#78 and #79: Football and A D-Mom

Got a little Two for Tuesday for ya...

In episode 78 we have Brandon Denson is a former Michigan State Spartan who doesn't let anything stop him from achieving his goals. You may have seen Brandon on American Ninja Warrior proudly displaying his infusion set and Dexcom sensor.

and in episode 79... Kristin's family has a host of auto immune issues. Her son was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and she is on the podcast to share their story.

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#68 State lawmaker tells Mississippi mom to buy her own diabetes supplies for daughter

Nicki Nichols was searching for help when she experienced a roadblock with her daughter's state provided health insurance when she sent an email to Rep. Jeffrey Guice... his response was, lets say, less than helpful. I assume that you've heard the saying, "Don't poke the bear"?

Maybe it should be... "Don't poke the diabetes mom"

This episode of the Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by OmniPod the world's only tubeless insulin pump.

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#67 Ten Year Old Kicked from Her Softball Team for having T1D

Gird your loins...

When ten year old Lundyn Cox's mother received a text message from her daughter's softball coach... the last that thing see expected was a message kicking her daughter from the team for having type 1 diabetes.

This is Arden from her recent softball tournament. I leave this here for anyone who thinks that people living with type 1 diabetes can't participate in sports.

The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the OmniPod tubeless insulin pump - try a free, no obligation demo today ^^^ click that thang!^^^

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