay, go ahead. What kind of dog? Sorry.

Katie 9:10
He's like a 60 pound mine. Oh, lovely. From the streets. You know?

Scott Benner 9:14
It's nice that you took him up. Okay. Yeah.

Katie 9:17
Okay. Okay. So, um, go to urgent care. You know, the doctor wants to look at my butthole fine. He takes a look at it. He's like, I think you have cellulitis and I was like, Okay. Not what I was expecting. But he sent me home with an antibiotic. He was like, there may be an abscess there. If it opens you should go to the emergency room because we don't have good pain meds. And it's going to hurt.

Scott Benner 9:44
Yeah, so no, no. Yeah, he did happen. Oh, yeah. Oh, God. I know somebody that this happened to and just from their description of the pain. I'm already on the edge of my seat. Okay, go ahead. Katie. You went home. You must have been stunned first of all.

Katie 9:59
Yeah, I was like like, Well, I mean, I kind of was just like, Okay, I take these antibiotics for a few days, everything's good and well in the world and I'm back to my life

Scott Benner 10:07
probably thrilled you don't have a hemorrhoid. Yeah. Kind of.

Katie 10:12
I don't know much about hemorrhoids, to be honest. So that sounds like not a lot of fun. But I go home, you know, I'm like soaking in warm baths, trying to make myself comfortable. And at this point, just to set the story up also, my boyfriend and I had been together for February, March, April, May, June, four months at this point. Oh. Yeah. So he's, uh, at our apartment. I think we're living together then. I don't know. But anyways, he's at my apartment with me. And I'm in so much pain, like, just can't take it. And he's like, urging me this whole time. Just get an emergency room. And I'm like, no, no, like, you know, it's fine. Um, he was like, Well, what if it bursts open? And I was like, Oh, I've got some gauze and some cleaning solution. Like, I'll just keep it covered, and it'll be fine. And he's

Scott Benner 11:01
so funny. It's because you're a nurse. Right? That you had that? 100%? Yeah. Because if you told me what if my, I want to say at all so badly, but what if my butthole popped open? I'd be like, that's a valid concern. Let us go to the hospital right now. Okay. Yeah. But

Katie 11:18
meanwhile, me I'm like, you know, I can take care of that. Right. So it's hurting. It's getting worse, like throughout the day. So finally, he looks at me and he goes, Do you want me to look at

Scott Benner 11:30
it? Our month at the dog's back?

Katie 11:33
Yes, I he grabbed a squeaky toy. Oh my gosh, hold on. I'm gonna lock him in a room.

Scott Benner 11:38
There you go. The animal lovers alone like that? Are you guys like thrilled with this story? Like I am like she's about to make the decision. Am I going to show what might be a burst open? butthole to my four month boyfriend? I don't know. Would you do it? Think about it for a second. Would you just go to the hospital? i It's a big decision. Because this is probably I mean, you don't know if she's still with the guy or not right. This is probably a big moment. She's coming back. Okay. Katie, I did like a little build up while you were gone. Oh, gosh. Because the scene because Yeah. Because it's a big moment for you. Right? If you're with him for months, you clearly like him. It sounds like you're living together. And now you have to decide, am I going to look like a like a monster with like, a hole next to my other holes? Like cute. And by the way, do you bend over? Like a counter? Or do you go on your back? Right? It's a big question, don't you think? And you leave your underwear on and just kind of show him the one spot. All right, go ahead. Tell me what you got me.

Katie 12:49
Okay. I was like, Well, I don't really want you looking at it. But I kind of being you know, me. I was like, I kinda want to see a picture of it. So I can get it because I have no idea what this looks like at this point. I'm just taking that doctor's word for it. So I was like, yeah, if you don't mind, like, can you look at it? So I lay on the bed kind of on my side.

Unknown Speaker 13:13

Katie 13:15
Yeah, you got to be comfortable. I'm gonna go through this intimate experience. You got to be really comfortable. So I have to

Scott Benner 13:21
ask you, Katie, when you laid down to do it, did you give any consideration to how you would look the least vile doing it?

Katie 13:29
I'm kind of I'm pretty sure like I kept the underwear like on you know, tried to cover myself up as much as possible by

Scott Benner 13:38
making take a picture. I did. No flash or flash. I don't remember because if you get a natural light, it looks a little nicer. And is this the first time you've ever taken a photo of your lady bits? Or was are you had you done this in the past? No, no, no. Oh, that was the first. I'm sorry. You're on your side. Go ahead. Do you? Do you expect him to do it?

Katie 14:02
Oh gosh, I'm trying to remember. I was so like, you know like traumatized at that moment. Yeah, it's hard to remember the details. I think that he did the cheeks.

Scott Benner 14:20
G voc hypo pan has no visible needle, and is a pre mixed auto injector of glucagon for treatment of very low blood sugar. In adults and kids with diabetes ages two and above. Find out more go to G vo glucagon.com forward slash juicebox G voc shouldn't be used in patients with insulinoma or pheochromocytoma. Visit G voc glucagon.com/risk. Are you in the Orlando area? Would you like to hear me speak live? Go to touched by type one.org. Click on the program's tab then annual conference. And you can register right Right now for touched by type ones Annual Conference, which aims to educate, encourage and empower people living with type one diabetes. Do you know what it costs register? That nothing. It's very pretty baby. Let's do it. Here, do it. Let's do it. Come on over on Saturday, August 27 and see me Scotty, where am I going to be the Loews Portofino Bay Hotel in Orlando, Florida. It seems like it's near universal studios. Registration again, is free and open to all with a connection to type one diabetes touched by type one.org. When you come over, bring your brand new meter with you, your Contour Next One blood glucose meter, the one you're going to get at contour next one.com forward slash juice box. I say it all the time. I'm not afraid to say it again. We just get the meter our doctor gives us most people don't get to choose if they did, they would choose accuracy, they would choose a bright light and easy to read screen something that is small enough that could be carried in a purse or a diabetes bag that has insanely accurate results. A bonus might be test strips that allow for Second Chance testing, and an optional app for your cell phone for your cell phone. What happened am I who also do we still call them cell phones, for your smartphone for your phone, let's just call your phone that keeps track of the data you get from your blood tests. That's the Contour Next One blood glucose meter. That's what you're looking for. Head to contour next one.com forward slash juice box right now you can learn more, or buy one today, you can actually get it online like through Amazon and places like that there's a link there for that. There's all this information about the accuracy the meter, the cost, you might that the costs that might be incurred with strips. And contour likes to remind me to remind you that it's possible that buying the Contour Next One blood glucose meter would be cheaper in cash than you're paying right now for your meter and supplies through your insurance, which would be bonkers. But as possible contour next.com forward slash juicebox. Get the blood glucose meter that I just use 20 minutes ago with Arden.

There are links in the show notes of your podcast player and links at juicebox podcast.com. To the sponsors. And all of the sponsors that Juicebox Podcast, when you click on the links, you're supporting the show. Very nice of them. Go ahead.

Katie 17:35
And as soon as he did that, it opened. Oh, oh. And he says, Oh, God bless him. He just looks up and he goes, I'm gonna go get some toilet paper. I was like, what? And he goes, we're going to the emergency room.

Scott Benner 17:53
Oh my god. Yeah. Did he? Did he redownload his Tinder app on the way to the hospital?

Katie 17:59
Sure he did. Man. It's a wonder we're still together. I don't know how that that's happened.

Scott Benner 18:04
Was there blood in pass? I'm so sorry. Oh, my God.

Katie 18:07
It's okay. Yeah. Like, like I said, I'm a nurse. Like,

Scott Benner 18:10
other people are listening to this.

Katie 18:12
They're gonna be mortified. I'm sorry, if you're you're you're listening your your views or whatever. I'm sorry if that drops.

Scott Benner 18:20
Oh, my gosh. Okay. All right. Blog and pass. We get it cleaned up a little bit. Yep.

Katie 18:27
Yeah. And he's like, we're going to emergency room and I'm like, no, no, it's fine. Like I can and he was like, No, we're, we're going. So we go to the emergency room. Mind you. I haven't eaten anything since like, midnight the night before? I was hadn't been feeling well.

Scott Benner 18:43
Yeah. Try not to go to the bathroom too. I'd imagine. Yes.

Katie 18:46
Yeah. That was excruciating. Go to the emergency room. I you know, we're out in the waiting room. I have to explain what happened to everybody again. And this is the waiting room. Also at the hospital I work at just

Unknown Speaker 18:59
FYI. Hey, Patti. What's up, Jim?

Katie 19:03
I definitely definitely saw people that I have worked with. And I don't work in the emergency room. But my nurse in the emergency room I went to nursing school with it was it was a fun time.

Scott Benner 19:14
I bet you they weren't thrilled either. Oh, I'm

Katie 19:17
sure. Were though,

Scott Benner 19:18
do you think later they run around? They're like I saw Katie's. But today

Katie 19:23
oh, gosh, probably that was probably a good dinner conversation,

Scott Benner 19:27
would it because if it happened in reverse, if the girl or guy that you went to nursing school with had to come show you they're asked for some reason, would you not? I mean, where's the line in medicine?

Katie 19:39
Well, I mean, I couldn't talk about who I could definitely say like, Hey, I had to look at a butthole today, but I definitely couldn't say whose butthole I don't know.

Scott Benner 19:50
I feel like in private moments, you guys just talk about each other incessantly. But whatever. Go ahead. Whatever you do on the podcast right now it's fine. Okay.

Katie 20:00
So we're in the waiting room. You know, when you go to the emergency room, they put in an IV and they just draw like basic lab work. They drew a BMP, which is just, you know, like a metabolic panel, and that has your blood glucose in it. And I get a notification on my phone, because I have like my chart system and all that fun stuff. And I get a notification on my phone that says, my glucose was high. So I pull it up, and I look at it, and my glucose was 312. And I was like, okay, um, well, surely somebody is going to talk to be about that. And maybe it's just the stress the infection, you know, that can raise blood sugar. So yeah, maybe that's it. So I go the entire emergency room visit, which was traumatizing in itself. And nobody says a word to me about the lab results. Yeah, like I have no other illnesses. I'm, you know, nothing wrong. And nobody says a word. So they end up lancing that abscess and send me home with more antibiotics. Which, for the record, the emergency room did not give me good pain medicine. I had they numbed it with lidocaine, which was terrible.

Scott Benner 21:16
Wait, somebody took a needle and put it in a butane shorted? Oh, my God. Yep. And at no point when this was happening, was it just so over was the rest of it so it was the fact that you're asked blew open? so overwhelming that you didn't go hey, my mom, my two aunts and my cousin have diabetes and my blood sugar's high.

Katie 21:38
I honestly, at Yeah, at that point, I was like, You know what, this is something I'll just deal with later. I just, I want my body to feel better.

Scott Benner 21:44
Okay. Oh, yeah. Well, I hear from like I said, I've had a person describe it to me, I think it's described as a horrible feeling. worse pain. Somebody told me once they had ever experienced in their life, but are we getting alright, I don't want to rush the story. This story could be about your this entire podcast could just be about your abscess. And then at the end, you'll be like, and I have diabetes. And I'll be like, No, we have to go. So. But go ahead. You're home now.

Katie 22:12
Yeah, yeah, I'm home. Long story short, I borrow my mom's old like meter and strips and all that stuff. Because I was like, I'll just test for a few days. See if it comes back down. You know, I test and I don't get a number below 300. I was like, alright, so I go to the My primary doctor. Does all the normal bloodwork. My agency, I think was 12.7. Was like had the antibodies and did the C peptide and all that fun stuff. And he was like, Yeah, you have type one diabetes.

Scott Benner 22:48
And do you think that that's where the abscess came from the extended high blood sugars?

Katie 22:53
Maybe that would be my guess, my endocrinologist I because I asked her. I was like, Do you think that I had this for like, a long time and just didn't know it? And she was like, No, I'm thinking it kind of started a couple weeks before you actually got diagnosed like it wasn't a whole whole long time. Okay.

Scott Benner 23:14
Wow. And this boy stayed with you.

Katie 23:18
Yep. We're still together.

Scott Benner 23:19
Wow. It's like one of those things where you went through a thing so horrifying. You're delayed fuse trauma bonding. Yeah. Is that what that's called? I think so. Oh, my God. When my wife and I were dating, something so horrendous happened. I would never tell you about it. And I do remember afterwards. Like thinking like, oh, I called her back.

Katie 23:45
I guess we still continued on,

Scott Benner 23:48
I guess we were like, Oh my gosh.

Katie 23:53
Well, everybody, I've told that story too, is like, you know, you have to marry him. Right?

Scott Benner 23:57
Well, that's at least buy him like a car or something. You know, like something significant that later? Yeah, he deserves something feel paid for like, like, in a significant way. Oh my gosh, okay. How long did it take for that to heal?

Katie 24:12
Um, once I started the antibiotics, it really wasn't bad. I mean, it was probably healed up in like a week or two.

Scott Benner 24:17
Okay. And how many days into your testing? Did you really like when did you start to think like, Oh, my God, I have diabetes. Like, was it the second day? Or did you hope

Katie 24:27
it was like, the morning after I tested like, first thing in the morning when I know, like, I hadn't had anything to eat like, and it was still, you know, like, 350. I was like, okay, yeah, that's, that's probably real. And I called my mom, you know, my mom. My boyfriend was with me the whole time in the emergency room. But I called my mom and asked for the testing supplies and kind of told her what was going on. And then I called her after I was diagnosed and she was like, Are they sure it's type one. Maybe it's type two. I think she just you know, was kind of in denial of it. Yeah.

Scott Benner 25:03
Well, and she tested you a lot as a kid. Yeah. Yeah. She was worried about her whole life probably.

Katie 25:08
Yeah. And then, you know, I know for her She probably thought like, after we grew up, like, Oh, my kids made it, you know, they don't have it. We're, we're good.

Scott Benner 25:16
Because the rest of the family was at a young age.

Katie 25:19
Yeah, yeah. And she in I mean, a lot of, you know, older diabetics, and even people in general, just, they didn't really know that you could be diagnosed older, you know, ya know, juvenile diabetes for so long for reason.

Scott Benner 25:32
Right? Oh, you got out of juvenile. You're all good now. Yeah, yeah, I understand. Okay. Do you? Do you think that you and baboy will ever make a baby together? Or is this a concern for you?

Katie 25:45
No, I mean, I think that's still on the horizon. I think that's it's kind of a concern for me. But I don't, I don't know. Gosh, I hadn't really thought about that.

Scott Benner 25:58
I'm sorry. No, like,

Katie 26:01
you know, we we just, we want kids so bad that, you know, I don't know, I think and, and like, diabetes, it's not like a death sentence. You know, so wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I guess. And

Scott Benner 26:15
you have a different perspective. I mean, you obviously have a family with it. And you have it now yourself. Um,

Katie 26:22
yeah, I know, for a lot of people like it's, it's a really, a lot of people grieve and stuff, you know, when they get diagnosed, or their kid gets diagnosed, because it sounds like this horrifying thing that you're gonna have to deal with. And a lot of people have a hard time with that. But uh, I mean, for me, it was just like, oh, well, this is what I do now.

Scott Benner 26:41
Yeah. Do you ever talk to your mom about it like, or does she kind of held the way she feels privately?

Katie 26:47
No, I'm, we've we've talked about it a little bit. We're not very good about talking about our feelings. But I mean, we've talked about it a little bit.

Scott Benner 26:53
Yeah. Talking about your feelings. Now Catholic?

Katie 26:57
Did you just ask about Catholic? Yeah. How did you know that? I mean, I'm not but my family is.

Scott Benner 27:03
Okay. I know what's up door. Wow. Yeah. He talked to people long enough. You know, people call those What's that thing? They say you're not supposed to generalize? Yeah, you know, don't generalize about people. People are individuals blah, blah, blah. Yeah, sometimes.

Katie 27:20
Like, I just like, talk to a psychic or something. That's crazy.

Scott Benner 27:23
I just the guy who's recorded almost 1000 podcasts. That's all. That's fair. Yeah. Although, give yourself a gold star, because you're the first person who's asked exploded during their story. So

Katie 27:34
I was gonna I was gonna say at the beginning, I was like, I feel like I have a diagnosis story that I have not heard yet.

Scott Benner 27:40
I have to be honest. Like, I get so excited when somebody tells me something. I think no one's ever said this before. It really makes me feel like I'm digging deep no pun intended on the butt thing. Like I'm digging deep. And trying to like really, like, I'm like, wow, we're you're finding different angles to this. You know what I mean? Like, everyone doesn't come on and tell the same story over and over again, even though it's about being diagnosed. And I appreciate that by anyone listening who has any kind of stories like this, please get on the podcast. I love hearing about stuff like this. I really do. If you have no idea. It's early. I don't like I record at 9am Sometimes my time, but it's not that frequently. And when you started talking, like this morning, I was like, alright, Scott, you're making a podcast, like pull yourself together. You don't I mean, like, let's get going and I am jacked up now. Like, I swear to you, I have like, I'm so ready for this day. Just love hearing that story. I have the right job. I get to go

Katie 28:38
about your day. And you're like I heard about someone's butt hole this morning. Like everything is I'm just so jacked up.

Scott Benner 28:44
Katie, I can't tell you that. I'm gonna tell four people about your ass today.

Katie 28:50
I don't know if you realize but like, how many listeners do you have a few. They're all going to hear about

Scott Benner 28:55
it. I'm thinking in my personal life. I want to be like, Oh my God, how are you? Yeah, you want to hear a story about a girl you'll never meet and then and plus the and the best part of this is that before we began recording, I saw your boyfriend's name. And

Katie 29:11
right we started with the porn star. Oh god I wasn't that wasn't recording.

Scott Benner 29:14
No, we weren't recording during that. But your your boyfriend has a porn star name which is absolutely like, it's just I don't know, the whole thing is to like look at it unless you say something absolutely horrifying. Between now and the end. This is going to be the most fun I've had making the podcast this week. So

Katie 29:30
that makes me feel so special.

Scott Benner 29:33
It really should I have so I have so many inappropriate questions about it that I'm not going to ask because I'm polite even though people probably don't think that's true.

Katie 29:42
Thank you I'm probably gonna have my mom listen to this. Yeah.

Scott Benner 29:45
Oh no, I had all like you were you were like laying out the story and I was like, I wonder if she was shaved the way she wanted to be before this. Right like did you protect your lady parts from like the past and the like the bite like all that stuff? I was worried you had an infection when it was over. You have no idea what was running through my head that I didn't say. I'm really glad you didn't Oh, my God. Well, I said, I found a way to say it anyway without actually asking you like, right. And I don't actually have to answer. Exactly, because it was all in the like abstract. Yeah, yeah, there's a little trick case you ever want to use it? Okay, so you have diabetes. Now. Everybody's on board that this is happening, your infection is cleared up? And do you go back to the people you work with and go, Hey, you guys are terrible at your job?

Katie 30:32
Well, you know, like I said, I don't work in the emergency room. And I understand like, when you come into emergency room, a lot of people don't really realize that but like, they see your main complaint on the paper. And they're like, Okay, let's fix this main complaint. You know, yeah. Okay. They're their job isn't figure out whatever else is wrong with you. They shouldn't be off for that.

Scott Benner 30:51
Oh, you know, emergency emergent. I get it. Okay. Yeah, it

Katie 30:55
makes sense. But I did. You know, I told my co workers on the floor I worked on, you know, hey, you know, that hemorrhoid? I thought I had it's actually type one diabetes. And they all were like, what, you know, everybody was shocked. I had to go through the whole experience again, and yeah.

Scott Benner 31:14
Wow. Wow, that is a gift to go tell everybody because everyone knew you didn't feel well, right. You're probably telling coworkers like I can't sit down. This hurts. I probably have a hammer. Yeah.

Katie 31:24
I mean, we're nurses. We talk about you know, our health stuff. Like I know way more about a lot of my coworkers then I probably should, but yeah, yeah. And I mean, it was it was hilarious, too, and kind of embarrassing. Like, we would get new employees show up and my friends would be like, Hey, this is Katie, have her tell you about her type one diabetes story. And I'm like, Hey, quit.

Scott Benner 31:45
The first day here break the ice. You remember the day your taint hurt Katie? Yeah, bring the new girl. Yeah, bring the new girl over and let her know.

Katie 31:54
Welcome to the new unit new employee,

Scott Benner 31:57
while the new employees thinking like so I've worked with a bunch of nurses who thought that diabetes was asked pain. I'm gonna know more than everybody in five minutes. Did you go to an? Did you go to an adult? No. Do

Katie 32:10
you go to your mom's Endo? Oh, no, no, I went to an adult Endo.

Scott Benner 32:13
Okay. Like found your own doctor started fresh? Yeah, it's

Katie 32:17
in the same. I mean, the area I'm in is kind of ruled by one health system. So it's the same kind of office but a different Endo. I kind of just took the because it took Gosh, at least a month or so to get in with the Endo. Yeah. And that was even just for like a virtual visit. I didn't, I still haven't got my endo in person. But yeah, I just kind of took the first one that was able to get me in.

Scott Benner 32:45
Okay, that's happened around where I live to, it almost feels like a mobster went to every doctor and said, You work for us now. Do it, you know, and suddenly, a doctor you've been using for years. It's like I'm now part of the blah, blah, blah health system. I was like, yeah, they got to Yeah, you know, it really feels like that somebody has you know, the doctors get sold on the like, we take care of the billing, we do this, all you have to do is be a doctor and they're like, oh, that sounds good. Well, honestly,

Katie 33:11
with like your own malpractice insurance and all that stuff. As a physician, it's hard to have an individual practice now. It kind of just makes more sense to be a part of a system on their end. Yeah,

Scott Benner 33:22
no, I can see how it's just funny how they fall like dominoes. Oh, yeah, right. Okay, so. So I'm super interested. Do you have me have four people you're closely related to that have diabetes, you know, have it? Do you go to them to commiserate? You go to them for advice? Or do you just pretend you're an island unto yourself and just start fresh on your own?

Katie 33:47
I'm probably a little mixture of both. I know my little cousin. She's, oh my goodness. I don't know how old she is. I think she just turned 13 So at this point, she was around like 12 or something. And I know that she had kind of mentioned to her mom, like, why am I the only kid in the family that has this you know, why am I the only of the cousins that has this kind of thing. So I pretty much immediately called her up and was like, Hey, you're not the only one now? Yeah. So I really kind of wanted to offer her some some camaraderie and support. It didn't really go so much for advice because I don't know. I don't I don't really know their management. You know, I don't know my cousin say once see or anything like that. But I did you know, my mom offered up a lot of advice. I don't know that I necessarily asked her advice, but

Scott Benner 34:44
I know she's gonna listen to this but like dang serious. I want to talk through this part. Right. So being serious. Did as you were and she were talking you and she is that right? Human she her her would have been wrong, wouldn't it?

Katie 35:00
I think it's she I think it's one of those things where she sounds weird, but that's correct.

Scott Benner 35:03
I made I got that right. Wow, I'm so impressed that That's right. Somebody, you know what I almost had somebody send me an email, nobody sent me an email, I'm, you're gonna get so many emails six months behind on my email, nobody email me. But when the two of you spoke about it did you find yourself thinking, Oh, that's not how you should be doing that mom or did you think okay, like, I don't know anything about this. So this is a good base of information.

Katie 35:29
Um, I'm not gonna lie to you, I kind of have always been that like, that kid that's like, Oh, I know better than my parents kind of thing. So I tried to be open minded and listen, and my mom did, you know, give me really good advice. But I mean, she definitely has a more traditional way of managing things. When I was diagnosed, she was on MBI. I think she's had a pump in the past before. And then shortly after I got diagnosed and got on a pump, she started talking to her Endo, again, about getting on a pump. So we've kind of helped each other in that way. But yeah, she definitely had like some more outdated advice at times. You know, I would tell her that like I would go to bed at you know, and my blood sugar would be at she like, aren't you afraid you're gonna drop overnight? And I'm like, No, it's It's fine. She's so it's you so used to go into bed at like, 121 3150 kind of thing.

Scott Benner 36:35
And how long has she had type one?

Katie 36:38
She was diagnosed when she was I think six. So that would have been 966 or 1964.

Scott Benner 36:48
Okay. All right. So she didn't have the same gear. She is she was she was live in a different situation now. Oh,

Katie 36:53
yes. Totally different. She told me all about I just listened to a podcast you recorded where? I think it was a lady around my mom's age. And she talked about like, the boiling the needles and all that stuff. Like, yeah, my mom's told me. She knew that. Yeah.

Scott Benner 37:08
Wow. Yeah, that's it. So when you hear her say that, and then you look at did you have new respect or understanding after she explained and you kind of held it up against what you do?

Katie 37:20
Yeah, yeah. And I mean, even like, it's interesting, because my endos advice sometimes is more similar to what my mom was telling me. So I'm like, you know, and my mom listens to her endocrinologist and makes adjustments based off what her endocrinologist says, you know, and like, I was like, she's still getting, you know, this semi outdated advice. So, you know, I can't sound like you can blame her for

Scott Benner 37:49
no, no, not

Katie 37:50
the way she thinks. You know? Of

Scott Benner 37:52
course not. I mean, honestly, taking diabetes out of it. It's sort of like, at all when I was growing up, my grandmother would be like your watches. This is amazing. It's Lawrence Welk. And I was like, What the hell are we doing here? Like, this is not entertaining. It's not amazing, but she thought it was like she came from a time where like, That guy was entertainment. I know. That's a reference. Katie. You have no context for what

Katie 38:12
I was just gonna tell you. I have no clue who Lawrence Welk is.

Scott Benner 38:15
Do you know the woman I spoke to yesterday didn't know who Perry Como was Do you know who Perry Como is?

Katie 38:21

Scott Benner 38:21
Do you sing Christmas songs at Christmas time? Yeah, you definitely know who Perry called knows.

Katie 38:27
Okay. All right, then. Yes,

Scott Benner 38:28
I know who Perry I know. You're a liar. Maybe you're super open with your butt. But not with what your knowledge of party coma. That's fine. I watched that in there. Much like I appreciate that. Yeah, much like you had to watch that cost. And you're asked after that. Thank you. Alright, there's no reason to say but a bunch of times anymore. We're done. The story right? So okay, so your mom's stuff is a little antiquated? Is it fair to say that when it comes to diabetes on your mom, is that what we're talking about right now? Or you guys

Katie 39:00
who don't say that let her you know, she's helpful.

Scott Benner 39:05
Oh, where do you so how do you find me so quickly?

Katie 39:09
Um, the good old Google I think I don't know maybe it was on like a Facebook you know, I I go straight to type one diabetes Facebook groups. And you know, I dive right into it. I like to learn when I focus on something I like try to learn everything about it. So within like a week or two, I was on all these Facebook groups I found you know, all these books and all kinds of stuff. So yeah, I found you pretty quickly.

Scott Benner 39:36
Wow. Tell people you don't actually use the other groups anymore. Mine is the only one

Katie 39:40
right? That's the only group I'm in.

Scott Benner 39:44
Are you just being polite or is that?

Katie 39:46
Honestly, that's the only one that I actually am semi active and I guess I think I've posted in there a couple times. But the other ones I kind of look at sometimes and they're just sometimes they're just kind of sad.

Scott Benner 39:59
Yeah. I have a good feeling about mine actually. So yeah, yeah, yours is good. I like how it works. It's all attitude, right? You just pick an attitude and you decide this is how we're going to be. Yeah, I get I get notes like that, that I, you know, obviously, obviously Katie, I don't jump on this podcast and become a different person. So. But I get so many notes about like, you make diabetes easier because the way you talk about it or like that you interject humor into it. And I'm always like, confused by that. And like, I don't purposefully interject humor into diabetes. I just actually find some things funny that I think other people don't find amusing. That's all so. But I like also

Katie 40:38
to like, you know, if you're gonna live with a chronic illness, you got to you got to make some jokes about it time time.

Scott Benner 40:44
Yeah, you can't be so serious, right? It's exactly, yeah, it's a bummer. I mean, it's already a bummer. You have diabetes. So like, making it more of one is just, it's just piling on.

Katie 40:56
Yeah, that was one thing. You know, we talked about how great my boyfriend is, after the whole incident, we're not going to talk about anymore. But he, you know, soon after I kind of I got a little bit down, you know, I was like, Oh, God, like, I, I couldn't even take a pill every day consistently. Like, I don't know, I never had to deal with anything like that. So I was like, how am I going to do this, you know, blah, blah. And he kind of just looked at me and he was like, This is what you do now. There's no sense in being upset about it, or sad or worried about it. You just You just learn about it. And you just do it. So

Scott Benner 41:31
yeah, yeah. Well, that's, I mean, listen, great advice. That's boy perspective, right. There. It is. Yeah. What are we going to talk about this more? Just do it shut up?

Katie 41:43
Pretty much. That's his attitude on everything. Like, why are you worried about that? It's gonna work out. Like, how do you know?

Scott Benner 41:48
Yeah, because we're boys than we don't have the ability to wonder the other thing. Yeah. Like, can you imagine if we were all girls are all boys. Like, you know what I mean? Like, if everybody had like a like that men, classic boy mentality of like, it'd be fine, put your head down and walk forward. We'd all just be disconnected and running into walls. Yeah, we're all girls with the like, Oh, what if this happens, and we'd all nothing would ever get done? Right? We just sit in a circle worry the whole time. So exactly. It's interesting. It is really interesting how people can balance each other out. So have you did you find it difficult in the beginning? Or were you like to do everything you were supposed to do? Or did you pick it up pretty quickly and just do it?

Katie 42:31
Um, I feel like I picked it up pretty quickly. I don't know, I just, I, I kind of just like, did it. I don't know, there's not really a good. I wish I had better, you know, like, oh, I went through this, this and this. And, you know, I kind of just like, Okay, I want, I'm still young. I want kids someday I want to be around for grandkids like I also I should specify that I worked on at that point. I worked on a vascular and cardiac surgery floor. So I saw a lot of diabetics come in and get amputations and I saw all the bad side of you know, uncontrolled diabetes. And so I developed more, I think, a fear of highs than I did a flows. I hear a lot of people say like, they're so scared of going low. I was never scared of going low. Like I've always been, I get a little panicky when I start going high. Okay.

Scott Benner 43:29
Yeah, so what I was saying must have, like, you must have been like, Oh, I agree with this idea. Like when I say, like, I wake up every day thinking I'd rather stop a lower falling blood sugar than fight with a high one like that.

Katie 43:41
Oh, 100%, especially after I had my first like, real, real low. And I mean, I was I tested, I didn't have a CGM or anything at that point. And I tested and I was like, 23 I was home alone. And I was like, Okay, I'm just going to, you know, drink about a gallon of juice and we'll get it up and we'll be fine. And after I came out of that with like, no issues, I was like, Okay, I you know, I can handle it low.

Unknown Speaker 44:10
Okay, which is maybe a

Katie 44:12
little bit of a scary like, my endocrinologist is probably, you know, cringing hearing that but

Scott Benner 44:19
Well, I mean, listen, I think it's the only way to do it. Otherwise you get a blood sugar that's up and he spent the next three or four hours messing with it.

Katie 44:29
Exactly. It took me You know, I mean, that one probably took me a little longer to bring up it probably took me like a half an hour to bring up to you know, normal, but I hate hate hate fighting a high blood sugar.

Scott Benner 44:43
How make how low do you think you were in that moment?

Katie 44:47
My meter said 23 or 27? I think that's yeah, it is really low.

Scott Benner 44:54
You went back of like, did you think you're gonna have a seizure?

Katie 44:59
Ah, Uh, no, I, I didn't like I just I was pretty. It felt like being really drunk, honestly, you know, the seizure didn't even really crossed my mind. But I went back to work and I was talking to one of my co workers, and they were asking me about the diabetes and they're like, you know, what's, how's the lowest you've ever been? And I was like, yeah, one time I tested and I was 23. And one of my co workers popped up and he's like, Yeah, I had a patient one time his blood sugar was 23 he died. I was like, oh, yeah, I probably shouldn't let that happen again.

Scott Benner 45:33
Yeah, I was gonna tell you, Katie, that's really low. So I don't

Katie 45:37
want your listeners to think like I walked around at 23 that happened one time.

Scott Benner 45:40
When I say I'd rather stop a lower foreign budget. I mean, like 70 Diagonal down.

Katie 45:47
100% But like, honestly, I I think in my endocrinologist gets on me about the lows. Like I said, I don't have lows that bad anymore. But like, I I get so afraid of high sometimes that I end up going to blow. Okay. Kind of frequently.

Scott Benner 46:03
When that happened. Did you ever? Well, first of all, I don't know. Do you? Are you MDI, do you have a pump? I have a pump. And do you have CGM? Sometimes? Yes. But the way you answer it makes me think you have a Medtronic or a T Islam. No, no, I have an Omnipod Omnipod. Oh, usually when people are like, are gonna say things that are advertisers. They're so happy to say them. And I thought, Oh, you're trying to save my feelings, but you don't have to do. But like people can say what kind of pump they have. It's what about CGM? What are you using?

Katie 46:37
I use it Dexcom. Okay,

Scott Benner 46:38
so were you wearing it when you got that lowered? No,

Katie 46:41
that was like within. That was probably like within a few days of starting insulin. Oh, I forgot to tell you. So when I first got diagnosed, we were planning a trip to Nashville. And I was like trying to get my insulin sorted out before going to Nashville. And I wasn't able to get it. Because like, I didn't understand that the with my insurance I had to the hospital, I had to get the insulin at the hospitals pharmacy. I couldn't use like CVS or anything like that. So I like just went to Nashville for the weekend after being diagnosed with like, no insulin. Wow, zero out of 10 would not recommend. But Wow.

Scott Benner 47:27
She just like it's so new. You don't really know what you're doing. Right? Yeah. 100%, like, you probably you probably went this work, you know, you haven't this low. When you have this low blood sugar public, you know, it's fine. I'm going to eat, I'm going to take my insulin the way I'm supposed to. And then I'll run around and be a nurse for 12 hours without thinking things like, you know, running around might be exercise and exercise could drop your blood sugar and Bob like this, you don't know about any of it. And your mom doesn't even know to tell you about it. Because she would never do that. I would imagine I'm sure

Katie 47:57
right. It's so crazy that like, you know, I people hear that, you know, oh, I have family members that are type one. And I'm a nurse and like so I I feel like I was expected early on to just know everything about it. You know? And that definitely was not the case. Yeah, I feel like you don't really know. Yeah, you don't know anything until you kind of have to figure it out on your own no matter what experience you have with it already.

Scott Benner 48:22
Yeah, I always think it's interesting to when medical people come on and talk about it. Like there was an episode on this week. Guys, like an orthopedic surgeon, this kid gets diabetes. And you know, he didn't either, like nobody knows. Nobody knows. I make I used to make this point all the time. Like nobody knows anything about anything that doesn't impact them.

Katie 48:41
Oh, 100% Yeah. Yeah. And that's what you know, I, I would hear patients say sometimes like, oh, you know, I know my body. I know more about this. And I early on, I was kind of ignorant, maybe. And I was like, well, but you're not a medical professional. What do you know? But now that I've I'm living with something, I'm like, dang, they they were right. You know, you do know your body better than anybody else.

Scott Benner 49:04
Crazy. It really is crazy how quickly, it can become the truth that you have a better handle on something that you previously knew nothing about. That. Yeah. Then your doctor does. Yeah. And you tell people that and at some people I think are met with comfort on that one. And I think some people are met with that, like, well, that shouldn't be the case. It's almost anger. They're like that that couldn't that shouldn't be the doctor should know they need to tell me. And I guess you have to live with it for a little while until you kind of marinate and, and you realize what the situation actually is.

Katie 49:38
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well,

Scott Benner 49:41
where are you at now? Where you share like where does your what do you call success? What do you shoot for day to day have you did you honeymoon?

Katie 49:49
I don't really think that I ever honeymoon Exactly. Like I've always required insulin. My insulin needs have definitely increased kind of over time, but so Yeah, I'm on the Omnipod index calm. My decks calm settings, like during the day I keep pretty tight. I think I have it set between like 70 and 120. Actually, I, my last day one C was 5.1, which I'm due to get that done here soon again. And I'm definitely not having the lows, like I used to, you know, my main focus now has been trying to keep that tight range with fewer lows.

Scott Benner 50:33
So and is it working? Are you starting to figure things out?

Katie 50:37
Kind of? Yeah. I've had to kind of rearrange my schedule a little bit. As my big thing was like, I would have Lowe's. In the afternoons when I'm off work, we take the dog for a walk at like three o'clock, and my natural instinct is to like eat lunch at like two o'clock. So I'm starting a walk with insulin on board and trying to sort that out. has been a little bit of a challenge, but

Scott Benner 51:04
well, you're so new at it, too. Yeah, you don't realize a year is like nothing.

Katie 51:11
Yeah, it doesn't feel like it doesn't feel like I'm new at it feels like I should have everything figured out by now.

Scott Benner 51:15
Doesn't work that way. I still cry. I was still crying after a year. Sometimes. Yeah. In the shower. Mainly. It's where I like to cry. Yeah. I would go shower. Hello. So you're giving away my personal secrets. I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna tell your porn star boyfriends name in a second. So, but no, um, you know, back when Arden was little I would just like Kelly would come home at the end of the day. And I'd be like, Oh, I didn't get a chance to take a shower today. Let me just jump in the shower. I just get in the shower and like cry. And then I'd be like, Okay, I can do the rest of this day now.

Katie 51:49
Yep. You got to just let it out sometimes. Yeah.

Scott Benner 51:54
Yeah, it just it just is right. Okay. Well, I guess now that you brought it up, like, Hold on. Let me let me text my plumber. Now that you're

Katie 52:01
putting your business out there.

Scott Benner 52:03
Well, yeah, I mean, now that people know my shower doesn't work.

Katie 52:08
Hopefully people aren't going to assume that. You're only shower.

Scott Benner 52:18
Yeah, I have two showers. I'm very fancy. There's two showers. bougie. Oh, my goodness. You have no idea how fancy everything is. I have a shower and another show. to shower. Oh, yeah. It's crazy. It really is like there's just opulence everywhere. So we have carpeting and some of the rooms. Oh, wow.

Katie 52:41
Yeah, not all bad. Everybody. You're what does that cup of coffee thing you have? Yeah, by

Scott Benner 52:46
me. Your money paid for a rug with it. What do you think?

Katie 52:50
You let Scott afford to hold showers? Yeah,

Scott Benner 52:53
I'm dripping in gold to you should see me. I'm not even sure that my T shirt matches the sweat pants I'm wearing right now. But whatever. Does it it? Probably maybe it does.

Katie 53:03
I don't know what does matching. Anyways,

Scott Benner 53:04
Arden makes fun of me constantly about my clothing. So she's like that. She's that doesn't match. I'm like, How do you know? It feels like it does. She's like it doesn't. She just looked around. She's even rolled her eyes at me. She just looks at me with such disgust. And then it's over. She's like, how can you not know? I don't know. So of course. So this is kind of super interesting. Ready? Like, you have a year into it. You're a nurse, you've got all these people in your family. And you are still going through the same exact stuff that everyone else goes through? 100% Yes, no, you didn't get the past go kind of a situation. You know, people didn't come up to you and just like drip this great knowledge all over you. You're you're starting just like everyone else. You got your you know what I mean? Like, yeah, if

Katie 53:55
anything, I probably started out with like, less information. Because, because my doctor knew like, I'm a nurse. I told him I had, you know, type ones in the family. And so he was like, Okay, well, here's, here's some Lantis and human log, take it, you know, as directed, and I'll get you an appointment with an endocrinologist. And then then chronologist my first appointment. She was like, Okay, tell me about yourself. Do you want a pump and a CGM? Like in it? I didn't get like any education from anybody because everybody assumed, you know, oh, she knows what she's doing.

Scott Benner 54:30
So you know, it's funny. I realized now I've heard that so many times. I just had a different thought about everybody's like, Oh, the doctor just assumed I knew because I was a nurse. I wonder if the doctor didn't think Oh, good. Maybe she knows because I don't. That's possibility. Yeah. Like I do. Like, I wonder about that too. Like, it just hit me. I was like, Oh, I wonder if that's like a safety net for them. Not

Katie 54:51
another funny story too. I saw a diabetes educator with the endocrinologist office like once didn't you know they are very nice, but I didn't find it excruciating ly helpful. But I got a message from the educator I saw maybe like four or five months into my diagnosis. And she was like, Hey, we have an opening at the office as a diabetes educator, like if you are looking for a new job. I was like, I, I'm just trying to figure out my own stuff. Like I'm not really interested in that right now.

Scott Benner 55:24
That's also interesting, isn't it? Because yeah, the the insight there is, hey, you might not know much about this, but you probably know more about it than you know. Could you come on that? You know what I mean? Like, there's no there's no shining. There's no shining hill, where people like who know are like, Ah, come on over here. We've got it. Everybody's in the same boat. Really?

Katie 55:46
Yeah, yeah. We're all just like, you know. What's that Titanic reference, like Jack and Rose out in the ocean. Like, we're all fighting over the door. Trying to climb up on the doors.

Scott Benner 55:59
Not a bed. Like a, like a headboard? I don't

Katie 56:04
know. I don't know that I've ever seen the whole movie all the way through.

Scott Benner 56:07
Wait a minute. You've never seen Titanic all the way through?

Katie 56:12
No, I don't think so. I don't watch a lot of movies.

Scott Benner 56:15
Oh, okay. You're one of those. Yeah. Because that movie was so huge when it came out. People saw it three four times the movie theater.

Katie 56:26
You know, I might have been like a year old when it came out. So I understand wasn't me.

Scott Benner 56:30
I understand. You prefer Caitlin's? Like young or old?

Katie 56:37
What like, I'll be honest, I don't even know if I can tell you. That's rose in Titanic, right?

Scott Benner 56:43
Oh my god. Katie. Katie. Listen, this is gonna I've never I've never revealed this on the podcast before. But you know when you know when couples are like, You know what they call that? Like your? Like Kate Winslet your hall pass? He is. Okay, but I like her older.

Katie 57:01
Oh, gotcha. Yeah.

Scott Benner 57:03
I don't know what everyone says to me. Kate Winslet and I'm like, yeah, no, like, why am I I don't know Kate Winslet. She's not even my type.

Katie 57:12
I feel like she's very like, classy. She's like a classy. Kinda pretty.

Scott Benner 57:19
I'm just telling you. For me. It's Caitlin's.

Katie 57:23
Okay, I'm 100% googling Kate Winslet now.

Scott Benner 57:25
All right. Hold on. Are you doing it?

Katie 57:27
Literally now? Yeah, like literally right now. Alright, so

Scott Benner 57:30
I'm a Google images as well. Let me try to find one where I would tell you. This is the Kate Winslet for me. All right. She's in like a white long sleeve. Her hair is past her shoulder and there's It looks like she's standing in front of a piece of wood. It's like three rows down from vanity. fair.com.

Katie 57:56
Okay, I'm looking.

Scott Benner 58:00
Oh, yep. Okay, that yeah, that Caitlin's that I would buy a car for? Okay. Okay, that's fair. Thank you. I'm just saying this is my situation. Okay. Yeah. I again, actually not even my type. Now, any Kate Winslet pres pregnant picture that Caitlin's what I would buy a house for? I don't even know why. I'm just telling you.

Katie 58:23
Yeah. I don't know why you're telling me that. But now,

Scott Benner 58:24
you know, I want to, I want I want Caitlin's with that my baby I think is what I'm saying.

Katie 58:31
Right? This again, personal is it

Scott Benner 58:33
cuz she's really rich and famous, and I believe married? So. And by the way, that's fair. I'm actually married as well. So I don't I don't think any record coming to fruition anytime soon. I'm just telling you. And then there are pictures of Kate Winslet where I like I wouldn't like I wouldn't let that Kate Winslet clean my house. By the way, I don't have a house cleaner. But I was just I don't know why that. I do. Really wish I had somebody like, do people do that. Katie, do you ever do that? Like the the gifts and may come over and clean the house up ever? Oh, God, no, I can't afford that. I want that so badly. I can't even

Katie 59:08
I'll meet you. 100%. Actually, that's kind of a lie. So I'm travel nursing right now. I'm in a different state than I live in. And my sister in law offered to clean our apartment back home while I was gone, so I guess if that counts,

Scott Benner 59:25
well, I mean, are you paying her? Yeah, I

Katie 59:27
paid her. Well, that account. Okay, then. So yeah, yeah, I guess I can say I have a house cleaner

Scott Benner 59:32
now. Who's bougie? That's so bougie. Okay, send her to me. I need her to I just want you know what I dream of? Like someone just doing like a one deep clean, like twice a year.

Katie 59:43
Yes. Yeah. That's what she like, clean, like thoroughly cleaned the bathroom. The walls like all that stuff. It needed it.

Scott Benner 59:50
Yeah, I just wiped down a room. And as I was doing it, I thought, can I just get to the point where someone else does this for me.

Katie 59:57
That's how I know like, I've made it When someone's wiping your walls, yep, like cleaning out the vents and stuff. Uh huh.

Scott Benner 1:00:05
No, I really do have similar feelings. I was Oh god, I just had a question for you where to go? Dammit, dammit. This question was going to shape the entire direction of the end of the podcast. All right, hold on. Caitlin's lit. That had nothing to do with it. Oh, we did never settle but they were on a headboard and Titanic Matador I think, okay, good enough. So there was plenty of room on it. And there was no reason Jack could not have gotten up on that thing.

Katie 1:00:35
See, I've seen the argument that like the density of the board or whatever, like wouldn't have supported both

Scott Benner 1:00:40
of them. I didn't even try. That's true. They didn't even attempt it. They did and she's British. Those people are lighter. They have bones like a bird. That's fair. I read that on the internet. I don't think that's, that's true. Okay, so Caitlin's it house cleaning bougie. I'm trying to I'm trying to get my mind to get that my brain to say why I had such a good way to button this up. There's something about diabetes to people like, Oh, good. He was going to talk about diabetes and the diabetes.

Katie 1:01:12
I feel so bad. I feel like we haven't talked much about diabetes.

Scott Benner 1:01:15
I'll bleep this out later, Katie, you're at all exploded. So there was no way we were ever going to talk about diabetes? You should have known that. Yeah. I mean, honestly, oh, I found my thought. Okay. At the beginning of the podcast, you said, I'm going to tell a funny story. And that is usually not a good sign.

Katie 1:01:38
Right. That's usually not a super funny story.

Scott Benner 1:01:41
Yeah. The layman don't really know what's funny, you understand? Right? Well, I get it. I'm a professional. I know what's funny. And so usually, when people say that, I think, oh, hell, how am I going to dig out of this hole after they tell this horrible story that nobody thinks is funny. But then because, you know, it's like, it's like, he used to work for my uncle when I was a kid. And there were these short, like, 15, I worked in a sheetmetal shop, it was not a pleasant job, Kitty. And, by the way, I have another question for you. This time I wrote it down. Because I'm not an idiot. I'm not getting fooled by my brain twice today. So you'd get these 15 minute breaks from this horror of a life you were living, you'd have some bad food, people would drink coffee for 15 minutes, you'd kind of relax and get up enough energy to make it to lunch, you know, and my uncle would sit down, he's dead down so I can tell the story. And he would start to spin these yarns that were mind numbingly boring. And he would get stuck on details that had no relevance to what you were talking about. And my best example is that one time, he was telling a story about something and in the story, there was a car truck, and he got stuck on what year like make model year the truck was. And he went to such lengths to come up with the answer to this. That you just thought, well, the whole story hinges on this being a 58 Chevy pickup truck or whatever the hell he was saying, right? Yeah, that after he found the year making model the truck, the truck never came up again in the story.

Katie 1:03:17
Of course not. I thought you're gonna tell me it was like a basic, you know, 1990 Ford Ranger or something? No, Katie, it

Scott Benner 1:03:24
had nothing.

Katie 1:03:25
It didn't even come up. Oh, my God.

Scott Benner 1:03:27
It just nothing. And I sat there even as a young man. so angry that he told that story so poorly. Like I, I hated how badly he told the story. It just made me I was like, you have all of our attention. I could be cracking these people right up now. And instead, you're telling us a bad story and spending five minutes in the middle trying to decide if Chevy made a pickup truck and whatever year you were like, yammering on about Ah. So anyway, when you told your story, I was like, Katie was right. This is good.

Katie 1:04:01
Yeah, like, thanks. So it's, it's been a hinge of my like, story. So everybody I tell it to you is highly entertained, either highly disgusted or highly entertained, maybe a little bit about oh,

Scott Benner 1:04:14
no, no, no, that's just a good trust me. You trust me? Trust God. That's a good story. What I was gonna ask you about is travel nursing. Yeah. So a lot more money?

Katie 1:04:27
Yes, yeah, I should. I could probably say that.

Scott Benner 1:04:30
Yeah. So I'm hearing nurses talking about a lot. And I have a friend whose daughter is a travel nurse. And I've seen some people complain about it. The hospital won't pay the employees. They have a lot of money, but they'll pay a travel nurse to come in and they'll pay them more money.

Katie 1:04:45
Yeah, well, here's the thing that's starting to happen now is that like, and this is why I'm actually probably on my last contract, at least for a little while. But the hospitals now are dropping the rates to where your actual pay He is not much more than their own nurses. But you're going to be making money in like housing and food stipends and stuff like that.

Scott Benner 1:05:12
Oh, so they pay for your apartment.

Katie 1:05:14
So kind of like your agency pays for the apartment, sort of they, you know, they use like government standards for tax free stipends and all that fun stuff. So

Scott Benner 1:05:28
are the agencies actually maintaining residences and then moving people in and out of them?

Katie 1:05:34
Some of them do, but honestly, you know, usually just find like your own Airbnb or, you know, short term leases, and you kind of find it on your own, but you get this stipend every week to pay for it. The person

Scott Benner 1:05:46
I know is using the travel nurse program to like, expand their medical knowledge and to travel. Yeah, right. So like, she went to Baltimore. And she said that in six months, she has now all of the skills she needs about gunshots, for example. And then once she felt she felt like that hospital had everything she could, you know, she stayed a little longer. And then boom, she went out to Arizona, I think, and I think now she's in Hawaii. it for her. Yeah, she's just like, kind of, like, gaining knowledge and having a an adventure, you know, in her in her mid 20s. So, the vertical Yeah,

Katie 1:06:25
that that's kind of our, our process. You know, we haven't traveled super far just because we're both really close to our families. So we've definitely stayed in a couple new places. One that's been enjoyable. But now

Scott Benner 1:06:36
I'm worried Katie that you're that you're supporting this boy.

Katie 1:06:40
No, no, no. He works. He works remotely, actually. And he's in school. Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:06:45
Boy, so it was a wonderful time. So he can just move around because he works remotely.

Katie 1:06:50
100% Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:06:51
I'm a sucker. Katie.

Katie 1:06:54
You're doing it all wrong.

Scott Benner 1:06:54
I am. I mean, I'm sitting in front of almost no equipment. This stuff could travel. What am I doing?

Katie 1:07:01
Yeah, he has like all of his, you know, company supplied computers and stuff and just packs it up wherever we go.

Scott Benner 1:07:08
Let me let me be honest, we let's talk like turkey for a second. Katie. Boy making enough money to support you. Like is he okay? Are we gonna have to look for someone else?

Katie 1:07:17
No, no, he's he's totally fine. And like I said, he's in school. He's getting his doctorate degree. So really gonna

Scott Benner 1:07:22
be good. Yeah, we will what smarty pants getting a doctorate and

Katie 1:07:25
he's getting a doctor education. And he's gonna kill me if I get this wrong, because we only talked about all the time.

Scott Benner 1:07:32
Like you don't love him? If you don't know. So go ahead. Oh, I

Katie 1:07:35
love him. I do not enough

Scott Benner 1:07:36
to know about his interest, but go ahead.

Katie 1:07:39
to higher education, leadership. That's what it is.

Scott Benner 1:07:42
Higher Education Leadership.

Katie 1:07:44
Yeah, I think his ultimate goal, I think he wants to be like, he wants to teach college or be in like administration. At a college university type thing.

Scott Benner 1:07:55
Yeah. Do that remotely. No, no. That's

Katie 1:07:58
why this is a short term thing. Gotcha. Okay. And, you know, we want the kids in the house and all that stuff. So yeah, this was just something we saw the opportunity and

Scott Benner 1:08:08
took it. No, I think it's terrific. Is he an intellectual? Yes. Oh, yes. No, some people think that's not a great thing. Really, you don't you don't hear that?

Katie 1:08:17
No, I've never heard that. Okay. I love an intellectual.

Scott Benner 1:08:21
I don't dislike him. I'm I'm saying that. There are people who would say, Look at me. This has got nothing to do with your boyfriend, by the way. But I think there are people that hear that word. And there's there's, I think pretty two different reactions. Like I hear, Oh, smart, educated person. And some people hear there's a person who has no real world knowledge who will then go shape young people's minds. Oh, see what I'm saying?

Katie 1:08:45
Yeah, I get what you're saying. He definitely has the real world knowledge. You know, he you talked about working for your uncle or with your uncle. He like worked, you know, blue collar jobs for his dad and uncle like, he's he's been out in the world a little bit.

Scott Benner 1:09:02
Oh, well, let's be honest. Katie, he saw your buttocks blood. So I think really, he's got a different level of understanding of the world than most people do. Seriously, if you have children one day when they come out, he'll just be like, yes, it's no big deal. Probably I could totally look at this with no trouble.

Katie 1:09:22
Let me so funny too, because he is like 100% You know, doesn't do well with blood and guts and you know, that kind of stuff. But he sucks it up for the people he cares about, ya know? Or like, you know, our dog too. He you know, he'll clean up after the dog and stuff and you can tell he dies a little bit inside but he doesn't

Scott Benner 1:09:41
kill you. I didn't like that you held yourself up level with dog poop at the end there. But that was that was like the only other example I had necessary drove up parallel. You know whether it's helping me with my butthole Scott or cleaning up after the dogs, they can't make it outside. My guy's a good guy.

Katie 1:10:02
That's all. That's all boils down to. He's a good guy. Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:10:05
boils. By the way. There's something Oh my god. Yeah. By the way, please, please respect the fact that you said piles earlier. And that that's a old euphemism for hemorrhoids. And I did not mention it. I did not know that. No, no, you didn't. But you knew Boyle's? Yes. Yeah, we could do this all day. I mean, I could you probably would get bored by it. It's the people listening, I imagine would be like, Oh, God, let it go. And I'm like, No,

Katie 1:10:32
yeah, just just end it. We can. Alright.

Scott Benner 1:10:37
Well, let's just ended then, Katie, unless we there's something that we didn't talk about that you would like to

Katie 1:10:41
the only thing that I kind of, I read back over my email that I sent you because it's been forever. The other thing I kind of wanted to talk about a little bit was like, I see you have a lot of like, parents of kids with type ones. I don't really see a whole lot of like, kids with parents that have type one. And I know like, parenthood and stuff like that is something people who have type one kind of worry about. But you know, my experience growing up, my mom and her sister, her one sister babysat me all the time. And I definitely saw some scary lows and stuff with my aunt. I think I mentioned in my email, like I remember, you know, pouring orange juice down her throat or rubbing icing on her gums. And like, even after all that, like I still felt like I didn't know much about diabetes. You know? So who

Scott Benner 1:11:36
was babysitting? Who?

Katie 1:11:38
Yeah, fair.

Scott Benner 1:11:39
Yeah. Did they pay you when that happened?

Katie 1:11:42
No, I was young, you know,

Scott Benner 1:11:44
but I'm gonna need that 10 back.

Katie 1:11:48
I don't even think they paid my aunt for babysitting. We both you know, she was she was like a second mom to me. So we both were just so well,

Scott Benner 1:11:54
you get what you get. But, but also your aunt At what age was having like, significant low blood sugar?

Katie 1:12:03
She probably would have been in her 30s or 40s. At the time, maybe?

Scott Benner 1:12:08
And this is maybe how long ago? Do you think 15?

Katie 1:12:12
This is like late 90s. Maybe because I was born in 93. So I remember doing this as like a toddler. So

Scott Benner 1:12:19
alright, so almost maybe 20 years ago? Yeah, that's probably fair. All right, or more. And so her. So part of your aunt management was periodically I'm gonna pass out and you're gonna need to get me orange juice.

Katie 1:12:33
Yeah, she just, she was very like, up and down, up and down, you know,

Scott Benner 1:12:40
traumatic as a kid, when an adult is being put in your scenario. And you're being told this is the person taking care of you. And you know, I might be taking care of them.

Katie 1:12:49
I never really thought about it like that. It was just so because my mom had lows too. So it was just so normal. That it it didn't really like bother me. I was just like, oh, and Terry's low better give her some orange juice. Like, I don't know, it never really like crossed my mind is something abnormal or weird?

Scott Benner 1:13:10
I wish. I wish I don't wish I wonder if Arden was your mom's age. And I was your mom's dad's age. If I would have figured something out differently back then. Or if it would have just felt like a thing that happens to you that you can't impact? Because I imagine that's how they felt right? Like this is just part of it.

Katie 1:13:33
Yeah, 100% like you don't have the resources. You know, you don't have the whole world at your fingertips. Fingertips back then. So it's just kind of like, this is what it is. This is what we do when it's low. And hopefully we can fix it.

Scott Benner 1:13:49
Well, my point. Yeah, but my point was that most of the stuff that you hear about now on the podcast, that seems so obvious, because people have CGM 's, and pumps and stuff like that, I came up with this stuff before that stuff existed for us. Like I was like, like figuring it out the whole time. Like, there's no doubt that the Dexcom like it, it propelled me for my ability to understand what I was seeing. But I was like, studiously every day trying to figure out what was happening to art, and so we could do a better job with it. And I'm sure

Katie 1:14:23
you would have figured out I mean, with the tools you had, I'm sure you would have figured out something like you. I referenced that one lady you had on that was about my mom's age. And I think she mentioned that her dad came up with some kind of formula with like fat and protein, you know, even when she was young. Yeah. So and working with beef or pork insulin or NPH, or whatever she had at the time. Like, that was a recent episode. Yeah, I feel like you would have you would have done something like that. Maybe not math so much, but you would have figured something out, you know,

Scott Benner 1:14:56
like, that's what I'm sitting here wondering. I was like, I'm like, Could I Have? Could I have found a way to make the leap? Or? Or would it have just overwhelmed me? And I would have just said, Okay, well, you know, we'll keep orange juice and icing in the house, because this is what happens. I just, I mean, we'll never know, but,

Katie 1:15:14
but I feel like with your personality, like you wouldn't have I mean, personalities don't. Just because you're in this time, you know, your personality would have been your personality then. So I feel like your personality wouldn't let you just settle for, oh, this is what we do. Keep orange juice on hand kind of thing.

Scott Benner 1:15:31
See, that makes me sad. Katie, like, because I picture when you say that I picture your mom, right? And she's in this situation or someone like her? And for whatever reason, they don't come to the bigger answer or see the bigger picture or something like that. And then that makes all that time seem wasted to me. And then I have such a hard time with wasted time.

Katie 1:15:54
Yeah, that's why like, I've tried to, you know, with my mom now. So that Aunt, by the way, has since passed away, she passed away a few years ago. But I've really tried with my mom, to kind of instill the knowledge I've learned, while also taking the knowledge she's learned and kind of combining them. And maybe we can both come out a little bit better. Yeah, with both our knowledge combined.

Scott Benner 1:16:20
I was gonna ask you about that. But first of all, ask you did your did your aunt die from something diabetes related?

Katie 1:16:26
You know, I'm not 100% Sure. I don't think that there was she passed away in our sleep. So I don't think that there was ever I don't think anybody was interested in autopsy or anything like that. I believe she had some kind of heart trouble, too. So it was probably one of those two things. Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:16:45
The heart from the diabetes, though. If if your blood sugar Yeah. How old was she?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:51
She was yes, D 50. Some? Wow.

Scott Benner 1:16:58
I'm sorry.

Katie 1:16:59

  1. So my thank you. Yeah. Thanks. I mean, we were extremely close not to get to, you know, not sad and stuff. But yeah, we were really close. Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:17:08
Well, you know, it only makes sense to bookend an episode that started the way it did with the passing of Your Beloved. And so, you know, because these things do not appear to mesh together well, at all. So it has been a roller coaster. Yeah, we're really getting to it here. I want to know, if you're where I get our 15 minutes into it. My childish brain is finally let me go back to other things. I'm so sorry. Don't be listen. The way this unfolded is the way it unfolded. I think it was terrific. So we're not gonna we're not going to go backwards here. But I'm wondering if you are having you that I did not say you correctly there. But I'm wondering if you were having any luck imparting modern management onto your mom, or if she's even interested in it?

Katie 1:17:55
I think so. Um, like I said, I, she, so she was MDI, and then she had a pump when I was young, I want to say maybe early 2000s ish, she had a pump for a while. And then she was kind of just having issues with that. So she went back to MBI for a long time. After I was diagnosed, I got I got the Dexcom and Omni pod pretty quick. Like, I'm pretty sure I got both of those within a month or two of being diagnosed. And I kind of told her how much easier things felt with those. And she was like, Yeah, I've been thinking about going back on a pump. I was like, I really think that you should give it another try. And she's, she's happy with it now. And I've kind of she's kind of started to accept that, you know, writing in the 70s. And 80s isn't a bad thing.

Scott Benner 1:18:53
Did that feel low to her at first? Yes. Yeah. Good. Has her agency improved since you've been diagnosed?

Katie 1:19:02
It has actually. I think she was I don't think she would mind me sharing. But I think she was like in the eights maybe. And I think she's down into the sevens. Now, what she's trying to get her bees replaced. So she's also been working on getting her agency down for that.

Scott Benner 1:19:19
I see. Well, she listened to the podcast, or is this too,

Katie 1:19:23
I'm gonna try really hard to get her to listen to it. She's not very tech savvy. So it's probably going to have to wait, you know, till I can get over there and whenever it comes out and actually set it up for but I would like for her to listen,

Scott Benner 1:19:35
would you would she listen to like the pro tips or the defining stuff. Do you think

Katie 1:19:41
if I can set it up for her? She might. Interesting. She's retired now. So she should

Scott Benner 1:19:45
what does that mean? What's your mom's name? Her name is Pam. Pam, what are you doing? Just I could use the downloads and it sounds like you could use the help. So like let's just help each other. I think you're a one see, Katie's probably in the 60s Right.

Katie 1:19:59
Um, My last one was 5.10.

Scott Benner 1:20:01
My goodness, nevermind it. Is that from Lowe's a little bit or, you

Katie 1:20:06
know, I'm like that one I think was less than I think it was like less than 2%. Low.

Scott Benner 1:20:11
Wow, how are you eating your best style?

Katie 1:20:16
During? No, not really no, I kind of just eat what I want. I tried to just I figured out what is easy to dose for. And I eat those things. With the exception of like, I go out to eat and stuff. And that's usually the times when blood sugars get a little crazy, but I think overall, I eat what I want. I almost

Scott Benner 1:20:38
jokingly called you a cheater when you said I found out what I'm good at bully stick for getting the fight, Katie tried to figure out french fries.

Katie 1:20:47
I've tried. I've tried. It's tough. I know it is.

Scott Benner 1:20:51
No, I completely know. I keep wondering when Arden leaves her school, how soon it's going to be before she's like, Alright, I'm not gonna beat that anymore. Like, you know, like, she'll just be like, I don't have the time to figure out how to Bolus for that. Like when she's in college, or that's my

Katie 1:21:05
thing like I does, I'll eat during the day, I'll pretty much eat anything, because I have time to figure it out. Like, when I work, I have to get up at like, 530 in the morning for work. So when we're planning dinner, and I don't get off until about 730 at night, so when I'm eating dinner, it's like 830 I don't want to eat something that I'm gonna have to be up late trying to figure out Yeah, so especially for dinners, I try to keep it pretty simple.

Scott Benner 1:21:29
Hey, you wanna you want to sleep? Yeah, exactly. I need sleep. all make sense to me. Okay. Yeah. So I feel like we're done. But I want to make sure you feel good. No, I

Katie 1:21:42
yeah, I feel good now.

Scott Benner 1:21:43
Good. Because you gave and you deserve to get back. Get what I'm saying? Yeah, story anyone's ever told. I mean, I don't remember most of the podcasts. But I hear from other people. It's good. So I assume there have been other good stories. I'm Do you understand that concept, Katie, that I'm the worst person to ask about the podcast.

Katie 1:22:01
I 100%. Understand, okay. Like, I don't even really know we talked about so I'm sure and you record so many of these. Like, I'm sure it's all just flirty. Okay?

Scott Benner 1:22:09
You started explaining something that you were just like, Oh, and this woman came on and blah, blah, blah. And I'm thinking, Oh, that sounds so familiar. Like, I'm sure that did actually happen. It went up two days ago, which means I've no, yes, it did. I forgot about that. So that means I've edited that episode in the last 10 days. And I'm just like, oh, that sounds so familiar.

Katie 1:22:29
Yeah, I totally get it.

Scott Benner 1:22:31
Oh, my God. Like, I don't know if you've ever like seen Isabel helping on the Facebook page? Yes, yeah. She'll jump in. And she'll be like, there's this one, this one and this one? And I'm like, How does she know that? That's that's like, I tell her sometimes privately. I'm like, I feel like you know my life better than I do.

Katie 1:22:49
It's probably does, because I mean, I feel like you probably go on like, autopilot. Sometimes.

Scott Benner 1:22:55
I'm just talking, like, when I talk to people, I just say whatever occurs to me. Yeah, there are times when I think like, you know, Katie, I don't know if you realize it or not, what we really talked about today was, you know, nurses, and medical people, they don't even know about diabetes. So you probably shouldn't feel too bad. If you're not a nurse or a medical person, you probably know as much as they do. Coming in from, you know, from starting at zero, we talked about. I mean, just kind of, I know in ways that that's not what we talked about. But I feel like it's what it's about right like that there used to be ways to manage diabetes, there have not been as valuable for some people in your family, and you're now you're now kind of blossoming with this new technology and new ideas, things like that. To me that says the people keep up with technology. Pay attention. You said Jerry, once he's in the fives, and you're, you know, only in a year makes it feel very possible even though you didn't know what you were doing. You were

Katie 1:23:56
so glad you're wrapping this up, because I was so worried that like, my episode would be one that like people don't get anything from you know what I mean?

Scott Benner 1:24:04
No, I don't know not. Not at all right. Like, listen, you had an abscess in your me it was in your butt. So it's funnier. But you had an abscess from high blood sugars. I hope that sticks with people, right? Yeah, high blood sugars can make your body it makes it difficult for your body to heal from other things. Your mom is in a situation with just an eight a one C which a lot of people would be happy with where she can't get a knee surgery. Yeah, right. So we talked about a lot of stuff like don't let the fact that I copped to liking Kate Winslet in this episode, and that your butthole exploded. Don't let that Mar what we've done here today. Katie, this has been a really informative thing. And the best part is, and this is the trick of the podcast, Katie, is that at the end? That's what people will remember. But they won't know that they learned it. It's learning without knowing. Ah, yeah, fix it. That's what makes it accessible.

Katie 1:25:02
I like it. And that's probably I mean, yeah, that makes sense. That's what keeps people engaged and listening. If you sat here and just talked about, I mean, your Pro Tip series is amazing. But if this whole podcast was all like, that kind of setup, I feel like, you know, yeah,

Scott Benner 1:25:18
it's just too much. It. Can you imagine, like, if I sat down? What if we sat down today? We're like, Hey, this is Katie. Katie's 27. She's had diabetes for a year for people in her family have had it her aunt has already passed away probably from heart failure from diabetes. Her mom's a one season the AIDS and she can't get a knee surgery because of it. By that point, you'd be like, I am out. I want to hear this. Get me out of this. And you lead with the butthole story. So everybody's like, trust me. No one shut this off. Because they're right now like, I wonder what else this girl is gonna say. If she led storytelling

Katie 1:25:52
right there. You got to get them engaged. Yeah.

Scott Benner 1:25:55
And we did a thing where we talked about all your lady bits and it wasn't even sexual was so

Katie 1:26:00
fun. Something my mom can still listen to. Oh, good.

Scott Benner 1:26:02
Yeah. And trust me. There have been times where people are like, Well, great. Now my mom can't listen to this.

Katie 1:26:08
Well, my mom's My mom was a nurse too. So either way, she was gonna listen to it.

Scott Benner 1:26:11
But yeah, I figured she might have been when I stalked you on Facebook. During the conference. You stalk me on Facebook, you do that? Well, and when we're talking, I need contact. Now that I saw the dog. I saw the boy. I saw you.

Katie 1:26:25
I saw you, right.

Scott Benner 1:26:26
I mean, I I can't say what I was just because. Well, I don't know. Just say it and I'll go ahead. Don't say it. No, I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna bleep it out. Okay. Okay, so this thing popped into my head. It is completely for comedy, right? I promise you. I was gonna say, I'd let him give me a hand. Wish I wouldn't really do. But I was trying the most, like, farcical compliment. The most farcical thing that I thought was also funny popped into my head. And that's what I was gonna say, but this podcast, people don't listen to for that part of my personality. So I didn't say it. Fair enough. Yeah. And it's going to be hilarious later bleeped out. So that's why I'm sure yeah. Oh, my God, just think about it now.

Katie 1:27:17
You know, I'm saying, Oh, my God, I'm gonna I'm gonna cringe. I'm gonna do all the things listening

Scott Benner 1:27:21
to this again. I saw the dog. I saw everything. Also, I saw two dogs, which confused me.

Katie 1:27:29
Yeah, that's my parents dog. I take

Scott Benner 1:27:31
other people's dogs getting your photographs.

Katie 1:27:34
Well, I used to live with them. Also,

Scott Benner 1:27:37
during this episode, a spammer tried to put something up on the Facebook page, which I took care of. Look at you. I googled, I texted with a plumber. In times when you didn't know I did. Are you impressed at all? Haiti by my skills?

Katie 1:27:52
I definitely am impressed.

Scott Benner 1:27:54
Shut up, stop it. You're, you're, you're terrific, by the way. And one of the things you're the kind of person and at the age where I, it gives me a lot of hope that the podcast is actually valuable for people because I really should be you. There's just no world where 27 year old person should be listened to a podcast made by a 50 year old guy. You know what I mean? And that and that you like the podcast, but you never actually said, but I'm assuming you do.

Katie 1:28:22
I mean, I've listened to a lot of them. So I should say that, but no, like, honestly, when I first started listening, I was kind of hesitant, because I think I've heard people say this before, like, well, it feels like it's really geared towards parents with kids with type one and like, so when I first started listening, I was like, I don't know, maybe I'll pick up a couple of things. But I mean, then I just really got engaged. And I feel like I do pick up tidbits from everybody's stories, you know, whether it's a kid or an older adult who has type one or whatever, like, it's definitely you can pick up something that's useful for you, no matter who's talking.

Scott Benner 1:28:57
It's such a simplistic. Listen, I get like, we're all simple people, like people are simple, right? But people do that thing. Like, what's that guy, he doesn't have diabetes, and his diabetes knowledge comes from him taking care of his daughter. So this must be about taking care of kids with type one, like, I get right, I get how that would happen. But, you know, there's a problem when people think there are different kinds of diabetes. You know, there's not the way my daughter's diabetes works is about the way everybody else has diabetes, right? You know, I mean, there's variables and there's personal impacts and stuff like that. But for the most part, insulin makes your blood sugar go down carbs, makes your blood sugar go up, etc, etc. Like there's the you know, it's not it's not 30 years ago, where people I bet your aunt probably told you she was Burdell

Katie 1:29:45
I don't think I've ever heard that term before. But really, they didn't use this Oh, yeah. Before like this podcast and the group and stuff like that. Yeah, I don't. I don't think I ever heard anybody really say that term.

Scott Benner 1:29:55
Aside of the word though. Do you think that was the feeling like oh my boy, yes. out all over the place. There's nothing I can do about it. That kind of stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:03
Yes, yeah.

Scott Benner 1:30:04
Right. Like she they acted like they had a, like a seizure disorder, like you could live for three months and everything would be fine. And then one day just out of nowhere, oh, I'm having a seizure. And in instead of understanding, like the impacts of the insulin was just again, no way they could know back then. I don't think without decent technology that to track it with but anyway.

Katie 1:30:28
Well, I think that's why people get so frustrated too. I know, I have like, when my blood sugar, like last night started going up in the middle of the night. And there's like, I couldn't figure out any reason why it was, you know, and that was like the frustrating part. I eventually figured it out. But like, I think that's when people get really frustrated and upset, and they kind of throw their hands up in the air. And they're like, Oh, this is just diabetes. And, you know, this is how it goes. And I can't do anything about it. But there's always a reason. Sometimes it's hard to figure out. And it takes some time. But I mean, your blood sugar doesn't just go up or down. It's either too much or too little insulin, basically. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:31:06
I completely agree. Yeah, I just do I know I can. I've had it be that frustrating for me. And I can imagine, especially if you're an adult, right? Or a young adult with type one, you're more on your own. And you just you go to bed with a blood sugar of 110. And you wake up and it's 300. Like I was just sleeping.

Katie 1:31:27
Like Yeah, and like this worked perfectly fine the last 89 Nights, right?

Scott Benner 1:31:31
And how am I going to be aggressive with this, if suddenly, I'm not going to need it again, I'm gonna make I'm gonna make myself low, I'm gonna be asleep. But I get it like it's, it's, it feels unknowable. And there are still times when it's unknowable. But for the most part, you know, with good technology now and some and some decent understanding of terms and tools and stuff you should be able to. Anyway, you should be able to get your knees replaced Katie one day without having to get your agency down.

Katie 1:32:00
Well, I'm hoping to not have to get my knees replaced. But yeah, definitely.

Scott Benner 1:32:04
You know, the man told me the other day, I might need one. Oh, really? I got my knee cleaned out. Right? It was all like painful. And I guess my meniscus was torn up. And so he went in there and cleaned it out. And then he told me afterwards, hey, there's a lot of arthritis on the inside part of your knee. Was that the interior? Is that how the body works in theory and anterior? Is that right? Your nurse gave you

Katie 1:32:26
into an anterior there's like ligaments and stuff that are injured. What do you talk about?

Scott Benner 1:32:29
I'm like, Isn't that how you measure your knee? Like the inside of your knee? Is the interior part in the Oh, yeah, that's right. He says, Katie, come on. I didn't even go to the gym. I go to nursing on this podcast longtime. Listen, it's an hour and a half. You're fine. What do you get tired? Yeah, I'm

Katie 1:32:43
tired. All right.

Scott Benner 1:32:44
You have the whole day off. He told me. Yeah, true. I do have to go do things after this. Oh, that sounds too good to flit around or whatever you do. I don't know what you do. And so anyway, he comes out afterwards. And he's like, you might need a replacement, like 10 years. So I was like, Oh, great.

Katie 1:32:59
That's terrible. I mean, it's it's not it's not as bad as kind of it sounds my dad has had to replace recently, too. He's doing all right.

Scott Benner 1:33:07
He's doing all right. That's not a shining endorsement.

Katie 1:33:11
Oh, I mean, I could tell you like it's been terrible, but it hasn't. He's done. Good.

Scott Benner 1:33:14
Good. All right, Katie, I appreciate you doing this very much. If you'd hold on for a second, I'd like to thank you in private.

Katie 1:33:21
Okay. Yeah, sounds good. Thanks.

Scott Benner 1:33:33
A huge thank you to one of today's sponsors, G voc glucagon. Find out more about Chivo Capo pen at G Vogue glucagon.com Ford slash juicebox. You spell that g VOKEGLUC. Ag o n.com. Forward slash juicebox. Also want to thank the Contour Next One blood glucose meter and touched by type one. Come see me at that conference touched by type one.org and get yourself a Contour Next One blood glucose meter at contour next one.com forward slash Juicebox. Podcast. If you're enjoying the Juicebox Podcast, please subscribe in a podcast app. If you're already subscribed. Telling someone else about the show is another great way to support the podcast. And if you need something, or are interested in learning more about one of the sponsors, clicking on my links directly is a huge help. Those links are in the show notes of your podcast player and at juicebox podcast.com. I want to thank you so much for listening. I'll be back very soon with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast. And don't forget if you're a US resident who has type one diabetes or is the caregiver of someone with type one, you can take the T one D exchange survey in fewer than 10 Min. That's this survey is HIPAA compliant absolutely anonymous helps people living with type one diabetes and supports the Juicebox Podcast T one D exchange.org forward slash juicebox

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