#65 Talking 504 Plans with D-Mom Jill

Getting a 504 plan is easier than you think and its super important!

Sure perhaps when you hear 504 plan it doesn't sound too exciting, but you know what is exciting? Proper care for your chid while they are at school. Type 1 diabetes is a 24 hour a day disease and no one can afford to ignore a third of those hours just because they happen at school. There is however a way to maintain the level of care that you have at home while you little (or not so little) one is away at school - get a 504 plan! And it's easier than you think.

There is a bunch of info on Arden's Day about 504 plans. Click on the search bar at the top of the page and search "504" for everything I've written including a downloadable version of Arden's 504 plan. And this is a direct link to her most recent plan.

You can also listen to the Juicebox Podcast on: itunes/ios - google play/android - iheart radio -  or your favorite podcast app. Subscribe today!

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#61 Samantha is the Robin Hood of Diabetes Insurance Appeals

Samantha is the Robin Hood of Diabetes Insurance Appeals...

Samantha Arceneaux shares with me how she has helped over 100 people living with type 1 diabetes to successful win their insurance appeals. Can't get your insurance company to give you an insulin pump or CGM??? Sam can!

Also, I go crazy talking about United Health Care and Medtronic Diabetes because they are scumbags

Show notes

You can contact Samantha through her blog here

Let Medtronic Diabetes and United Health Care hear your voice...

Tweet at them @MDT_Diabetes @MedtronicCEO @HoomanHakamiMDT @myUHC Use the hashtag #MyPumpMyChoice or retweet one of my "Shame On You" tweets that I have sent.

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#60 Elle and Coach

Talking about Diabetes Service Dogs...

Stefany Shaheen is a D-Mom and the author of the book 'Elle & Coach'. We talk about life as a D-Parent and what its like having a diabetes service dog. Note: Audio clears up around 20 minutes in, Stefany was mistakenly on a cell phone when we began. 

There is a book giveaway!!! The book giveaway mentioned in this episode ends on May 12, 2016 at midnight EST. If you are listening after that date... well, its over. Enter here!

Get your free demo pod today!!!

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