#928 Juicebox Assistance

Scott provides “the 4-1-1”—a helpful user’s guide for all the elements of the Juicebox Podcast.

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends, and welcome to episode 928 of the Juicebox Podcast the episode where you get the 411

It's been a while it's not a song, it's been a long time. It's been a while. Lyrics stained Oh my God, not embarrassed. Anyway, it's been a while since I could hold my head up high. Because I haven't been doing what I said I was going to do, but not No more. No surgery, Scott's back to fulfill a promise. While you're listening today, please remember that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your healthcare plan or becoming bold with insulin. No advertisers on this show today there's no ads doesn't mean I'm not gonna mention the advertisers. But there's no ads. It's going to be quick and easy, a short, thorough and informative podcast episode for you the Juicebox Podcast listener

in the interest of keeping this short, and because of the type of episode Liz, like I said seriously, no ads today, but I do want to remind you about the advertisers. I'm talking about Dexcom on the pod us med contour, G voc heipo. Penn ag one from Athletic Greens cozy earth.com betterhelp.com T one D exchange touched by type one, these are the good people who helped keep the podcast afloat. If you have the need for a purchase, or the desire to learn more, using my links are very helpful to me and keeping the show free the way it is. So there's links in the show notes of your podcast player or at juicebox podcast.com, where you can find the links in any number of other episodes. If you have the need, or the desire, please use my links. That is all for that. Let us move on now. Here's what I'm here for. Today I want to talk about how to navigate the website and how to navigate the podcast. We first did this in Episode 411. I thought I was clever. I was like cool. I'll make it the 411 because that's where you get help from on the phone. Right? This is going to be episode 930. Not quite as clever, but a needed update. So there are a number of series within the podcast. There's the after dark series, ask Scott and Jenny algorithm pumping, bold beginnings defining diabetes defining thyroid diabetes, pro tip, diabetes variables, mental wellness, type two diabetes, pro tip, how we eat. And actually even more than that. And it's getting to the point now where I mean, you know, let's be honest, the podcast has almost 1000 episodes. It's hard to scroll right, you need to know where you're going. So there's two ways. Like say I'm just going to pick up a series. Let's say you want to learn more about the algorithm pumping series or bold beginnings, let's say bold beginnings because I clicked on it. So you can go to juicebox podcast.com. And there's a menu at the top. You can just click on bold beginnings. Right there. You're gonna say it's like, Hey, if you were just diagnosed with type one diabetes, the bold beginning series, bah, bah, bah. Now there's links, you could right away, go to Apple podcasts, Spotify, Ra heart, Amazon music, any, you know, you can use any player you want. But there's links there. For those right. Like if I clicked on the Apple podcast link, it would take me right to the show on Apple podcast, you'd hit follow. And just like that you'd be getting new episodes where you can just scroll down and listen online. I don't recommend listening online. It's not the easiest way listening in. Let's be honest, I don't nap is the easiest way to listen to audio. But there's a player there and it's got a list. It's got you know all the episodes in order in the defining. In the bowl beginning series 698 Is the finding bowl beginnings. It's the series start. And then 702 is about honeymooning and 706 is about adult diagnosis and on and on. You scroll through the player and you can see 711 712 715-719-2327 731 So all these are part of the series. Now you can just go back to your app if you want and search bolt beginnings juice box 769 And you'll find the episode called bulb beginnings community. Or you can listen right here by clicking on it. Look. I don't say that I clicked on it, the episode came right on, you can do that too. Same goes for algorithm pumping, ask Scott and Jenny after dark. All of them are right here. Let me give you a little rundown of what each of them are. The after dark series is more topics that something potentially upsetting to someone or racy may have been set in the episode. So we kind of tagged them after dark so you have an idea like maybe I wouldn't put this on in front of my kid while we're driving to school. The after dark series began back in 2019. With a drinking episode. It goes on to do a weed episode trauma and addiction sex from male and female perspective, we have type one diabetes, depression, self harm, divorcing, co parenting, bipolar disorder, bulimia, other eating disorders, PTSD, being the child of divorce, like I can't read them all to like, but it goes on and on. There's, gosh, a lot of episodes right up until one that came out recently 921 with a lovely woman named Liv who has type one diabetes. That's what's in that series. They don't run concurrently. In the episode, none of the series run concurrently. Excuse me in the podcast, it's not like episodes, one to 10 or afterdark, and episodes 11 to 20 or something else, I don't have the power to do that. So this is the best way we can kind of put them all in one place. If you are a member of the private Facebook group, in the feature tab at the top of that group, all of these lists exists, so you can go check them out there as well. Anyway, ask Scott and Jenny. That is listener feedback listener sending questions and Jenny Smith and Jenny Smith. Of course, a CD who has had type one diabetes for like, forever, like 35 years or something. Jenny's been on the show forever. We started doing ask Scott and Jenny back in 2019. There's a ton of them. Algorithm pumping covers T slim Omni pod five. What else? The loop? Android APS the way what's the company you know the one that you know them? Why or was the word not by Medtronic. Right the Medtronic pump Sorry, I'm trying

all kinds of stuff in there. Resetting your Omni pod five. We have this great episode called control IQ ninja we really will up your game about control IQ. Rise of the Machines is about what's upcoming with DIY algorithms as is APS Wilkie. There's a ton of them in their bold Beginnings is like the Pro Tip series for the very newly diagnosed I love this one. We just made bold beginnings back in 2022. It begins at episode 698 and goes on to the last one it looks like it's December 8 2022 Episode 805 bold beginnings illness ketone management. It covers things like insurance, family treating low blood glucose technology and medical supplies, journaling community guilt, fears, hope expectations, exercise, school flexibility, stalking, carbs, Pre-Bolus thing and so much more. I'm not kidding, there's still more I could have kept reading. Then there's the defining diabetes series. This series is terrific. It's it's older, it's been around since again 2019. So many shorter episodes 510 15 minutes, defining terms that you'll use everyday with diabetes terms that while after you've had type one for a while you'll be like I know what honeymooning means. But you might not know when you were first diagnosed. You want to know what standard deviation is? Brittle diabetes, insulin resistance, rage, bolusing fat and protein rise all kinds of stuff. You might be like, Scott, I don't know what you're talking about. But in a few minutes, you will and then you'll be surprised how that information will help you take care of your type one and oftentimes type two diabetes if you use an insulin, a lot of this cross applies. Beautiful thyroid series Dr. Addy Benito comes on explains thyroid front and back. Many of you may have thyroid symptoms and levels that need treatment. But your doctor will say to you like oh, that's in range. If you've heard that before, go listen to episode 413 and find out why you maybe shouldn't accept that as an answer, and then learn in the rest of the series about thyroid. diabetes pro tip crown jewel for the podcast. I think you listen to the diabetes Pro Tip series, you're gonna have an A one C in the low sixes maybe with very little trouble. diabetes pro tip.com is another way to get to it. It begins in Episode 210 In your podcast player and goes online and there's a diabetes pro tip episode that went up just like two months ago. Episode 899 diabetes pro tip transitioning, honeymooning female hormones, weight loss, postpartum glycemic and why are people calling me Hold up? Have your back. Sorry, that was my mommy. Anyway, the Pro Tip series is fantastic. I'll tell you a little more about it at the end. There's a beautiful collection in the mental wealth series of conversations with caregivers adults, a therapist named Erica who has had type one diabetes for over 30 years. We talked about everything, diabetes related and more in that wonderful series that began back in 2020. And just went up with another episode the other day where actually I talked to Erica about some stuff that's bothering me. There's a type two Pro Tip series. This is a fairly new add to the Juicebox Podcast. We learned that a lot of people using insulin but type two were listening to the show and we wanted to give them their very own series. This is brand new for 2023 It begins at episode 860 diabetes Pro Tip series intro covers things like guilt and shame medical team fueling plan diabetes technology, getting moving GLP one medications metformin and insulin. And there are wonderful conversations with people who have type two diabetes, regular everyday people like Michael John and Leanne and some people who were famous, like the comedian, Billy jarred is a guard del It's Billy guard out right from Mike OMalley. And Anthony Anderson, you know, Anthony Anderson, Rev. Ron was on. Just check it out. If you know somebody with type to pass this series on to them. There's the how we eat series where people come on and talk about all the different ways that people eat because if there's one thing for sure, I do not care how you eat, I care that you understand how to use insulin for what you eat. There have been people on talking about intermittent fasting flexitarian diet keto FODMAP, Bernstein, low carb gluten free plant based carnivore, vegan, we even had Jenny on to talk about how she eats. Check it out. It's all there at juicebox podcast.com. Or in the Facebook tab of the private Facebook group Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes. Now by the way, if you're not in that group, 40,000 members, it has something for everyone you can lurk. You can ask questions, you can answer questions. It's a wonderful, beautiful community. The dare I say, transcends Facebook. It's a very unfaced book like experience. People are very kind. The group is very helpful. It is very active. I think you'll like it. Alright, so that's what's in the podcast. Well, sorry, it's late at night. I got to drink something. That's the series that are in the podcast. Every day. There's a new episode of the podcast Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday on Friday, we do a best of but Monday through Thursday, brand new, brand new content every day. But how do you listen? Well, Apple podcast is one way. If you have an Apple phone, that phone has the apple podcast app on it. Just find the podcast app search Juicebox Podcast, type one diabetes, and then follow or subscribe to it. You can also use Spotify, Google Play Amazon Music Pandora, Amazon Alexa even does it right? Anywhere you can get audio, you can get the Juicebox Podcast, find the show, and then follow or subscribe different apps use different words some say subscribe. And some say follow. I don't know why. What else do I have for you? Oh, if you're starting on the pod five, there's a Pro Tip series around the pod five juicebox podcast.com forward slash Omni pod five, wonderful three part series that will get you going with more success. When you start on the pod five. It's with Carrie forget Carrie is a CDE. And she actually she actually worked on some Omnipod five trials. So at the time that we recorded this series, there was a lot of information and carries had already and she made the most of it. Fantastic series. If you're starting with Omnipod five, definitely check it out. There's a blog at juicebox podcast.com. There are. Let's see every new episode that goes up is at juicebox podcast.com. Every new diabetes Pro Tip series there's links to the sponsors there. There's the bold beginnings, recent articles in the blog, defining diabetes, the variable series The after dark, the algorithm popping it's all right on the front page. You don't even have to click on the links at the top if you don't want to. I'm trying to make the podcast as accessible as possible. for you. So go ahead and join the private Facebook group. It's invaluable. And by the way, completely free. Never, by the way will I charge you for anything, you don't get charged for the podcast, you don't get charged for the online support groups. You don't get charged for anything. The podcast is ad supported. That's how I make my living. The content is yours for free, the support is yours for free, there will never be a charge to listen to the Juicebox Podcast and I do not make episodes or content that gives you just a little bit of information, and then tell you go click over here and become like a Gold member or pay once a month and then you can get the rest of this. I don't do that. I'm not trying to sell you a coaching plan. I am not trying to sell you anything. I'm just trying to get this content to you. We let the advertisers pay the bills, and you guys get the content. That's how I have it set up. I'm proud that it set up that way. And I hope you take advantage of it. Other than that, I'm on Instagram. I mean check it out if you want to. I'm old so might not be that exciting for you. But if you use Instagram a lot we do put information up there same with Tik Tok. But Facebook, you know, there's a public page two called bold with insulin. The private group is called Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes. There's just so much information there. I jump in and answer questions. Talk to people every day. I'm in there every day. I hope to see you there. Okay, find an audio app subscriber, follow the podcast, check out the private Facebook group, become a member. Listen to the show. If you need any help, go to the Facebook group and ask for help. If you need any help, go to the website and send me an email and ask for help. I will be more than happy to help you get started with the podcast. Now here's the why. Why would you want to listen to the podcast? I'm going to share a couple things with you and a Javi out of here in a few minutes. We recently did a survey of 11 143 listeners of the Juicebox Podcast. Do you frequently listen to any other diabetes podcasts? The answer? No. 1071? Yes. 73.

Next question. On average, how many episodes of the podcast you listen to every week 801 People listen to between one and four episodes, loads per week 11 to 30 episodes 25 people a week 64 respondents said I've listened to every episode, who was helpful in reducing your overall feelings of fear and anxiety related to diabetes. The options were medical professionals, the Juicebox Podcast and its Facebook group, or other print and online materials. The scores were out of 6000 I know that's weird to think about. But Juicebox Podcast 5803 medical professionals 3374 on line materials and other print materials. 2735. Overwhelmingly, the Juicebox Podcast which shows my comprehension and literacy levels around diabetes management improves with the knowledge and insights that I gained from again Juicebox Podcast beats those other two significantly beats them in this survey, who has been a dependable and essential resource for you to maintain and improve your diabetes management. Again, far and away Juicebox Podcast and its Facebook group I can go on and on. There's no need to they're all going to say the same thing. People who listen to the Juicebox Podcast are supported by it. They are helped by it and they leave really wonderful reviews for the podcast. I'm gonna read you just a couple and then I'm gonna then that's it. You're out here okay. I'm gonna go all the way back to the beginning of the show. 2015 2015 is when the show started. Five Star Review great information. I am an adult type one diagnosed last year I don't have kids yet. And I hope that when I do my kids won't have to suffer through this learning some great tips. Even my management plan is different since listening to Juicebox Podcast if you deal with type one in any way, take the time to listen 2016 randomly chosen review from 2016 My favorite type one podcast I listened to a number of podcasts but the Juicebox Podcast tops them all. The host Scott Benner which is me is always providing quality content to encourage me on my journey with my newly diagnosed doctor. He's funny and laid back but give some seriously good tips on management. Funny, okay 2017 Finding this podcast completely changed my life having type one is the worst. But what I've learned from listening to this podcast is that I am not alone. That it is possible to live a normal life where diabetes isn't something you completely dominated by that you're completely dominated by. Thank you, Scott, for all you do. I've learned so much. I'm definitely being bold with insulin and smarter with insulin went from a one C of 10 to five Only nine in three months. And that's due in large part to what I've learned from listening to this podcast. I was 20 I suppose that 2017 2018 informative, comforting, much appreciated, listen and learn. The learning gleaned from this podcast is unmatched. No doctor or support group or book can teach you more about type one diabetes and listening to the stories of others and Scott's experience. I feel so lucky to have found this podcast so early in diagnosis. Tomorrow, I'm gonna give you one more is the anniversary of my 28th year with type one diabetes. In the past 12 months, I've been listening to the Juicebox Podcast that has been the most productive year yet this podcast has had a huge role in that productivity. I've gone from a one C around nine to what I'm hoping is going to be 5.8 The next time I check. I seriously could read these all day. I think it's getting a little repetitive. But right here in 2023 Just the last review I got. I've been binge listening since I found this podcast, my son and husband both have type one. Man, I wish I had this when my son was still living with me at home and learning and I'm sharing and we're going to get our a one C's lower. This podcast is for people who have diabetes, and for the people who love them. I don't care if you've had type one for 30 years, or three minutes. That Juicebox Podcast is here for you. juicebox podcast.com, type one diabetes, type two diabetes, gestational, there's a whole pregnancy series I forgot to even tell you about it's fantastic. Check it out. Go find the private Facebook group Juicebox Podcast, type one diabetes, join the group. See what you can get out of it. That's it guys. That's how you listen to the Juicebox Podcast. That's why you would listen to it. That's what you would listen to. Thank you so much for listening. I'll be back very soon with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast. As I said earlier, the show is supported by longtime sponsors, you can get a Dexcom G seven@dexcom.com forward slash juice box. Learn more about the Omni pod dash and Omni pod five at Omni pod.com forward slash juice box. You can get your diabetes supplies the way we do from us med us med.com forward slash juicebox get yourself an accurate and reliable blood glucose meter at contour next one.com forward slash juicebox are you carrying glucagon I hope you are. Please consider the G voc hypo pen, je voc glucagon.com forward slash juicebox. And if you'd like to support a fantastic organization helping people with type one diabetes, look no farther than touched by type one.org. To see some of the most comfortable loungewear clothing towels and bedding that I've ever used. Go to cozy earth.com and use the offer code juicebox at checkout to save 35% off your entire order. Get a free one year supply of vitamin D as well as five free travel packs with your first order of ag one from athletic greens at my link athletic greens.com forward slash juicebox and you can take care of yourself@betterhelp.com Save 10% off your first month of therapy online therapy@betterhelp.com forward slash juicebox

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The Juicebox Podcast is a free show, but if you'd like to support the podcast directly, you can make a gift here. Recent donations were used to pay for podcast hosting fees. Thank you to all who have sent 5, 10 and 20 dollars!


#929 Stewart Pitt


#927 Omnipod 5 is a Great Teammate